Recent content by Josh Kitsune

  1. Josh Kitsune

    Square Enix CEO Comments On Final Fantasy VII Remake

    *sigh* You guys are loving this, aren't you? (Talking to SE staff)
  2. Josh Kitsune

    Your best renames?

  3. Josh Kitsune

    FFVII jokes?

    I found these two on the internet somewhere. It's been awhile though so sorry if this is your work Victim #1: Vincent Valentine 1. Constantly bug him about his complexion, saying that he should have more sunlight. 2. Talk about Yuffie...for hours...and hours...and hours... 3. Tug on...
  4. Josh Kitsune

    What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?

    What do you mean 'wtf'? I think it's a good pairing.
  5. Josh Kitsune

    Your best renames?

    Cloud = Muffin Head Barret = Meany Face Tifa = Gianormica (From Monsters vs Aliens) Aeris = Mrs Fukalot Red XIII = Red XXX Cid = F**khead Vincent = DEMON!!! Cait Sith = Pussy Bitch Yuffie = Ninja Wannabe Well? Whacha think?
  6. Josh Kitsune

    Who is your favourite Final Fantasy 7 character that you want to be your best friend?

    For me it would be Vincent, Pre-mad Sephiroth and Aeris. Vincent cause he's so awesome with his red eyes. Sephiroth because he's just so cool. And Aeris so I could ask her out since Cloud isn't part of the equation in my little fantasy. And we would all play Super Smash Bros Brawl together...
  7. Josh Kitsune

    What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?

    GOD!!! You guys have given me a headache from laughing so hard at what you are saying. Comedy Gold! Well I would have to say that people who are ignorant of FFVII lovers and say that they have played it, but haven't and then bag you out. Pisses. Me. OFF! Some of the pairings that are cooked up...
  8. Josh Kitsune

    FFVII Fanfiction

    I forgot to tell you the name and intro. Legend of the Heavenly Kitsune: The Lifestream Volume - Book 1: A Problem With ShinRa. Naruto's life is turned upside down as he and Gaara are chosen by Kyuubi and her group to fight people who wish to end their own worlds. The are then thrust into the...
  9. Josh Kitsune

    FFVII Fanfiction

    This is my entry. Hope you don't mind Naruto/Final Fantasy VII crossovers. The story so far is spread over 3 books but isn't finished. I hope you enjoy.
  10. Josh Kitsune

    About the Wings...

    It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, feathered wings in all shapes and sizes are just. Damn. Cool!
  11. Josh Kitsune

    Damn son, everything is Hojo's fault, isn't it?

    Hojo is evil. Full stop. End of story. Contract terminated!
  12. Josh Kitsune

    Should they re-make FFVII?

    Well here’s what I think. A FFVII remake is a stupendous idea. I’m behind you 9999999999999% (Cue song “The Order That Must be Protected” from DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY) Ideas to address: 1. What texico11 says is good. Have the ability to switch between old sckool and new school. The...
  13. Josh Kitsune

    Aerith or Tifa?

    Awwww.... Aeris/Aerith for sure. Kind and upbeat. Loving and understanding. Brown hair and emerald eyes. *sigh* Perfect.
  14. Josh Kitsune

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Music Wishes

    While some songs need to be orchestrated, some others, like battle themes, could do with a little AC remixing. Some hard rock mixed into orchestrated tracks. Awesome! However I’m sure not everyone would agree that having hard rock music would be a good thing so have the option to choose between...
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