I suspect my SO has already given me the answer to why this is, but I wondered if any of you have a real answer, or better theories.
In the OG, Sephiroth is right-handed. For a while after realising this, I thought it to be because most of the time one encounters "Sephiroth" in the OG, it's actually Jenova being controlled by him. So maybe Jenova is right-handed, forcing Seph to work with it that way. Then I realised that in the very final battle (you know, that really easy one where Cloud omnislashes him), he is also right-handed. Theory up in smoke.
So Benj reckons they simply didn't put any thought into, and decided later that he ought to be left-handed, because right is good and left... is... bad. Or something?
Edit: I went looking for images of times when we know it's Sephiroth, and I am genuinely confused again. Second theory up in smoke (Pun intended)
In the OG, Sephiroth is right-handed. For a while after realising this, I thought it to be because most of the time one encounters "Sephiroth" in the OG, it's actually Jenova being controlled by him. So maybe Jenova is right-handed, forcing Seph to work with it that way. Then I realised that in the very final battle (you know, that really easy one where Cloud omnislashes him), he is also right-handed. Theory up in smoke.
So Benj reckons they simply didn't put any thought into, and decided later that he ought to be left-handed, because right is good and left... is... bad. Or something?
Edit: I went looking for images of times when we know it's Sephiroth, and I am genuinely confused again. Second theory up in smoke (Pun intended)
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