Mobius Final Fantasy (formerly "Mevius Final Fantasy")


Pro Adventurer
You do have the option to go to the 10th/20th/etc. floors on this one though, so you can farm for the cards. People say the top one has the better odds for dropping cards but I'm not sure that's been confirmed. So I'm on the 20th :mon:

But yeah, usually once you've reached the top of Battle Towers you can't go back. And if you want to boost your rank you have to do the endless loop battles (Phantasmic Coil). This one gives 5 Ability tickets per loop completion so if you've got a really good deck it's useful to do. I'm told Gilgamesh kicks your ass with just one hit of his Ultimeh abilities though so you do have to hit him fast and hard.

Edit: Trying out grinding the top level to see if the drop rate is noticeably kinder. Battles are longer ofc so I'm already leaning towards grinding the lower, quicker levels based on the fact that I'm really impatient lol
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Harbinger O Great Justice
What loadouts do you guys usually have for your Deck? Do you have multiple situational decks? I'm starting to get enough surplus that I can probably focus on expanding the number of 5 star cards that I've got.

X :neo:


AI Researcher
i finished the last part of the dragon quest region (post-clear bonus battles), for which i had to keep restarting the app because it would crash constantly on my phone. and now i try to watch what i guess is the last cutscene for the region. except as soon as it starts that crashes too. and i think gradually this is going to stop working altogether on my phone.

i managed to get three lines of dialogue into the cutscene before it crashed again, and i'm not getting the option to restart the app from after the cutscene like you sometimes get. there's no way for me to escape this since the cutscene starts automatically when you're at this area, except maybe waiting it out until the event is over. which i think is the end of this month. so about 24 days.

i don't really have the financial leeway to upgrade my phone but it'd be nice if i could because this is annoying (and also i can only charge it by elevating the cable a bit with a pen or something)


AI Researcher
i had been hoping to get that kefka job but at this rate i'm going to miss it because lol it still won't load

there's a special login series with two grow stars and a lot of summon tickets and i hope my starting the app and it crashing will count as a login because i would like to have those tickets


Harbinger O Great Justice
Man, so I tried doing the "Beat Famfrit in 5 turns" thing at the end of Chapter VI Part I, and I just don't even understand what the hell you're supposed to do on most of the most challenging things.

My rental card was a 5+ Lunafreya card, so I had Barrier, Wall, & Elemental Resistance active. Even with all of that in place, he'd still break the wall and deal enough damage to KO me literally every single time his turn came around.

Feels bad, man. I just ditched off to Chapter VI Part II, and it looks like they're actually gonna make me use Meia... which I still didn't do for the entirety of the previous part of that chapter, because it never made you, so..... :mon:

X :neo:


AI Researcher
chapter 6 was one where i ended up getting a bit stuck, which is a bit weird because for about 3-4 chapters my main was mage jobs (eventually i moved to warriors).


AI Researcher
i haven't played this in a while because it's started running like crap on my phone so i thought i'd wait until i can get a new phone, but that costs money i don't have so i'm just like

waiting forever


AI Researcher

what the hell, now i have to try playing it again on my current old phone because i want this echo costume

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Here are the cutscenes for the first part of "A Sleeping Lion":

Unlike the FFVII or FFX crossovers, it seems like this one is probably more enjoyable if you're a fan of FFMobius in general ...

I mean, aside from that opening fight, which was sweet af. :monster: Though I, too, thought "They couldn't resist pouring fresh gasoline on the R=U fire now that it's burned out, could they?? :wacky:"
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