"Final Fantasy VII Lateral Biography: TURKS - The Kids Are Alright"


The Pixie King
30. Lover's Spat and a Surprising Dawn

It was nearly midnight. Kyrie was lying in the back seat, snuggled to her bag. It seemed she wasn’t sleeping.

"Is the fuel really coming?"

Kyrie suddenly said.

"I’ve arranged for it, but I'm not positive."

"What happens if it doesn't work out?"

"I'll manage somehow, but there’s probably nothing we can do right away."

"We have to go to Nibelheim, no matter how long it takes. We also have Arde's request. You’ve forgotten, haven’t you, Evan."

"That's not it." I quickly corrected. "Well, maybe."

But there was no reaction from Kyrie.

"You told Tifa, and yet you told me nothing."

The topic seemed to have changed. To a sensitive issue, at that. I braced myself for it.

"Evan. Tell me why."

I searched for an answer. A good answer. And I thought. I couldn’t be doing this. It was a mistake I had made too many times. Just be humble and tell it to her, the truth.

"I was ashamed of having you find out about my preoccupation with my mother. Leslie and the others too.. But I wanted to tell someone. Especially then. I wasn't able to bear the burden alone."


It was a halfhearted reaction. Then I understood. Tell me why you chose Tifa.

"Tifa was an acquaintance, but not someone who was involved. I figured it would be alright. But I know now. That I really just wanted my friends to know, especially you, Kyrie."

"But I might have been angry if I heard it. Like, wasn’t it enough just to have me around."

"I don’t think you’re that kind of a person, though."

"Well, that’s a surprise. I’m shocked. When I heard things I didn’t know about you from Tifa, I lost my temper. I was so pissed off that I just ate and ate."

When it comes to this kind of thing, we're surprisingly similar to each other.

"In front of Tifa, I felt almost like a child. I'm no match."

"I felt like that with Rufus ShinRa."

"So, it's a draw?"

"Are we? I thought that I couldn’t compare to Leslie, oh, and Fabio too, I guess. I always feel indebted to people raised in the slums

It was my first time talking about this. Kyrie quickly sat up in the back seat, and looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"Rufus, Leslie, Fabio. That's three people. I have two. So, I win."

Two people? One was Tifa, the other...

"I'm definitely no match for your mother."

"That’s kinda different..."

"I know. Well, I don't know. I want to know, that it's different. A boy’s mother is a girlfriend's worst enemy. That's what Grandma said. But they can also be our best friends, she said."

"Hey, Kyrie."


“I’m going to ask you straight up, just so we’re clear... do you like me, Kyrie?"

Kyrie's face disappeared from the rearview mirror, and the car shook for a moment. The next moment, something hit the back of my head― maybe it was Kyrie's backpack― whatever it was, I slammed my chest hard against the steering wheel. The horn sounded for a moment.

Putting the cloth bag on the floor, Kyrie lay back down on the rear seats she occupied. She turned her back to me.

"Tifa told me I should stop you from going to Nibelheim."

"Right. That's how it felt. Although she didn’t say it to me directly."

"That's why I chose not to stop you. I figured we could just go together, so I packed in a big hurry."

Again, the car fell silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Before long, I heard her breathing in her sleep. I adjusted the rear view mirror, so the rear seats were in view. There was Kyrie's exposed back. I took the gun out of my shoulder bag, and prepared to keep watch for the night.


I had planned to stay up all night, but it seemed I had fallen asleep a few times. It was nearly dawn.

“Evan, are you awake?” Kyrie asked, still lying there. "Hear that?"

As I listened carefully, I heard the sound of an engine. It came closer and closer. Kyrie sat up in the back seat. I got out of the car, and looked up the main avenue. A small truck approached. The face of the man in the driver's seat soon came into view.


Kyrie seemed to have noticed too, and got out of the car. Leslie waved slightly as he passed us, and parked the truck. Then reversed vigorously, and stopped just before hitting our car. Those were some skills.

"You'd better hurry."

Leslie got out and shouted to us, as we stood there, dumfounded.

"C’mon, open the fuel cap."

"Where is it?"


Sticking his head in the driver's side, Leslie took out the key, and went to the back of the car.

"Evan, over here, I'll show you."


I quickly ran up to Leslie. There was a keyhole on the right, to the rear of the car. As he inserted the key and turned it, a panel opened.

"This is the cap. I have four fuel cans. Three will probably fill it. Put the other in the trunk. Lay out something under it."

As I stood there fidgeting, Leslie went back to the truck, and came back with a fuel can.

"Go get the rest."

Right― I answered blankly as I got the fuel cans from the truck bed. As I stumbled about in utter confusion with the heavy liquid-filled cans, Leslie was telling Kyrie how to put the fuel in. He seemed to have prepared a simple hand pump for us. I watched Leslie as I took a breather. His face was stained black in places. It looked like soot. His clothes were stained too.

"Who would've thought that you’d be together."

Teased Leslie.

"Yeah, well."

Kyrie answered, concentrating on the pump.


Leslie went back to the truck and called me. As I acknowledged him, I looked back at Kyrie and saw that she had stopped the hand pump, and was fanning her face with her right hand.

"I have a few things for you. First, this."

He opened the door on the passenger's side, and took out a roll of bills.

“I dunno why, but he says he was just messing with you. Then there’s..."

Now he stuck his head in the car, and took out two heavy looking machine guns.

"They're the type that can't fire just a single shot. Be careful, the bullets run out in no time if you get carried away. There are two more, but they're mine."

I cautiously took the machine guns. Leslie went to the truck bed, and took down a large, wooden box. It seemed really heavy. When he saw both of my hands were occupied with the machine guns, he went back to the car and took the key out of the fuel cap. He used it to open the trunk, and put the wooden box in.

"These are the magazines packed with bullets. They're easy to use, you'll figure it out right away. But I think you'd better practice somewhere."

He then went back to Kyrie and replaced the key while checking on the refueling process. I carefully placed the machine guns on the passenger seat, and approached the two of them.

"Yup, you’re good. Anyway, I gotta go."

Leslie quickly started back towards the truck.

"Wait!" I finally got a word in. "What’s this all about?"

"...I came to settle a score."

Leslie laughed slightly, scratching the side of his nose.

"I talked with Marle yesterday after you left. Let’s settle things before our kid is born, I said. Then I went to see Corneo."


"I didn't kill him. I don't kill anymore."

Leslie said without hesitation.

"I went there and asked for my old job back. I just wanted to wash my hands of it, but I went begging pitifully, telling him I couldn’t get by in these tough times, and boy was that fucker ever delighted. That sneaky bastard, he loves to see people miserable, and this was my first job. Fuel delivery."

"You’re not seriously going back, are you?"

"Of course not. I set a fire before I left. The photos of Marle, and everything else was burned to cinders."

Kyrie's body stiffened as she listened.

"What about those machine guns? You didn’t get them from Corneo, did you?”

"After the fire started spreading, it hit me. That if you're going on a journey, you'd be better off with guns. Then, I thought I probably ought to have some too. So I went back and got them."

"Wow, Leslie."

Those were the only words I could get out.

"So, Evan. I might need to borrow your place after all. The situation's changed. Well, actually, I'm already borrowing it. I had to kick the door in. Marle's waiting."

"Of course. You're welcome to it."

I took the key from my pocket and handed it to Leslie.

"You have my thanks."

"That's my line..." I took the roll of bills that I remembered was in the car, and held it out to Leslie. "Here, use this. It was originally intended to pay for the fuel."

"Thank you. This helps a lot." Leslie took the money and put it in the back pocket of his trousers. "I’ll pay you back, as well as pay for rent. But then we’re even. In future, if you ever need anything at all, don't think of it as a burden. Is that okay with you?"

"No matter what?"

"No matter how careful you are, or how much you pray, shit happens. Life is unpredictable. Anyway, I’m gonna go. You two have a nice trip."

Leslie said, with a blatantly vulgar expression.

"I’m gonna kick you!"

"Oh, scary."

As Leslie playfully turned his back to me and headed back to the truck, I shouted for him to wait. I didn’t think the issue with Leslie and Marle had been settled.

"There was a big guy at Corneo's, right? He looked dangerous. Are you going to be alright?"

"If push comes to shove, I’ll use the machine guns. I’ll be sleeping with them from now on."

Having said that, Leslie climbed into the truck without looking back, and started the engine. He honked the horn, and drove off toward Edge.

"I wonder if he’ll go back― to the other side. Even though he’d finally gotten out."

"That’s not gonna happen. He has Marle."

"...I guess you’re right. He probably won’t, will he? He’s got a baby coming too, after all."

I nodded. I wanted that to be true. The pump made a sound to signal that the drum was now empty. I put away the pump, and stacked the empty fuel cans at the side of the road. I was sure someone would find some use for them. When I opened the trunk, other than the wooden box that Leslie put inside, there was a pretty old, frayed blanket. I laid out the blanket, and used it to cushion the unopened fuel can. Then I remembered the wooden box, opening it and taking out two magazines before closing the trunk.

"Should we get going?"


Kyrie went to the passenger's side, and opened a door. But she just looked at me without getting in.

"Hey, Evan. What's in this bag?"

She took out the somewhat large paper bag from the inside of the car, and held it out to me.

"I wonder. Check for me."

She nodded and peeked inside the bag. She removed a letter and a parcel wrapped in floral design paper from inside the paper bag.

"It says "Thank you" on it."

That’s what it said on the piece of paper. When Kyrie opened the package on the roof of the car, she found a loaf of bread as big as her head.

"It must be from Marle."

"Looks like it. Looks yummy."

"Let's eat it later. Somewhere scenic."

"Heh heh heh"


"Somewhere scenic? To eat a loaf bread?"

"You want to eat it now?"

"He he he he."

It was a monotonous laugh that sounded like something from a script. Then, she twisted around.

"We even have a car. We’re like the rich boys and girls from the plate.”

It seemed Kyrie didn’t quite understand what life was like on the plate. Pretty cute, I thought. I suppressed the urge to go to the other side and hug her, and got into the driver's seat.


It´s wonderful read this novel with such a good translation! :)
Thank you soooo much, now that I readed it again since the begining, I saw the images in my head as a movie! ^_^


The Pixie King
Sorry, just been dealing with irl stuff. Trying to figure out what I'm doing. I still need to finish fixing up the badly translated stuffs.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I just read through the newest update and there are a lot of errors, some in regards to firearm terminology and quite a lot in terms of translations. I suggest finding a male (they tend to have more gun freaks in the population) who is fluent both in Japanese and English before releasing. Reno's dialect is unto itself, and there are quite a few mistranslations that give entirely new nuances.

Just my two cents.


The Pixie King
Well, I think Ive done pretty well considering I can't speak or read a word of Japanese. :P It does need some fixing up, and I'll get around to it when I get a chance. The later chapters are just my first pass of the translation.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
If you need help, I'll be happy to provide assistance. I'm a native Japanese and a semi-pro translator (with some firearm knowledge, but I'm nowhere close to being a pro).


The Pixie King
If you would like to go through and proofread from chapter 6, the japanese transcription is all there. The stuff that needs fixed up the most is in red. I can't pay you anything... because I have no money. :P

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
@Pixel or hito,

Such a random request, but could either of you confirm if Dr. Eugene's appearance is described? If so, do you have a translation?


The Pixie King
I realise I really need to refresh my memory of whats going on. Can't remember the contect. Not sure if it's "After a short break, I drove the car until noon." or "I drove the car until noon, then took a short break."

I'll do a load of this the next few days

31. 平穏な旅、そして回想
31. A Peaceful Trip, and Reminiscence

短い休憩を挟みながら昼近くまで車を走らせた。 知らなかったが、荒野といっても、まったく道しるべがないわけではなかった。 人の往来が皆無ではないことを示す跡があり、それが道しるべ代わりになった。 夜まで走り、 眠り、 明日の朝ドライブを再開すれば、 遅くても夕方にはアンダージュノンに着く。そんな漠然とした予定を立てながら走っていた。問題がないわけではない。 風以外の、 わけのわからないものが車内に飛び込んでくる頻度はエッジの比ではない。 それを避けるために、 キリエを真似て、 ゴーグルと布で顔を隠して運転した。 会話は当然大声になる。 最初のうちは、 目新しい風景を見るたびに感想を言い合っていた。 しかし、 布と風の音のせいで声が通らない。 互いに、 え? なに? と聞き返すことが多くなり、 やがて黙り込む。 キリエは、 見せたい風景があると、 おれの肩か腕を叩いて知らせた。 おれも同じようにした。 しまいには、 キリエに触れるために風景を探すようになった。 エヴァン。 エヴァン・タウンゼント。 全身から自制心を掻き集める。
After a short break, I drove the car until noon. I didn't know it, but even though it's a wasteland, there weren't any signposts at all. Instead of signposts, there were tracks left by traffic. If we drive until night, sleep, and resume tomorrow morning, we'll reach Under Junon by evening at the latest. Traveling on such a schedule is pretty vaque. It's not without it's problems. For example, the wind. For some reason, the amount that flew into the car was a lot higher than in Edge. To avoid it, I copied Kyrie, and drove with goggles and cloth covering my face. Naturally, we had to talk pretty loud. At first, we argued about our impressions every time we saw a new landscape. But her voice didn't carry because of the cloth and the sound of the wind. Mine too? What? I continued asking, but soon fell silent. When Kyrie saw scenery she wanted to show me, she let me know by hitting me on the arm or shoulder. And I did the same. In the end, it reached the point where I was looking for landscapes as en excuse to touch the Kyrie. Evan. Evan Townshend. I gathered every bit of self-restraint from my whole body.



"I'm hungry."

なるほど。 そう言われればそうだ。 おれは車を止めて、 口の布をはずす。
She should have said so. I stopped the car, and removed the cloth from my mouth.

「マールのパン、 食べようか」
"Can we eat Marle's bread?"

「でも、 景色がなあ」
"But, the scenery."

キリエは無念そうに周囲を見回す。 草の緑と乾燥した土の薄茶色。 空の青と雲の白。 四色で塗り分けられた世界は、 この二時間ほど、 お馴染みのものになっていた。 キリエはため息をつき、 仕方ないか、 とパンの包みを開いた。 端を千切り、 自分で食べる。 おいしいと言い、 半分近くまで千切り、 おれに渡す。 おれはそのまま口へ運び、 かぶりつく。
Kyrie looked around regretfully. Light brownish green grass in dry soil. Blue sky with white clouds. The world was painted in four colors, for two hours, had become familiar. Kyrie let out a sigh, annoyed as she opened the parcel of bread. She tore off an end, an ate by herself. She said it was delicious, tore off the other half, and handed it to me. I lifted it to my mouth straight away, and bit into it.

「このパン、 甘いね。 高級な味!」
"This bread is delicious. So rich!"

「うん、 本当だ」
"I know, right?"

ミッドガルのプレートではあたり前の味だった。 ほんのりと甘いバン。 作ったマールはプレート育ちなのだろうか。 おれはマールの人生について想像した。 コルネオのところで見た写真を思い出す。 愉快な想像にはならなかった。 レズリーと一緒の時の、 幸せそうな笑顔だけが救いだ。
On Midgar's plate, it was pretty common. A slightly sweet loaf. I wonder if Marle grew up on the plate. I imagined about Marle's life. I remember the photos I saw at Corneo's. I have a delightful imagination. When together with Leslie, she seemed to smile out of relief and happiness.

「今度、 作り方を教えてもらおうか」
"You should get her to teach you how to make this."

「いいかも、 でも、 わたし、 作れないと思う」
"I dunno, I don't think I could make it."

おれは、 キリエは火を使えないと言っていたレズリーの話を思い出す。
I remember Leslie told me that Kyrie can't use the fire.

「大丈夫。 まかせてくれ」
"No problem. Leave it to me."

「おお、 頼もしい!」
"Hope so!"

そしてキリエはもうひとかけら、 パンを口にいれる。 黙って噛む。 遠くを見ている。 未来を見ているのだろうか。 キリエの頬が緩む。 パンを作るおれがいたのだろうか。 おれもパンをかじり、 前方を見た。 荒野の、 うっすらとした道が伸びている。 この道を見失わないように----
Kyrie put another piece in her mouth. She chewed quietly, looking into the distance. She looked like she was staring into the distance. Kyrie's loosened her cheek. I wonder if she could make this bread. I took another bite, and looked straight ahead. The road extended far into the wasteland. So as not to lose sight of this road...

"Should we get going?"


助手席のキリエは、 マシンガンにマガジンを付けたり外したりを繰り返す。 これ、 簡単と言いながら、 時々、 前方に向けて撃つふりをした。
Kyrie sat in the front passenger seat, and removed the magazine from the machine gun. Occasionally she pretended to shoot at stuff ahead of us, and simply said,

"Should I shoot it?"

おれは大声で言う。 キリエはしばらく躊躇していたが、 やがて、 身体を乗り出し、 引き金を絞った。 しかし、 何も起こらなかった。
I said out loud. Kyrie hesitated for a while, but eventually leaned forward, and squeezed the trigger. But nothing happened.

"It's broken!"

言いながら身体を捻り、 後部座席にマシンガンを戻す。 もう一丁を手に取り、 マガジンを装着して、 引き金を引く。
She said, turning her body, and returned the machine gun to the back seat. She picked up another one, attached the magazine, and pulled the trigger.

"This is broken, too!"

キリエが首をがくりと下げる。 ここまでそれらしい気配はなかったので、 モンスターのことはほとんど考えずに過ごしていた。 しかし、 マシンガンが使えないとなると、 俄然心配になってきた。 しかし、 二人で不安がっても仕方がない。
Kyrie slowly lowered her head. So far, there didn't seem to be any sign of monsters, so I hadn't really thought about it. But now that we didn't have a working machine gun, I suddenly began to worry. But there's no use in both of us worrying.

「ルーファウス神羅からもらった銃があるから、 それでなんとかしよう」
"I have the gun I got from Rufus ShinRa, so let's use that."

I took the pistol from my jacket pocket and handed it to Kyrie.

"Hey... I gave this to Dr. Drake."

「結局、 ただにしてくれたんだ」
"After everything, he just gave it to me."


It's a long story to explain aloud.

"Tell me, now."

キリエはそれで納得したようだった。 銃を前に向けると引き金に指をかける。 車の振動に合わせて、 キリエの腕が上下に揺れた。 それでは絶対に的に当たらない。 これは確信に近い。 モンスターよ現れてくれるな、 と、 おれは祈った。
Kyrie seemed convinced by it. She put her finger on the trigger, and pointed the gun forward. Kyrie's arm shook up and down, as she adjusted to the vibration of the car. That way, she wouldn't miss the target. I was sure of it. I really hope a monster doesn't appear.


やがて日が落ちた。 おれは一晩過ごせそうな場所を探していた。 といっても、 あたりは荒野。もちろん車の中で眠るしかない。 たまたま目についた岩山の陰に車を寄せ、 エンジンを切った。 岩山の近くが安全だという根拠は何もなかった。 ただ、 普段眠る時と同じ。 壁にくっついて寝る習慣があった。
Before long, day fell. I was looking around for a place to spend the night. Somewhere in the wasteland, though. We'd have to sleep in the car, of course. I pulled over into the by a rocky mountain we had spotted, and turned off the engine. There was no evidence that the surrounding area was safe. Well, that's no different to when we usually sleep. I have a habit of clinging to the wall when I sleep.

"Let's try here."

"You okay?"

車と燃料さえあればなんとかなると思っていたおれは、 他には何も準備をしていなかった。 道中の食事の事さえ考えていなかったくらいだ。 大丈夫かと聞かれても答えようがなかった。
I thought that if we managed to get a car and fuel, we wouldn't have anything else to worry about. I didn't ever think about food for the journey. I could answer that everything was okay, but it wasn't.

「わたし、 運転しようか? タークスのトラックに比べたら簡単そう。 おもちゃみたい」
"Want me to drive? Compared to the Turks' truck, it's so easy. It's like a toy."

黙り込んだおれにキリエが言う。 運転が簡単なのはその通りだが、 おれは少々傷つく。
Kyrie said to me, then fell silent. It was pretty easy to drive, but it still hurt a little.

「夜はわたしが運転して、 エヴァンは寝る。 そして朝に交代。 どう?」
"I can drive tonight, while you sleep, Evan. And we can switch in the morning. How about that?"

うん、 とは言ったものの、 昼夜の割り振りは逆の方が良いのではと思い躊躇した。 その間にキリエは車を降り、 運転席の外に回り込んで来る。 おれは仕方なく、 交代する。
Yeah, I was going to suggest that, but I hesitated, because I thought it might be better to switch between day and night. In the meantime, Kyrie got out of the car, and came around to the driver's side. I reluctantly switched.

「まず、 キーを----」
"First, the key..."


おれを黙らせるとキリエはイグニッションキーを捻る。 エンジンが震えた。
Kyrie turned the ignition key to shut me up. The engine rumbled.

「次に、 ほら、 左手を下に伸ばすと----」
"Now, with your left hand..."


キリエはハンドルの下を覗き込んで、 サイドブレーキレバーを捻る。 これこれ、 と言いながらアクセルを踏み込む。
Kyrie looked under the steering wheel, and released the handbrake lever. She stepped on the accelerator


「人がいないとね。 ほら、 エッジの広場なんか----」
"Not for some. Try the square in Edge..."

"Alright, I won't drive anywhere like that."

And brake.

「さあ、 後ろ行って」
"Now, go back."

"We're fine here."

「だって、 口出すでしょ?」
"Then what's the problem?"


おれは、 いつのまにかキリエの部屋のようになってしまった後部座席に寝転がっていた。 助手席側を頭にしたので運転しているキリエの姿が見える。 夜の荒野を進むにあたり、 注意したいことが次から次へと浮かんできたが、 我慢した。
I was lying on the back seat, which at some point had become Kyrie's room. Lying with my head at the passenger's side, I could see Kyrie driving. As we drove through the darkness of the wasteland, she had to pay close attention from one moment to the next, but she did her best.

"That was a quick sleep."


おれは壊れたマシンガンを胸に抱え、 目を閉じる。
I closed my eyes with the broken machine gun to my chest.

「ねえ、どうして夜にミッドガルを出たわけ? 昼間でしょ、 普通」
"Hey, why did we leave Midgar at night? Usually we'd go during daytime."

しばらくして、 キリエが言った。 おれはなんのことかわからず、 聞き返す。
Kyrie said after a while. I didn't know, so she asked me again.

「ほら、 わたしたちが出会った日。 へッドライトの光で思い出しちゃった」
"Hey, the day we met. I just remembered.....

「ああ、 あの時」
"Oh, then."

「ごめん、 話しかけちゃダメだよね。 寝て」
"Sorry, we shouldn't talk. Sleep."


もう、 思い出さないわけにはいかなかった。
Actually, it was impossible not to remember.


二年前。 ライフストリームがメテオを消し飛ばしてから七日間、 おれは母が帰ってくるのではないかと期待しながらぐずぐずと過ごしていた。 これほど心配しているのに戻らない母に腹を立ててさえいた。 実に利己的な怒り。 ミッドガルが崩れ落ちるというウワサも聞いていたし、 避難勧告が出ていることも知っていた。 隣人たちはさっさと逃げ出していて、 ミッドガルはほんの少し前の賑やかさが嘘のように閑散としていた。 五日目に、 我が家にあった食料が尽きた。 水道は使えなくなっていたので水はトイレのタンクに溜まっていたものを飲んでいた。 非常事態とはいえ、 苦痛だった。 本当に耐えられなくなった時しか飲まなかった。 しかし、 それでも残量はゼロに近かった。 もはやこれまで。 明日は出ようと眠りにつくが、 目覚めると、 また母のことを考えてしまう。 空腹は耐えがたかったが、それでも決断できずにいた。 今度こそ。 明日こそは出よう。 また戻ってくればいいのだと自分に言い聞かせた。 七日目、 おれはついに、 一度、 外の様子を見に行こうと決意した。 すぐ戻るつもりだったので、 誕生日プレゼントのショルダーバッグに、 あたりにあったものを適当に詰め込んだ。 午接二時くらいだった。 いなくなる前なら、 母が、 遅い昼食のためにカフェから一度帰宅する時間だった。 そんなことはもうないと思いながらも、 少しだけ待つことにした。 何気なく、 近くにあった本を手に取ってぺージをめくり始めた。 母が出て行ってから何度も読んだ 「ウータイからの脱出」 の上巻だ。 例のバカな男が死ぬところまで読み進んだ時に、 部屋が薄暗くなってきたことに気づいた。 もう夕方だった。 おれはまた機会を逸した。 明日にしようと思った時、 腹が鳴った。 おれの優柔不断に抗議しているようだった。 空腹は我慢できそうな気がしたが、 喉の渇きが辛かった。 トイレのタンクから汲んだ水を水筒に入れていたが、 それを飲んでしまえば終わりだ。 おれはついに外に出た。 暗くなっていた。 携帯ライトで周囲を照らしながら、 どこか水を飲める、 公共の場所はないだろうかと記憶を辿った。 住人がいない家が多かったので、 忍び込むことも頭をよぎったが、 水道が使えないのはどこも同じだ。 他人の家のトイレの水など絶対に飲めない。
Two years ago. Seven days after Meteor was destroyed by the lifestream, I had spend that whole time hanging around expecting my mother would come back. I was angry that she hadn't returned, but I was even more worried. The anger was really selfish. I heard rumours that Midgar would colapse, and that the evacuation advice had been given. The neighbours had fled quickly, and Midgar, the paradise build on lies, was now deserted. On the fifth day I ran out of food in the house. I was drinking the water that had collected in the toilet cistern, because the water supply had become unusable. Even though it was an emergency, it was a pain. I only drank it when I really needed to. But it was nearly all gone. That's it. I'll sleep, then leave tomorrow when I wake up. But what about mom? The hunger was unbearable, but I still couldn't decide. Now. I'm leaving tomorrow. I told myself that I could come back. On the seventh day, I finally decided to take a look outside. I intended to come back right away, so I just packed what I needed in the shoulder bag I got for my birthday. It was around two o'clock. That was the time mom would usually come home from the cafe for lunch, before she disappeared. I decided to wait a little while, realising that wouldn't happen anymore. I casually picked up a nearby book, and started turning the page. It was the first book in the "Escape from Wutai" series, which I had read many time since my mother left. When I read upto the part where the stupid man in question died, I noticed that the room had became dark. It was already evening. I missed my chance again. As I tried to decide to do it tomorrow, my stomach rumbled. It seemed to be protesting my indecision. I felt like I could put up with the hunger, but the thirst was harder. I had put the last of the water from the cistern into a bottle, but it was nearly all gone. I finally left. It was dark. As I illuminated the surroundings with my flashlight, I drank some water, and tried to remember my way around. whether it was a public place. Since there were so many abandoned houses, a thought popped into my head that I could steal, but the situation with the water supply would be the same. I couldn't drink the water from someone else's toilet.

そして、 彼女と出会った。 クリーム色のシヨートパンツから伸びた足を投げ出し、 道ばたに座り込んでいた。 右膝が血で染まっていた。 ライトを向けると、 まぶしそうに腕で顔を隠した。
Then I met her. Bare legs stretched out from cream coloured shorts, sat by the roadside. Hr right knee was stained with blood. When I pointed the light at her, she hid her face in her arms.


おれはライトを消し、 そのまま立ち去ろうとした。
I turned off the light, and was just about to leave.

"Is someone there?"

「うん、 まあ」
"Um, yeah."

記念すべき、 初めての会話だ。
It was a memorable first conversation.

「水、 持ってません? 傷を洗いたいの」
"Do you have any water? I need to wash this wound."

「うん、 あるよ」
"Yeah, here."

おれはバッグから水筒を出しながら暗闇の中、 近づいた。 そして水筒を差し出す。
I approached from the darkness, taking the water bottle out of my bag, and held it out to her.


She looked up as she opened the lid.

「もしかして、 最接の水?」
"Is this the last of your water?"

黒い、 真っ直ぐなロングへアーに縁取られた小さな顔の中で、 大きな目と、 柔らかそうな唇が微笑んでいた。 おれは抱えていた問題を一瞬忘れた。
Her long, straight, black fringe framed a small face with big, smiling eyes and soft lips. For a moment, I forgot about my problems.

「半分くらい、 使ってもいい?」
"Can I use about half?"

「好きなだけ、 いいよ」
"It's okay, use as much as you like."

"I am bad."

She poured the water into the palm of her hand, and quickly started washing her knee with it.

"I just need to remove the dirt."

"That's right."

「うん、 これでいいかな。 血は、 止まってる」
"Yeah, this is good. I stopped the blood."

そして立ち上がり、 右足で一歩踏み出し、 痛いと言いながら、 よろめいた。 しかも、 おれの方に。 おれは慌てて横から受け止める。
She stood up, and took a step towards me with her right foot, but staggered in pain. I quickly caught her by the side.

「参ったなあ。 まだ痛い」
"I give up. It still hurts."

"Want some help?"

正解は、 肩を貸そうかだったのではないかと思う。 しかし、 おれが言ったのは 「おぶろうか」 だった。
I think the correct response was to lend a shoulder. But what I said was


普通、 女の子は初対面の男に、 少々足が痛いくらいでおぶられたりはしない。 そんなことにも思い至らなかった。
Usually when a girl meets a guy,
I didn't even think of that.

「やっぱり、 お願いしちゃおうかな」

彼女は脚を引きずりながら背後に回ろうとした。 おれは慌てて背中を向ける。
Limping, she started going behind me. I quickly turned around.

"Excuse me."

少し腰を落とすと、 両肩に手が乗ってきた。 直後、 足腰に彼女の重さを、 背中に柔らかさを感じる。 おれは慌てて彼女の、 剥き出しの脚を受け止める。
She lowered herself a little to my waste, and put her hands on my shoulders. Shortly after, I felt the softness of the back of her legs. I quickly grabbed her bare legs.

"Where are you going?"

おれは何も気にしていないふりをして、 聞いた。
I pretended not to care, and answered.

"The Slums."

"Oh right."

了解はしたが、 想定外だった。 彼女の無防備な軽装から、 このあたりの子だろうと思っていたのだ。
I understood, but it was unexpected. From the way she was dressed, I figured she was from this area.

"Leaving Midgar?"

"Sort of."

「実は、 おれも」
"Actually, me too."

おそらく、 ミッドガルから降りることを決断したのはこの時。 嘘に彩られた、 出会いのおかげだ。
Maybe it's about time I went down from Midgar. Thanks to this encounter, coloured by a lie.

「へえ、 夜に出るなんて珍しいね」
"Oh, I usually don't come out at night."

"You're going too?"

"Oh right."

「ああ、 おれはエヴァン・タウンゼント。 きみは?」
"Oh, I'm Evan Townshend. You?"

"I'm Mireille Dudley."

出会ってからの短い会話の中で、 彼女がついた嘘はいったい何個目だろう? もちろん、 その時のおれに疑う理由はない。
In that first short conversation, how many damn lies did she tell me? Of coarse, I had no reason to suspect her at the time.

「ねえ、 エヴァン。 スラムまでは遠いから、 疲れたら言ってね。 限界まで我慢しちゃダメ」
"Hey, Evan. We're pretty far from the Slums, so let me know if you're tired. No use pushing yourself too far."


「小さい子みたいに抱きついていい? ほら、 その方が、 お互い楽でしょ?」
"Can I give you a hug? So we're more comfortable with eachother, you know?"

「ああ、 そうか」
"Oh, right."

そして細い腕がおれの首に巻き付いた。 ライトの光がメチャクチャに揺れた。
And her thin arms wrapped themselves around my neck. She was shaking slightly.

それから随分時間をかけて駅まで歩いた。 おれたち以外にも人は大勢いて、 彼らはたいてい少しためらってから線路に降りる。 歩いてスラムまで降りるのだ。 もしかしたら、 そのままミッドガルには戻らないかもしれない。 誰だって躊躇するだろう。 しかし、 おれは立ち止まらず、 ホームの端の階段を使って線路に降りた。 背中の女の子に、 他の連中とは違うと思われたかっだ。
It took quite a while to walk to the station. There were quite a few others there, most of them hesitant to go down the tracks. We went down to the Slums on foot. I figured I may never return to Midgar. Everyone seemed hesitant. But I didn't stop, and got onto the tracks by using the stairs at the end of the platform. I stood out quite a lot with a girl on my back.

中央支柱の周囲を螺旋状に下る線路を、 足下に注意しながら降りた。 いったいどれほど歩けばいいのか、 見当もつかなかった。 途中彼女は何度か休憩を促したり、 そろそろ自分で歩くと言ったがおれは断って歩き続けた。 拒否した理由は、 当然、 見栄と意地だ。
We made our way down the tracks, spiralling around the central pillar, watching where we stepped. I had no idea how far we'd have to walk. She suggested that I take breaks a few times along the way, and said she could walk on her own, but I refused and continued walking. Of coarse, that was just down to vanity and pride.

「ねえ、 エヴァン? そのバッグ、 わたしが持とうかな」
"Hey, Evan? Want me to carry the bag?"

"I'm alright."

「ちがうの。 足に当たって痛い」
"It's not that. It's hitting against my foot, it's painful."

「ああ、 気づかなかった」
"Oh, I didn't notice."

「わたし、 やるね」
"I'll do it."

彼女はおれの背中で器用に動き、 たすき掛けにしていたバッグの肩布を抜き取った。
She moved skillfully on my back, and pulled out the shoulder cloth of the bag which has been made the cross.


何度か膝が崩れそうになった。 思い悩んでいたくせに、 結局、 実に軽いノリで家から離れてしまった後悔もあった。 しかし、 それでも、ついに線路を下りきり、 スラムの駅に到着した。
My knees almost gave way several times. Even so, I kinda regretting leaving home without taking more. Anyway, we finally arrived at the station at the end of the tracks.

駅は、 ミッドガルから避難してきたものの、 行く宛てのない人々でごった返していた。 空気には初めて嗅ぐ不快な臭いが混じっていた。 すぐに死体を焼く臭いだと気づいた。 星痕症侯群で----
Even though Midgar had been evaccuated, the station was crowded with people who had nowhere else to go. A foul smell lindered in the air. One that I hadn't smelled before. I immediately knew that it was the smell of burning corpses. Geostigma...

当時はまだ謎の奇病。 名前もなかった----死んだ人たちを駅の近くで焼いていたのだ。
The strange disease was a mystery back then. It didn't have a name... They were burning the dead near the train station.

"Thank you."

背中から飛び降り、 ミレイユ、 つまりキリエは礼を言った。
Mireille jumped off my back... Kyrie, that is.

「やっぱり、 少しは休めば良かったな」
"You know, you should take a little break."

She said jokingly.

「あれっ?」 おれの背後を指さし、 キリエが言った。 「今、 誰かがあなたを呼んだみたい。 エヴァンって。 女の人の声、 聞いた?」
"Huh?" Kyrie said, and pointed behind me. "Someone just called. Evan. Did you hear a woman's voice?

おれは驚き、 彼女が指さす方向を見て、 声の主を探した。
I was surprised to see the direction she was pointing, and looked where the voice was coming from.


返事を持ちながらも目は母を探していた。 おれを呼ぶ女の声。 母以舛に思いつかない。
I looked for my mother as I waited for a reply. A woman's voice called out. I didn't think it was my mother.

「ミレイユ、 その人はどこにいるんだ?」
"Mireille, where is she?"

返事はなかった。 振り返ると走り去るミレイユの後ろ姿が見えた。 彼女の背中で、 おれのバッグが弾んでいた。 わけがわからなかった。 一歩踏み出した時、 膝が抜けたようになり、 おれはバランスを崩した。 脚の感覚がなくなったような気がした。 おれはたまらず、 その場に尻をついて座った。 その時になって、 自分の立場と状況が理解できた。 しかし、 彼女を責める気にはならなかった。 簡単に騙された自分の愚かさが悔しく、 情けなかった。
There was no reply. When I looked around, I saw Mireille running off. My bag was bouncing on her back. It was unbelievabile. When I took a step forward, my knee gave way, and I lost my balance. I had lost all sensation in my leg. I couldn't stand, so just sat on my ass right there. At the time, I could understand her position and situation. But I couldn't bring myself to blame her. I was taken in by my own stupidity. What an idiot.


「どうした? 怪我か? 病気か?」
"Why? What's wrong with you? Are you ill?"

スラムに着いてから半日、 ずっとうずくまっていたおれに、 ひげ面の大男が声をかけてきた。
I arrived in the Slums after half a day. I was crouching down for a while, when a tall, bearded man called out to me.

「いや、 大丈夫。 休んでいるだけ」
"No, I'm alright. Just resting."

腹が鳴った。 大男は笑うと、 何かをおれの鼻先に放った。
My stomach rumbled. The tall man laughed, and threw something at my nose.

「おまえ、 プレートから来たんだろ? それ喰ったら、 動け。 プレートの生活なんか忘れて、 ここに慣れる。 これからはノラ猫にならないと生きてけねえぞ。 飼ってくれる奴なんかどこにもいねえからな」
"Did you come from the plate? Move if you'd eaten it. Forget about your life on the plate, get used to here. I have to live like a stray cat from now on. .........

目の前に落ちているチョコレートバーを見つめて、 怒鳴るような話し方をする男の声を聞いていた。 ぼんやりと、 クロのことを思い出していた。 彼が我が家の飼い猫だったように、 おれも、 母に飼われていたのだ。 ずっとクロのことを飼い主として心配していた自分がおかしかった。 涙が流れた。 目をきつく閉じ、 開くとチョコレートバーが無くなっていた。
I stared at a chocolate bar that had in front of me, and listened to the guy bellowing at me. I vaguely remembered Grey. He was the cat my mother and I kept. It was strange that, as Grey's owner, I was worried. Tears flowed. I closed my eyes tightly, and when I opened them, the chocolate bar was gone.


彼女が声をかけてきたのはまさにそんな時だった。 おれを騙した女。 ほとんど寝転がったまま見上げると絆創膏を貼った膝が目に入った。 傷だけは嘘ではなかったようだ。
Just then, I heard her voice. The girl who deceived me. I noticed she had bandaged her knee, as I looked up from the ground. I guess the wound was the only thing she wasn't lying about.

"Come with me."

手を引いておれを起こし、 立ち上がらせた。 それからスラムをしばらく歩いた。 初めてのスラムだったが、 観察する余裕はまったくなかった。 彼女は時折振り返って、 ごめんね、 と謝った。 やがて、 わたし、 おんぶ強盗なのと告白した。 怪我をしたふりをして、 相手におぶらせ、 疲れさせ、 最後に喉に小さなナイフを突きつけて金品を奪う。 大抵の場合、 相手は疲労で抵抗する気が萎えている。 体力の無さそうな、 中年のおじさんを狙うのだ、 と言った。 おれはそれに引っかかったらしい。 しかも、 自ら申し出て。 間抜けもいいところだ。
She took my han, and helped me up. Then we walked through the Slums for a while. It was my first time in the Slums, but there was no time to look around. She looked back apologetically from time to time, saying sorry. Eventually, she confessed to the piggyback robbery. Pretending to be injurred, causing the other person to be exhausted, and finally, hold a small knife to their throat, and steal from them. In most cases, they would be too exhausted to resist. She said she targets middle aged men who don't seem in good shape. I guess I got caught up in it. Well, I volunteered. It was pretty stupid.

「今回はそんなことをするつもりはなかったんだ。 ミッドガルに誰もいなくなって、 盗み放題って仲間から聞いたから----そしたら、 本当に怪我しちゃって----エヴァン、 親切にしてくれたから、 最後までどうしようか迷ったんだけど----ごめんなさい」
"I didn't intend to do that this time. Since everyone disappeared from Midgar, I heard fom my friend that it was a free-for-all... then I really got injured... Since you were nice to me, Evan, I had no idea how I would do it in the end... Sorry."

ナイフを使われなかったのがせめてもの救い。 そう思うことにした。
Well, at least she didn't pull a knife on me. I guess.

"Why did you come back?"

"I was scolded by my grandmother."


やがて一軒の家に着いた。 後のミレイュ探偵社になるあの家だ。 木の板をデタラメに貼り合わせた壁が、 ひたすら貧しそうだった。 窓はガラスでは無く、 すべてビニールだった。 埃で曇って、 中は見えない。 おれの 「スラムの家」 のイメージどおりの建物だった。 貧弱そうなドアを開けるとすぐに狭いリビングだった。 しかし、 壁全体がクリーム色の壁布で覆われ、 外観とは異なり、 居心地の良さが感じられた。 右手の壁の中央に立派なガラス戸棚があった。 棚には、 高級そうな陶器の人形が並んでいた。
Before long, we arrived at a house. It was the house that would later become the Mireille Detective Agency. The walls were affixed with random wooden boards, and seemed pretty poor. There wasn't even glass in the windows, they were plastic. So cloudy with dust, I couldn't see inside. It was exactly what I imagined a Slums house to be. As soon as I opened the door, there was a tiny living room which seemed to be poor. But the whole walls were covered with cream coloured fabric, so despite the appearance, it felt cozy. There was an antique glass cabinet in the middle of the wall on the right. The shelves were filled with expensive looking porcelain dolls.


おれが聞くと、 彼女は目を伏せた。 最初で最後の仕返しだ。 奥の部屋のドアが開き、 背の低い、 太ったお婆さんが出てきた。 優しげな笑顔で近づいてくると、 いきなりおれを抱きしめた。
As I asked, she cast her eyes downward. That was the last revenge for before. The door to the back room opened, and a short, fat, old lady came out. She approached me with a gentle smile, and suddenly hugged me.

「ごめんね、 孫を許しておくれ。 物を頂く相手はキチンと観察して選ぶように言ってあるんだけどね、 いやいや、 普段はちゃんとわかってるんだよ。 だけど、 今回はあの子も疲れていてね---- 本当に悪かったね」 お婆さんは一気に言うと 「これはもちろん返すからね」 とおれのショルダーバッグを差し出した。
"I'm sorry, please forgive my granddaughter.
It is said the partner having a thing observes it properly, and to choose you, No, I usually understand it properly. But be tired from that baby this time... It was really bad", said the old lady in one breath. "You can have it back, of coarse", she held out the shoulder bag to me.

"Do you want to check the contents?"

おれは言われるままにバッグを受け取り、 中身を見た。 そもそも何を入れたのか記憶になかった。 だから、 中を見て驚いた。 おれは母にちなんだ品々ばかり持ち出していた。 母の本、 母のハンカチ、 母と撮った写真----
I took the bag from her, and checked the contents. I couldn't remember what I had put in there in the first place. So I was surprised when I looked inside. I just took out the items associated with my mother. Mom's book, her hankerchief, and the photograph I took with her...

「写真の人は、 お母さんなんだろ?」
"The person in the photo is your mother?"

The old lady asked.


"Is she healthy?"


「ほらね、 きっとそうだと思ったんだよ。 そんな人から思い出をかっぱらうなんて、 とんでもない話だ。 狙っていいのは、 あんたの脚に下心いっぱいの、 すけべおやじだけ」
"You know, I thought so. It would be terrible to rob someone of those memories. I usually only target dirty old men, full of ulterior motives.

I sat in embarrassment.

"Please forgive Kyrie."


「あ、 わたしの本当の名前はキリエ。 キワエ・カナン」
"Oh, my real name is Kyrie. Kyrie Canaan."

「どうだろう、 あんた。 わたしたちに罪滅ぼしをさせておくれ。 ね? こんな稼業だからこそ、 悪いことをしたらすぐに悔い改めないと本当の悪人になっちまう。 わたしたちにチャンスをくれないかい?」
"What about you? You want me to forgive you, right? Just because it's your job, you'll turn into a bad person if you don't repent as soon as you do something bad. Can't you give us a chance?"

両手を合わせて懇願するお婆さんの、 善悪の基準が理解できなかった。 思わず笑った。
I couldn't understand why the old lady was pleading with buth hands together, about the priciples of right and wrong. I laughed unintentionally.

「ありがとう、 エヴァン」
"Thanks, Evan."

おれの笑顔を勘違いしたらしい。 隣でキリエも微笑んだ。
She seemed to have misunderstood my smile. Kyrie smiled beside next to her.


キリエとミレイユお婆さんの世話になって三日目の夜だった。 キリエが 「仕事」 から勢いよく帰ってくると、 見て見て、 と言いながらテーブルの上に紙幣を二枚置いた。
It was the third night I had been taken care of by Kyrie and the old lady, Mireille. Kyrie had rushed back from "work", and told me to look, as she placed two banknotes on the table.

"Are they a match?"

The old lady asked.

"No no."

Kyrie seemed excited.

「今日、 ファビオと会ったの。 いい金になるから手伝ってくれって言われて、 一緒に七番街スラムに行ったんだ。 ほら、 あのガラクタ山」
"I met with Fabio today. He told me how to make more money, and took me to the Sector Seven Slums. You know, the junk heap."

お婆さんがうなずく。 おれは、 そういう場所があるのだと想像するしかなかった。
The old woman nodded. I had no choice but to imagine such a place.

「でね、 七番街プレートに住んでいたお爺さんが捜し物をしていて、 偶然知り合ったファビオに手伝ってくれって頼んだらしいんだ。 見つかったらお礼をするって。 その額が凄いの! これはもう、 絶対見つけてやるって、 レズリーも呼んできて、 レズリーが知り合いを呼んで、 合計六人? その六人で夜までかかって見つけたわけ。 大きな金庫。 お爺さん、大喜びでお金を払ってくれて、 それが、 これ」
"An old man who used to live on the Sector Seven plate was searching for something, and asked Fabio and I for help. And thanked us when we found it. The amount was huge! So we called Leslie, and then he called some people. I think we had six in total? The six of us found by nightfall. It was a large safe. The old man was overjoyed, and thanked us by paying us this."

「六人で分けて、 こんなに?」
"And divided into six people?"

「うん、 おいしいし、 うれしい。 人に喜ばれるのって、 大好き!」
"Yup, sweet, happy. And I'm helping people. I love it!"

これがミレイユ探偵社の始まりだ。 当然のようにおれも誘われた。 最初は断ったが、 いつ辞めてもいいという条件で引き受けた。
That was the start of the Mireille Detective Agency. I was also invited in due time. I declined the offer at first, but decided to join under the condition that I was able to quit.

翌日、 キリエから大きなバッグを借りてミッドガル へ戻った。 長い線路を歩くのは苦痛だったが家をそのままにしておくのは気が引けた。 もちろん、 母のこともあった。 自宅に戻ると、 室内は荒らされていた。 空き巣に入られたらしい。 おれは焦って、 まず、 天井裏の金を確認した。 無事だった。 それから家の中を歩き回って被害を確認した。 電話機とテレビが無くなっていた。 他にも盗られたものがあったかもしれないがもう確認する気にはならなかった。 物を盗られたことよりも、 部屋の秩序が乱されたことに腹が立っていた。 空き巣を罵りながら、 時間をかけて部屋を片付けた。 泥棒が侵入するために割った窓を天井から剥がした板で塞いだ。 それからやっと、 持ち出す物を選ぶ作業に入った。 生まれた時から住んでいる家だ。 全ての物に思い出と思い入れがある。 その中からほんの一握りだけを選んで持ち出すことなどできなかった。 結局、 天井裏から回収した金、 そして何組かの衣類だけを詰め込んだ。 この家を捨てるわけではない。 少し留守にするだけだ。 線路が繋がっている限りいつでも戻ることができる。
The next day, I went back to Midgar with a big bag that I borrowed from Kyrie. The long walk up the tracks was a pain, but I wanted to leave the house with closure. Of coarse, there was also the issue of my mother. When I go there, the house had been ransacked. It seemed to have been broken into by thieves. I quickly checked that the money was still in the ceiling. It was safe. Then I walked around the house, checking the damage. The TV and phone were gone. Other stuff may have been stolen elsewhere, but I couldn't bring myself to check. I was more angry that the rooms had been disturbed, than I was about the stuff that was stolen. I took some time to tidy things up, while cursing the thieves. I boarded up the windows that the thieves had broken, with tiles I had taken from the ceiling. Then, I finally got to work choosing what to take with me. I had lived in that house since I was born. Every item brought back feelings and memories. I could only choose a few of them to take with me. After all, I had to pack the money from the ceiling, and several pieces of clothing. I'm not getting rid of this house. I'm just going away for a while. I can come back anytime, as long as a track is connected.

最後に母にメモを残した。 落ち着き先が決まっていなかった上に、 仮の居場所であるキリエの家を伝える術がなかったので、 スラムの駅に、 毎日昼から一時間だけ立っていると書き残した。 そして、 さらばミッドガル。
Finally, I left a note for my mother. Since my mind wasn't made up about what was ahead, there was no way to tell if Kyrie's house was just a temporary place to stay, so I wrote that I would be standing at the station in the Slums every day at noon for one hour. And farewell Midgar.

スラムでは、 キリエが駅まで迎えに来ていた。 二人の、 同世代の男を連れていた。 灰色の髪を掻き上げながら、 値踏みするような目でおれを見た男。 眼鏡の分厚いレンズ越しにおれを見てクスクス笑った小太りの男。 名前だけは聞いていたレズリーとファビオだった。 一緒に探偵仕事を始めるメンバーだと紹介された。 旧知同士の親しげな会話を聞きながら、 居心地の悪さを感じていた。 早く馴染まなくてはという気持ちと、 スラムで暮らそうなどと考えたこと自体がそもそも間違いだったのだという後悔がおれを攻撃的にしたのだろう。
In the Slums, Kyrie had come to collect me from the station. She was with two men of the same age. The guy with the slicked back, grey hair looked me up and down, appraising me. The chubby guy looked at me through the thick lenses of his glasses, and chuckled. They just told me their names were Fabio and Leslie. We were introduced to start doing detective work together. I felt kinda uncomfortable listening to the old friends bantering. It felt like I wasn't adapting quick enough. I hated thinking that it was a mistake living in the Slums. It seemed offensive.

「空き家知ってるけど、 あまりいいところじゃないよ。 プレート育ちじゃキツイかも」
"I know it's an empty house, but there are no good places. Whether you're brought up on the plate

Fabio said.

「確かにプレート育ちだけどな。 見くびるなよな」
"I was raised on the plate. Don't joke about that."

キリエとファビオが目を丸くしておれを見た。 レズリーは背を向け、 地面を見つめていた。 今にして思えば、 笑いを噛み殺していたのだろう。
Kyrie and Fabio looked around at me, wide-eyed. Leslie turned away, and stared at the ground. If I did that now, I think it would have got a laugh.

こうして、スラムでの生活が始まった。 ファビオが紹介してくれた空き家の環境は最悪だった。 周囲には目つきの悪い連中が住んでいた。 レズリーがおれをその連中ひとりひとりに紹介した。 実際に暮らしてみると、 彼らはまったくと言っていいほど干渉してくることはなかった。 今ならその理由がわかる。 レズリーに感謝。
And so, my life in the Slums began. The environment of the vacant house that Fabio recommended was the worst. Unsavory characters lurking all around. Leslie introduced me to the guys. Actually living there, I didn't really get much trouble. I now know the reason. Thanks to Leslie.

早速始まった探偵業は思いの外好調だった。 物探しは、 小銭や菓子で働く孤児たちの独壇場だったので、 おれたちは人捜しに重点を置いた。 駅周辺で右往左往している連中に御用聞きをし、 はぐれてしまった家族や友人を探し出して報酬を得た。 多くの場合、 駅からそう遠くない場所で見つかったので楽な仕事だった。 プレートからの避難民は、 駅からあまり離れようとしない。 おれは客を見つけるのが上手かった。 身なりの良い相手を見つけては話しかける。 誰もが、 消息不明の家族や、 友人、 知人を探していた。 見ず知らずの他人に話しかけるのは苦痛だったが、 そうしなければ生きていけないと、 おれなりに覚悟を決めて努力していた。 母に残したメモどおりに駅に立っていたのは最初の三日くらいだった。 それよりも、 自分の居場所を確保することに精一杯だった。 ひと月ほど経った頃には、 おれは一人前のノラ猫気分だった。
The detective business springing up was surprisingly strong. Since the orphans had a monopoly on finding things, working for pennies and candy, we decided to focus on searching for people. We offered our services to the people running around in confusion, finding family and friends who had become separated for a reward. In many cases, it wasn't that difficult, since they're usually found not too far from the station. Refugees from the plate tended not to move too far from the station. We usually found clients. The talk is to find a good partner dressed. Everybody was looking for new of missing family, friends and acquaintances. Talking to strangers was a pain, but if I didn't, I wouldn't make a living, so I figured I'd make an effort. It was the third day that I had stood at the station, as I wrote in the note I left for Mom. Rather, it was earnest in guaranteeing your own address. It was all one could do in securing one's place to stay. After a month or so, I had that full-fledged stray cat feeling.


I hope this book will get done! Been to long. Hope everything is well pixel. I hope for an update soon!


The Pixie King
I've fixed up a lot of chapter 30. There are a few things I can't figure out.







I was wondering if anyone-in particular our friendly translators-would have an objection to me compiling all the thus far accumulated material into .pdf format and making it available? I could dynamically update it till we have a complete thing.

And thank you guys for all you've done so far!
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