We Need Site Staff (Front Page and YouTube)


Pro Adventurer
If people need extra help, I wouldn't mind doing a bit more than I am now as one of the community managers. :) that being said I don't have much in the way of technical skills at this time. I can do artwork, I could help edit articles or whatnot, and maybe appear on a podcast if you guys need an extra voice. I might not always be available though, life has been busy and I'm trying to find more work to improve living situations.


AI Researcher
And speaking of skillshare, for people that want to be involved making or helping out with content but feel they don't have the necessary abilities skillshare is wonderful platform for that with a wide variety of classes. If you want to try video and/or audio editing they have the first month free or I could refer anyone interested and you will get two months free.
i don't know if it was just because they were starting out and wanted to get some buzz going but a while back i have seen a number of youtube channels offering links to get 2 months for free.

i downloaded a bunch of stuff during that time but i think about how much more they must have now and what i must be missing :sadpanda:


Pro Adventurer
I saw several people offer to help with editing and what not for the youtube channel so not sure if you guys would want yet another person helping , but for what its worth I have quite a bit of time on my hands lately and would be glad to help as well.

I know my way around both After Effects and Premier Pro. I don't currently have Photoshop installed but can grab it any time if you guys need quick graphics work or thumbnails etc.

Here's my current personal youtube channel


On it you can find two montages I made for a Fortnite streamer to help with his rebranding, they didnt realize his clips had enough content to make clickbaity montages :monster:
You can also find some I made for friends in the past.

Here's my old channel when I used to be a Battlefield youtuber and thought it would get bills paid (it didnt :monster: )


But yeah definitely down to help with the behind the scenes tech stuff.


Regarding people wanting to learn different stuff. If your interested in video editing and special effects I highly recommend just going to


and clicking any tutorial , doesnt matter if its advanced , beginner, or seemingly useless to what you want to learn. Just click it and follow it all the way through even if your final product doesn't look anything like the one in the video it's an excellent way to learn different techniques.

Even something like this Iron Man HUD effect tutorial teaches you a bunch of commands you will end up using in every day videos (plus its a good starting point for learning to work with 3D space and layering)

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AI Researcher
I’ll ask here since I think the answer would be useful to have public, but what are the goals and ideas behind each area? Are there specific themes or content you’re looking for in terms of say YouTube? Commentary, video versions of site content, documentary, analysis, etc.? Or is that something to be decided by whoever comes on board?


^It’s been an ongoing discussion in the discord! Indeed, making video versions of some of the threads here was mentioned recently, ha. Right now, the focus (far as YouTube goes) is on polished, quality, deep-dive and analysis stuff, I reckon. More light-hearted content (such as parodies) will come later (hopefully :P).


AI Researcher
shad’s in-depth 12 part documentary series on dirge of cerberus for next year’s oscar nominations
Hit me up if you want me to write a script for any YouTube video concerning my research threads :monster:
shad’s in-depth 12 part documentary series on dirge of cerberus for next year’s oscar nominations
That's ridiculous, I could never do that.

It'd have to be in 20 parts, at least. :awesome:


Old Man in the Room
I am mostly a lurker on this site (have been for, like, a decade), but I would be willing to contribute to articles, YouTube, and possibly join a podcast situation. I was actually working on a big FFVII analysis video but I put it on hiatus to see how this whole Remake thing panned out.


Pro Adventurer
I am mostly a lurker on this site (have been for, like, a decade), but I would be willing to contribute to articles, YouTube, and possibly join a podcast situation. I was actually working on a big FFVII analysis video but I put it on hiatus to see how this whole Remake thing panned out.

We'd gladly welcome your contributions! Do you think you would be able to contribute regularly? Reason I ask is because we don't want to put you down for anything and your schedule/life/etc. not permit you to finish anything. It's not like you're signing a contract, we just want folks who are serious about helping out in any way they can. Whether that's editorials, articles, videos, podcasts, art... You let us know. :)


Old Man in the Room
I usually work very late evenings for my job and have much of the week days open. I have another website I've kept up for the last ten years and a few YouTube channels. I generally move at my own pace, but having something to focus on like this could only help.

I would need to know the parameters and rules of whatever content I would be contributing, of course, but I do have the time and most of the resources (depending on what it is I would be producing).


Alex T
Yo. If possible, I'd like to contribute to the podcast regularly. I have some minor experience producing them. Will hit up Lex on Discord now.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry for coming in late, but I'd also love to volunteer to contribute something to TLS.

I have experience in copywriting, editing, and scriptwriting; I currently study while working full time so while I probably wouldn't be able to create much content from scratch, I would be more than happy to collaborate with any content writers to edit and polish scripts for projects like YouTube videos or articles.

Incidentally, I also do some graphic design and illustration work, so I can lend a hand with some of that too, though my area of expertise is more to do with designs for print publications and merchandise.

There's already a lot of talent here, so I'm not sure that what I'm offering would come in all that handy, but I'd be thrilled to be able to regularly contribute something, at least :)
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