Character Battle SF2: Aerith vs Tifa

Which of these characters do you prefer?

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  • Poll closed .


Pro Adventurer
Aerith vs Tifa. This should be interesting. That's all I'm going to say!



Higher Further Faster
Okay, now I really don't know if I can decide in this case.

Both are fantastic characters for vastly different reasons. Each of them brings a lot to the story.


Pro Adventurer
I... I might need to wait on voting in this poll for a bit longer then the last. I love them both so much.

This clearly requires more thought. :no:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I just think I have more in common with Tifa, and not just the boobs! I feel like I'd get on with her better than Aerith :monster:

Celes Chere

Aaa, I have to admit Aerith has grown on me a lot as I originally did not like her character. That was long ago though, and to this present day I adore her... almost as much as Tifa. Despite what a lot of people on TLS seem to think about her Crisis Core personality, I really loved her in that game. I liked how her personality changed and how CC tied in with FFVII when it came to her growth as a character. To me, CC gave her character more depth and I enjoyed both versions of Aerith, I think she's came a long way. Again I will mention that I like the way they portray her emotions in Maiden canon or not. I GOT RESPECT FOR AERITH, SHE'S BRAVE AND OPTIMISTIC AND JUST REALLY GREAT

but I will always love Tifa the most. I just relate to her more, feel for her more, and everything about her is just... ;A; the best. she's just so selfless and humble while being beautiful and physically strong and she doesn't even recognize it. I find that to be an incredibly awesome trait in a character (and in a human being). She's also such a loving mother and and.. just all the feels ;w;


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I just wanna say I adore these two females so much and with a lot of passion. I won't be upset with the outcome, regardless of who I voted for because they're both such brilliantly written characters and such amazing female protagonists that either one of them deserves to win this popularity contest.

I love writing them and I love playing them and god damn it, it was hard but I did vote Tifa. STILL. Aerith is just as brilliant and just as awesome and lovable with an equally compelling background story. I loved her throughout the entire compilation and there isn't much that will change that. Yeah, that includes CC.

Both of these girls are strong and smart and compliment one another and their relationship with each other and the other characters are beautiful and tragic in their own ways.


Pro Adventurer
This is a really interesting match! I was hoping it would come to them in the finals. It would be neat if they were the last ones!

Aerith for me.

I love her. She's sweet, but has that spunk about her, that I find so endearing. I love her growth through-out the series, but I by far prefer her in the OG. I still think her death is one of the most depressing moments in video game history.


unsavory tart
Let me list all the things I love more than Tifa.


Nothing. There is nothing on that list.

I think Aerith is a wonderful character, and so iconic that I feel like she's a part of gaming history that is difficult to be overshadowed. She's a wonderful presence.

But Tifa is a character that struck me powerfully when I was younger and is one of those fictional characters that has never left me. And I have to say, even replaying the game I don't think it's just nostalgia or childhood importance, I think there is something very real about her character and makes it easy to empathize. And I guess I'm the odd one out, I think AC/C and CoT was a natural and likable role for her to grow into.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Ohhhh...I can just feel the miasma of hatred and rage gathering in this thread. :awesome:


wangxian married
my eyes scanned over job class: n/a for aeris and i started laughing she's doesn't even have a real job she just overcharges people for flowers and talks to herself

the fact that she was adopted by a nice lady is the only thing keeping her from being a crazy hobo

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
my eyes scanned over job class: n/a for aeris and i started laughing she's doesn't even have a real job she just overcharges people for flowers and talks to herself

the fact that she was adopted by a nice lady is the only thing keeping her from being a crazy hobo

talking to ghosts'll do that to you


Mr. Thou
I think Aerith is more iconic. I think Aerith is more central to the FF7 story and universe. I would rather have Aerith as a party member.

But I prefer Tifa because boobs and hetero feelings.
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Pro Adventurer
my eyes scanned over job class: n/a for aeris and i started laughing she's doesn't even have a real job she just overcharges people for flowers and talks to herself

How is 1 gil overcharging? I've never heard that a smaller denomination of currency is available in the FFVII world.

Besides, if you buy the flower from her at the start of the game and then give it to Marlene, you're well on the way to a date with Barret. At 1 gil, I'd say that's excellent value :monster:
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I like both characters. They both have something solid to bring to the story. Both Aerith And Tifa imrpobe the narrative by their presence, and help the story be what it is. I feel its safe to say that if either character was removed the entire story would be greatly weakened.

In the end I prefer Tifa more as a character. I'm not honestly sure why. Just something about her clicks with me. I like Aerith a lot as well mind you, but in the end Tifa gets my vote.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
How is 1 gil overcharging? I've never heard that a smaller denomination of currency is available in the FFVII world.:

I forget the exact amount, but that one guy outside the Honeybee Inn apparently got charged something like 200-500 gil for his flower.


Pro Adventurer
Haha, maybe. Or it could just be that she was trying to get rid of him and made up a silly amount thinking he wouldn't pay it. But he did pay it because he was desperate. How come she never adds that money to the party fund, anyhow? :)


wangxian married
She charged Cloud 1 gil cause she liked him, but yeah, she overcharged dudes she didn't like. iirc there was a line in one of the novellas about how she gave customers "bad change" when they bought stuff from her


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Think he was talking about a different type of flower.

Yes, the grade A Wutai hash Aerith hides beneath the posies.

Also, I think it was 5000 for one, 20000 for another. No, she never shares it with the party fund.

Oh, and Flint, Icicle Inn is her birthplace, but can one really call it her home?


Pro Adventurer
Oh, and Flint, Icicle Inn is her birthplace, but can one really call it her home?

I thought about that when I was making the cards, also for Vivi, who is "from" Quan's Dwelling. In the absence of anywhere more definite to be their homes, I just went with their birthplaces.
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