Final Fantasy V


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I have the chance to purchase FFV for a very low price but I would like to know if it's worth the money. I have never played it but would like to. I would like some opinions.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
If you like retro games, FFV is the underrated Final Fantasy game. The SNES had three slam dunks in the form of FFIV, V, and VI, and they all bring something uniquely good to round out the others. FFV’s job system, music, and good humour are its strengths.

FFV is the first “back to the roots” Final Fantasy, it’s very much like FFIX in that way, with the attitude of “we’ve mastered the new tech and have pushed the genre forward narratively, let’s kick back and knock the classic tropes out of the park.” It never loses its tone of pulp-adventure, it’s fun all the way through. That’s not to say it isn’t serious, but it doesn’t indulge in the melancholia of FFIV and VI. It plays like a Tamora Pierce novel or a Spielberg movie.

But as Lestat said, if you can pick up the pixel collection as a bundle, you’ll like it better if you don’t pay $60 for it.


Standing guard
Agreed about PR being on sale, just get the lot of them
And, Final Fantasy V was the point where the FF Team said, "We did a story game, now let's see what this hardware can do." See, their over-arching goal at this time, was to outsell Dragon Quest. I know that sounds insane but that's what was on their minds.
I remember reading a story that when one of the other leads (I think it was Kitase or Ito) developed the "Timed Escape" sequence from Karnak Castle, they got briefly addicted to trying to beat each others' best times. That's when they realized that they had something fun, and in fact, there were originally going to be a lot more of these events, but they trimmed it down in the end to just a few throughout the game.
One thing that FFV has always captivated me with, though, is its music. FFIV can be a bit stuffy, and FFVI a bit on the maudlin side. FFV's soundtrack has the benefit of being better sampled and mixed than FFIV, while not being nearly as over-the-top dramatic as FFVI. It is right in a sweet spot, where it's just totally gorgeous track after totally gorgeous track, after totally gorgeous track. They are all beautiful pieces of music, and they get you more pumped, the further into the game you get.
Even the ending, which I won't spoil here, but even the ending, which has a bit of a "Cotton Candy" Power-Of-Friendship thing going on, is just achingly beautiful and moving, in a game where most of it is not that way. It's all very nicely tied up.
And in the end, that's the best thing I can say about FFV. It's very well-put-together. FFIV is a bit slight, FFVI is a bit too heavy on trying to do everything all at once for everybody...FFV is a tightly packaged piece of software.
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