Quex's Kaitai Shinsho/Dismantled Translations


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
What the hell?


So here we go:


1. 髪
ヘアースタイルには気を使っているようで、モンスターとの戦いが終わるたびに前髪を整える. うしろに結んだリボンの中には、 母の形見であるマテリアを忍ばせている

She attends to her hair style. Whenever a fight with a monster finishes, she puts her bangs in order. The ribbon tied in the back center is to conceal materia, her mother's memento

2. 手

Will she twist them off with this
(This is a Don Conero reference)

3. 初期装備

Initial Equipment
Weapon - Guard Rod (stick?)
Armor: Bronze Bangle
Materia: None

4. エアリス・ゲインズブール 
age:22  height:163cm  blood type:O  birthday:2/7  hometown:アイシクルロッジ  weapon:ロッド

Aerith Gainsborough
age:22  height:163cm  blood type:O  birthday:2/7  hometown:Icicle Lodge  weapon:Rod

5. スラムの花売りとして、印象的に登場するエアリス。クラウドとの運命的な出会いは、唯一の古代種の生き残りである彼女を巨大な戦いの渦へと巻き込んでいく。約束の地とはどこなのか? 宿命に翻弄されながら、エアリスは星を育む者“セトラ”としての役割を懸命に果たそうとする。過酷な結末を恐れもせず——。

Aerith makes her impressive appearance as the slum's flower vendor. The destined encounter with Cloud winds her, the only survivor of the Ancient species, up in the vortex of a huge fight. Where is the promised land? While being trifled with by fate, Aerith puts all her energy attempting to accomplish her role as "Cetra" to bring up the Planet without fear of the harsh ending.

The box between 2 and 3 says this:

The origin of her name
Earth's reading was changed, she was named

(Apparently they changed the reading of Earth to sound more Japanese and that's how she got her name)


more to come soon :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I like that they talk about her fixing her hair after battle. Her victory animation is something that I never really thought about with her, but it gives her a cute sort of attitude. I can't believe that they made a Don Corneo reference about her arm though. Oh my god. XD

Also - this seems like something that would be cool to add into a frontpage-y type article.
How many of these scans / pages are there?

X :neo:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Also - this seems like something that would be cool to add into a frontpage-y type article.


hehe, shut up :joy:
:D I Don't feel good because you want my work on the front page :lol:

and there's a lot, there's also the monologues... maybe I should get all the profiles done before you add any because it's slow work and I get distracted easily XD


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm stuck on some things on Aerith's page :(

So here's Tifa's:


1. 服装
コルネオの館でのファツションを見ても、 動きやすく、 露出度の高い服が好みであることがわかる

Even looking at her choice of fashion in Corneo's mansion, you can see that she favors clothes that are easy to move in and revealing.***

2. グローブ
レザーグローブには、 手の甲の部分にマテリアが装着されている。ティファのパンチを裏拳気味に受けた場合, 硬いマテリアで殴られるわけだから、 考えただけでも痛そうだ,

Materia is equipped on the back portion of the leather gloves. In a situation where something receives a backhand blow of Tifa's punch, it's struck by hard materia, therefore it's painful just thinking about.

3. Initial Equipment

Weapon - Leather Gloves

Protector: Bronze Bangle

Materia: None

4. ニブルヘイムにて生まれ育ったクラウドの幼なじみで、 彼の過去を正確に知るただひとりの人物。 クラウドと同じく5年前のニブルへイム事件に遭遇しているが、 彼女はなぜか固く口を閉ざす。 ティファは何におびえ、 何を恐れるのか? 『FFVII』 における最大の謎は、 彼女が過去と向き合うことで解き明かきれていく

Born and raised in Nibelheim, Cloud's childhood friend, is alone, the only person to accurately know his past. Similar to Cloud, 5 years ago she encountered an event in Nibelheim but then shuts her mouth tight for some reason. What is Tifa afraid of? What is there to fear? She faces her past to solve the mystery regarding FFVII's greatest riddel.

*** This was Hito's translation of the line. I didn't see the point in redoing it a third time after I screwed it up the first time :monster: And of course he helped me out with a few other things... he's such a nice guy for helping me


Harbinger O Great Justice
They LOVE their Don Corneo information. I can only hope that Cloud has as much information about his outfits and mannerisms. :awesome:
Really, in addition to that I wanna see Tifa keepin her pimp hand strong with the Materia back hand.

Keep these comin'!
If/when you get enough, we'll look into frontpagin'

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Materia is equipped on the back portion of the leather gloves. In a situation where something receives a backhand blow of Tifa's punch, it's struck by hard materia, therefore it's painful just thinking about.
I find it funny that here the materia is small enough so that two materia can fit on the back of her glove with room to spare. The rest of the compilation has materia anywhere between the size of a golf ball and a tennis ball.


Double Growth
I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Materia can change size, they are magical after all. The slots in the Buster Sword were always a lot bigger than the ones in her gloves anyway.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I thought materia started off marble size. Then as it "levels" it gets to be about tennis ball size. I don't know why I think that. Did I read it somewhere?

Even so, a master materia should not fit on her glove. Or in the Buster Sword. ...So how does that work exactly?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Problem with materia being different sizes: what do you do when the materia grows bigger then the slots on you weapon/armor?

It's not like there's any reason for materia to grow as it gains new spells. It's crystallized mako so it's a solid. In order for it to get bigger, it would have to be exposed to more mako.

My explanation for the materia being larger in ACC is that the materia would be a lot harder to see if it was the size of a marble. As for CC, the materia works completely different then the materia in the OG, so I don't mind that discrepancy. The Black materia doesn't count either.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
They LOVE their Don Corneo information. I can only hope that Cloud has as much information about his outfits and mannerisms. :awesome:
Really, in addition to that I wanna see Tifa keepin her pimp hand strong with the Materia back hand.

Keep these comin'!
If/when you get enough, we'll look into frontpagin'

X :neo:

Okay so... someone else has already done Cloud's page... I don't really want to redo something that's already been done. Do you want me to post theirs?

also after this I don't have anything else right now that's been double checked and I don't really wanna post something if it's wrong. Hito used to double check for me but he seems to be mia right now... anyone else here who knows Japanese wanna double check anything?
Last edited:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves

1. 思考

ピンチになったときにヒーローが現われて助けてくれる、 といまだに信じこむ、 純粋な少女のような一面を持つ。7年前、 ニブルへイムの給水塔で、 クラウドにそのヒーロー役を依頼する。

The aspect like a innocent girl still continues to believe a hero will come rescue her when she's in a pinch. She requested the hero role from Cloud 7 years ago at the Nibelheim water tower.

2. 腕前

カクテルを作る腕前は、 七番街スラムで評判。料理も得意で、 ウェッジを味見係にして、 セブンスへブンのメニューの品々を作っている

Her ability to make a cocktail is popular in the 7th sector slums. Cooking is her forte and Wedge is the person in charge of sampling. She produces various goods from the 7th heaven menu.

3. 手


Will she smash them with this?

4. 日ごろから短いスカートを好んで身につけているが、 やはり男性の視線は気になるようだ。神羅ビルの階段を上るときには、 クラウドたちを先ヘ行かせるという恥じらいを見せる。

「ティファには、 ミニスカートのバージョンと、 スパッツをはいたバージョンの2種類があったんです。 どちらにしようか悩んでいたんですが、スタッフの人たちに聞いてまわったら、 ミニスカートがいい ! という声が圧倒的に多くて、 いまのティファに落ち着きました」

The looks of the males still seem to be anxious even though she normally chooses to wear short skirts. Sometimes when going up the stars at the Shinra building, she shows shyness making Cloud and the others proceed to the front.

"There were two kinds for Tifa. The mini skirt and the version wearing leggings. We were worried about which direction to go in, nevertheless, I went around asking the staff's people and the voices liking the mini skirt were overwhelming. We settled on the current Tifa."
-Character designer, Mr Nomura.

5. 格闘術

スピーディな動きを駆使する格闘術の師匠は、各地にl28人の弟子を持つというザンガン。 5年前のニブルへイム事件のとき、彼の手によって、 ティファは間一髪のところを救出された。

Martial Arts Master
The Martial Arts Master using speedy movement, is Zangan who possesses 128 disciples from various places. 5 years ago, at the time of the Nibelhiem event, he rescued Tifa from a close call by means of his own hands.

and in the box:
ときに、 クラウドとエアリスのあいだにヤキモチらしき感情をのぞかせるティファ。 そこにはクラウドへの、単なる幼なじみを越えた複雑な想いがあるようだ。 物語の後半からロ調が女らしくなっていくのは、 忘らるる都での事件を転機として、自分自身の気持ちに正直に向き合いはじめたからなのだろう

Personality assessment by words
When Cloud and Aerith exclude Tifa, her emotion is sometimes becoming of jealousy. There seems to be complicated feelings that exceed mere childhood friends toward Cloud. In the second half of the story, her tone becomes more feminine. The event in the Forgotten City was the turning point. She began to face her own feelings honestly.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Regarding the different materia sizes, remember that they occur naturally. Not all crystalline rocks in the real world are the same size, even when dealing with the same type of rocks. It's not that strange.

As for consistent uniform sizes we do see (such as those held by Yuffie in AC/C) or that are implied to exist (materia slots in Tifa and Cloud's weapons), remember that Shin-Ra has a means of massproducing materia. That's what machines like those pods in the Mt. Nibel reactor were supposed to be used for. Not surprising that they would try to do it like McDonald's.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Hey guys sorry I'm all over the place with this. I get stuck on certain things sometimes and then I have to move onto something else. I THINK I should have Aerith's profile done soon though but here's some monologues to tide you all over.:

Aerith's monologue from page 159:





だから5年前、ザックスがどこかに任務で出かけるって言ったきり姿を見せなくなったとき、 ずいぶん泣いたっけ。 ああ、これが初恋って言うんだって。 そんな私を見て、お母さんはザックスを怒ってたな。 彼に、 悪いことしちゃった。


Aerith: While viewing broken Mako Reactors

I was a little surprised that this village was Zack's birthplace!

Although called my first love, that doesn't mean that we became particularly intimate. I encountered him by chance as a flower vendor in Midgar. It was good for a little while, so I thought.

A friendly, childish SOLDIER, who even gave kindness to girls. I encountered Zack and began to think that even a good natured person was from Shinra.

Therefore, 5 years ago, when Zack departed somewhere on a mission and he seemingly disappeared, I cried considerably. Yeah, I call this first love. Mother got angry at Zack when she saw me like that. That matter made him completely at fault.

At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke... his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.
But Cloud is clueless.


Here's Cloud's final monologue on page 182:

感じるんだ……北の果てから。あいつが、 とてつもなく強いエネルギーをたくわえているのが。

どうあがいても、俺たちには滅びの道しか残されてないのかもしれない。 ホーリーを発動させることなく、星よりもちょっと前に死ぬだけなのかも……


それに、 テイフアがいてくれる。俺の戦いは孤独じゃないんだって、テイフアは教えてくれる-------。
みんなも、帰ってきてくれた。 バレットも、シドも、レッド13も....
ミッドガルの市民を避難させながら、遠隔操作で参加してくれるケット。シーさめた態度だけど、 本当は熱い闘志を秘めたウィンセント乗り物酔いをおして、もどってきてくれたユフィ。


行こう、 北の大空洞へ!


I can feel it, from the end of the North. It's him, having stored up an extraordinary amount of energy. The road of destruction might be ahead of us even if we struggle. Without putting Holy into action, there is only a moment before the planet dies.

Nevertheless, I am going to fight. In order to separate from my past. Because I am me. And, above all else, to melt her frozen smile.

Moreover, I have Tifa at my side. I am not fighting alone, Tifa has taught me this.

Everybody else also returned, Barret, Cid and Red XIII. While making the citizens of Midgar take shelter, Cait Sith participates by remote control.

The attitude that awakens Vincent, is in reality, a hot fighting spirit. Yuffie also returned, pushing forward with motion sickness.

Everyone has their own reason to fight and it's connected to the life on the planet.

Let's go to the Northerner Crater. To release Aerith's wish, which has left us hope.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Can someone help me? I'm a bit stuck on something:

ティファは言ってくれた。 クラウド、 久しぶりねって。 あの星がきれいな夜, 村の給水塔で話したことも覚えている。俺はティファの幼なじみ、ニブルへイムのクラウドなんだ。

Tifa said, "Cloud it's been a while." I also remember that star in the beautiful night, and speaking with her at the village water tower. I am Tifa's childhood friend and Cloud of Nibelheim.

But I don't think that's right. Now I got

あの= that
星 = star or planet
が = star or planet is the subject
きれい = beautiful
な =connects beautiful to the next word
夜 = night

but I'm wondering if it's supposed to be that the planet was beautiful that night. I thought maybe star because of the shooting star that happened in that scene but.... they usually use 星 for planet but right now I'm just adding words and I don't think that's good. So does anyone know?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's star. Hoshi can mean planets and stars in the sky, and the context definitely suggests stars.

Celes Chere

GUUURL this is exactly what I was curious about moments ago.. are you going to translate more pages? I've been dying to read this whole thing and there seems to be no other place but uh... here. XD
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