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  1. ForceStealer

    Playstation 5

    I wouldn't have been getting this even if it were reasonably priced, but damn, sony.
  2. ForceStealer

    Remake Merchandise

  3. ForceStealer

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    7 years already? Geez.... And non-mainline my ass. It's Sonic 4 and no naming conventions can convince me otherwise :monster:
  4. ForceStealer

    Any celebs playing this?

    I'm basically certain you are both the source and author of these articles, Jean :monster:
  5. ForceStealer

    Playstation 5

    Always on the cutting edge of 2010, that Sony. :monster:
  6. ForceStealer

    What games are you currently playing?

    There is a frankly stupid amount of content to get through to do everything, lol. But I'd say the main plot of hte 012 section (before it then goes into the plot of the original Dissidia) is definitely worthwhile and feels like a condensed little FF game.
  7. ForceStealer

    What games are you currently playing?

    There is more than enough time to do everything. It's a framing device more than anything.
  8. ForceStealer

    What games are you currently playing?

    Ever get your head around the spell name convention? :P
  9. ForceStealer

    Fantasian: Sakaguchi's new project

    About damn time. I wish that trailer had showcased more of the environments, since those were the real draw, instead of extremely typical JRPG dialogue :monster:
  10. ForceStealer

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    Say it with me now, there was space between "uprezzed original" and "multiverse plot dementors to contrive cliffhangers for two parts."
  11. ForceStealer

    General Square Enix Thread

    Fascinating, thanks! It's pretty interesting to hear someone from Square actually address the "disappointment over unrealistic sales figures" thing. I would argue that even if the expectations weren't arbitrarily high, if you're needing Tomb Raider to do Call of Duty numbers to recoup costs...
  12. ForceStealer

    Why Seph needs jenova's boddy as his avatar? how does it help him in any way? and one more question

    Well having an avatar with which to interact with Cloud certainly helps in his manipulation. Also he did need that main part of Jenova's body to get to the Northern Crater for the Reunion/rebuilding his body. As Cloud observes, Sephiroth could have always had one of his flunkies (i.e. the...
  13. ForceStealer

    Who was on the cargo ship? About jenovaroth, etc…please help, just finished the game.

    While there's not an explicit explanation, I think it's a fairly safe bet that this might have something to do with it :wacky: As for how he wound up at the Northern Cave, he was probably just swept there by the currents of the Lifestream. A lot of it was always being gathered there to heal...
  14. ForceStealer

    General Square Enix Thread

    I defend the existence of first party exclusives. Because they exist primarily to sell the console rather than wring every conceivable dollar out of a potential audience, they're much less likely to contain mtx or other predatory bullshit. They are afforded the ability to focus on design and...
  15. ForceStealer

    General Square Enix Thread

    Just in time for microsoft to discontinue xbox or whatever the hell they're doing over there :P
  16. ForceStealer

    Who is the church dedicated to in Final Fantasy VII?

    Basically, it's because Sephiroth is still miffed that a nobody managed to kill him. Therefore, he has a compulsion to dominate Cloud to show his superiority over him. To emphasize that this faceless trooper hadn't actually bested him. I don't think he thinks Cloud is that strong, he just has...
  17. ForceStealer

    General Square Enix Thread

    They released a lot of off-the-wall gems in the late 90s, it's a shame they couldn't replicate the quality of those, though I don't know how they sold back then either. Chocobo GP would have been great if they hadn't fucked it with live service bullshit.
  18. ForceStealer

    General Square Enix Thread

    Bye FF Tactics Remaster :mon:
  19. ForceStealer

    Reporting in

    Welcome :monster: It's great, isn't it? :lol:
  20. ForceStealer

    Queen's Blood Thread

    I wish this (and video games generally) had worked out a way for me to enjoy deckbuilding without fighting an interface. As a kid, I would make YuGiOh decks by spreading all my cards out on the basement floor, categorized by type. Games give you filters and stuff I know, but I just can never get...
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