Recent content by Rhoey

  1. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    I haven't been on here in a while, but I've made some sketches over the past few months and thought it might be fun to share them here. Otherwise, I just post these things on my Tumblr (where I also post updates and sneak peaks of Echoes of the Planet, so feel free to follow me there if you're...
  2. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    No worries! I haven't been on here myself. But when you have time, I'd love it if you gave it a look.
  3. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    I haven't been online here in a while, but I wanted to say that I made an epilogue for Snow Fields. It's been in the making for a while, but life had other plans than for me to finish and publish it. It's short, only about 9K words. Anyways, let me know what you think.
  4. Rhoey

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    I agree, I found Tifa's story more interesting; her connection to Cloud, learning martial arts, the loss of her father, her injury by Sephiroth, and her road to recovery. How she was basically extorted/scammed and tricked into working for free to pay off her medical debt, and how she became the...
  5. Rhoey

    FFVII Art - Old and New

    This AI thing is kind of addictive. It's created some realistic and less anime ones as well. The prompt I used was "a perfect mix between Vincent Valentine and Aerith Gainsborough, young woman with black hair and green eyes". I'm loving the results. :) These look so much like a mix between...
  6. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    I've decided to try Midjourney out of curiosity, and put the prompt "Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus and Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII Remake standing in a field of flowers together, looking content and peaceful". These are the results. I just HAD to share them with you...
  7. Rhoey

    FFVII Art - Old and New

    So, I played around in Midjourney to try and see what the bot comes up with in terms of Vincent and Aerith's daughter, and the results were both hilarious, creepy, weird, and also stunning! Some of the results were terrifying, vomit-inducing or really cringe. Here are my favorites, though! I...
  8. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    Looks great! I appreciate the parallel (I can never spell that word right) with the first cover, and the color scheme of the covers going from Prussian blue to turquoise to cerulean and green. Cold and gloomy to a feeling of ease and peace. Love it!
  9. Rhoey

    FFVII Art - Old and New

    And now I've finished my latest painting too, at long last! :) Artificial lighting doesn't do it justice. I will snap a better picture in daylight. DeviantArt
  10. Rhoey

    Rhoey's Art Thread

    It's finally finished!!! Phew! :) DeviantArt
  11. Rhoey

    FFVII Art - Old and New

    I getcha. :) Well, it's cool! I like it. It's not so much femininity as it is grace/gracefulness. Like Alucard from Castlevania. He is masculine, but he's also stylish, graceful and sophisticated. I have a thing for long-haired men in capes, sue me. I didn't used to like men looking very...
  12. Rhoey

    FFVII Art - Old and New

    Thanks for the info! Interesting. And there's no shame in taking inspiration from other characters! It's a pretty cool design. A small remark I have though is that his face looks a bit too soft and round for being a masculine face. His head also looks off, because the space between his eyes and...
  13. Rhoey

    Rhoey's Art Thread

    Status update: painting is about 70% done. A2 size, guilded with 24 carat gold leaf. :) I will update again when it's finished. It will be featured at an art show in April and available for purchase then. It will likely also be available as print.
  14. Rhoey

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    That's a really cool book! Well done :) Also, I can't seem to find the link to SF book 2, could you share it again, please?
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