TotalBiscuit retires as a critic (Update: Has now passed away)

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TL: DR - Conventional treatments ineffective, liver too damage for clinical trials that we know of. I'm retiring as a critic to spend whats left of my life sharing my love of gaming with my wife and all of you via co-op videos and streams. The podcast will continue every week, with a streamlined 2-hour format. We have no plans to launch any kind of donation campaign and suggest above a list of ways to support us if you would like to.

Thank you for reading, watching or listening and I will see you soon, along with Genna, on a stream or YT channel near you.
Let it be known that he fought relentlessly against his illness. May whatever time he has left be filled with love.
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Pro Adventurer
Been following TB for years. It's so sad to see it come to this point.

There was a turning point about a year or so ago where his outlook was very positive and the treatments were working. It really seemed like he was going to make it.

The news a few weeks ago about it returning and the cancer spreading really sucked but at least there was that little glimmer of hope in that he could try out some clinical trials as a hail marry attempt.

Feels so bad =/
I hope Genna and mini-TB can cope with this, I know hes going to make sure they are going to be taken care of forever but still that's no replacement for a person.

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Pro Adventurer

This was a thread i was hoping would not be updated for much much longer.
Idk what to say :(
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TotalBiscuit was an honorable, honest man. An intellectual powerhouse of astounding clarity of mind. He was a champion of fairness in the gaming industry: He defended the consumer while also applying his knowledge of how difficult and complicated game creation is. A great man both in- and outside of the industry.

When facing off against the dragon who would eventually take his life, he did so with that armor-piercing belief in survival that matched the power of his intellect. The battle was fought with dignity and flowers will always grow on the spot where he died.



.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I always remember the theme tune for his podcast by Miracle of Sound:

He was only 33. -_-
It's always a tragedy when people die so young, leaving a young family behind - and he seemed like someone who had integrity and interesting things to say.


Pro Adventurer
TotalBiscuit was an honorable, honest man. An intellectual powerhouse of astounding clarity of mind. He was a champion of fairness in the gaming industry: He defended the consumer while also applying his knowledge of how difficult and complicated game creation is. A great man both in- and outside of the industry.

When facing off against the dragon who would eventually take his life, he did so with that armor-piercing belief in survival that matched the power of his intellect. The battle was fought with dignity and flowers will always grow on the spot where he died.

I'm at an awkward point where I didn't even know about this guy till this week, and I've heard both good and bad things.

I can only just send my condolence vibes to his loved ones, and leave his memory well enough alone at this point. There's no point in digging up the dead out of potential spite, and at this point he has no ability to speak for himself. So, my thoughts to the people who will miss him, and who he had a good impact on through his work.


Pro Adventurer
I'm so butthurt seeing not only so many random people on the internet, but also developers and known entities in the gaming sphere taking this time to shit on his name and family.

Like what the actual fuck. Purposefully misinterpreting what a man said, postmortem just to push an agenda and call him a Misogynist? Actual scum.

The man had the audacity to believe reviewers and entertainers had the responsibility to disclose any involvement they have with a product they are reviewing or featuring in their content.

You know how like EA paid tons of CoD and BF youtubers to feature BF4 repeatedly and were called out by the FTC. Or how Seananners and Syndicate violated FTC regulations by promoting their own game, Dead Realm, in their content without disclosing ownership. Or how a bunch of CSGO (and syndicate again!) promoted their own kiddy casino box gambling sites on stream, while simultaneously having an admin tip the odds behind the scenes to increase their win rate to make it seem like you always win on their site, again violating the fuck out of FTC regulations.

It's not like it wasn't a fucking problem on Youtube.

And this evil man did something even worse. He lead by example and started disclosing his involvement in projects if he featured them in his content. What an evil piece of shit.

Just because Gamergate was taken over by a bunch of shitheads after he made valid statements doesn't make him a shithead and your a piece of shit for trying to use that angle to shit on dead man whose family is still grieving him.
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