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  1. LeeKD93

    FLOOR 67 Fan Animation

    Hey there everyone! I just wanted to share a fan made animation for the famous prison cell scene from the original FFVII. A lot of hard work and talent went into this and I believe this is the perfect community to share it with haha. You all may remember a while back when a video named Project...
  2. LeeKD93

    Kalm Discussion Podcast and Project Kalm

    Just a heads up I also posted this in the Remake forum but this is the only other place I’ll be posting it since it seemed fitting to have it in both places. Hello, I took part in this podcast that talks about Kalm and what it will be like in Rebirth. It also talks a lot about a project I had...
  3. LeeKD93

    Kalm Discussion Podcast for Rebirth

    Hello, I took part in this podcast that talks about Kalm and what it will be like in Rebirth. It also talks a lot about a project I had been a part of called Project Kalm… which you should totally check out if you haven’t already! I just thought I’d share it for everyone here to see :) The...
  4. LeeKD93


    Yea in hindsight I went a bit overboard on the posting haha I just wanted to get the word out. Thank you for your constructive criticism and words of appreciation! I’ll be sure to let the the main man himself know haha
  5. LeeKD93


    My bad haha I’m just tryna get the word out there! Thank you for leaving this one up!
  6. LeeKD93


    Hey guys! For all you FFVII fans I got something really cool to share with you. A good pal of mine worked real hard on a fan made animation using assets from Remake as well as recreating his own build of Kalm. The project took a lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears but the final product was...
  7. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    Same to you! I see your favorite Turk (and character I imagine) is Reno! My favorite Turk was always Rude. That’s largely cause of his camaraderie with Reno! Both are such cool and fun characters.
  8. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    That’s how I am with other games that I do have a past with haha. I love sharing Wind Waker with people for the first time cause that game so much to me as a kid. I gotta say though playing FF7 made me feel that magic again… and mind you I’m 22 now lol I’ve always loved gaming but few video...
  9. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    Hey thanks and back atcha! Ain’t you new as well?
  10. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    For me I made an effort to play the remake last. If you want the honest to god truth on why I even got into this franchise it’s really cause of Smash Ultimate lmao. See I’ve been playing Smash for as long as I’ve been around lol. I owned my own copy of melee and used to play 64 around the block...
  11. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    just for the hell of it I changed my profile picture from Cid to my cat haha. That way everyone can see the lil lab rat dog-err in this case cat haha
  12. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    Thank you! And yea unfortunately for me my laptop is SUPER crappy so I don’t think I could even remotely try to emulate it. I have lots of retro game stores in my area however so finding one isn’t hard it’s just finding a good quality one (I’m picky when it comes to consoles and handhelds lol)
  13. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    I’m doing everything in the order I can obtain it lol. Only one I knew I specifically wanted to do first without anything else simultaneously was playing the original. After I fell in love with it I just did everything else afterwards as soon as possible. I mean I literally watched AC maybe 10...
  14. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    I’m super excited to get my hands on CC. Obviously the ending of the game is super expected but I’ve remained somewhat free of spoilers from that. I know names and some relationships and a few key events but not the whole plot before Nibelheim so I’m excited! I grew to like Zack cause of the...
  15. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    Yea so I’ve noticed on other threads. I just figured if there were any subsequent plans to just throw my hat in the ring ya know?
  16. LeeKD93

    Hey new friends! So I’ve got some things to share…

    Hey! First off I just wanna say hello! I am new to this site and in general have never really been much of a forum user so this is an exciting adventure in it of itself haha. Guess I should introduce myself, I’m Liam… or Lee if you prefer I go by either. Anyway, I just wanna start by saying that...
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