If it is google saying it, perhaps it is not TLS specific, but whatever email account you're using for TLS that is breached.
If your TLS account is hacked itself, then I can't remember which accounts have been hacked. I only ban them if they start posting spam, etc, as that is what informs me of the breach

. There's always the possibility then that your TLS account has been breached, but the breacher hasn't posted spam with your account. Might be wise to change your password on the email you're using for your TLS account as well as the password for your TLS account anyway, as well as 2FAing them. Up to you, of course.
I think you were Gym Leader Devil's other half, iirc? I do not think we interacted much, but then my aging brain only keeps track of a increasingly shrinking collection of personalities at a time, and becomes easily confused when frazzled, so
