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  1. youffie

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    And even if he wanted to, it's not like he actually gets to choose, at least in the OG (doesn't being "options" for him to choose from diminish their characters more?). By the time he can even make that decision, it's too late anyway. Plus, half the stuff that gets discussed to death in these...
  2. youffie

    SPOILERS State of the Shinra Military Address (*Open Spoilers*)

    This is my take as well. After all, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first battle of the entire game (OG) is Cloud battling regular grunts and the last one is Cloud against Sephiroth. I actually find them very sympathetic both in the OG and in the remake. I think I also remember a line...
  3. youffie

    (Tagged Remake Spoilers) OG Frustration Thread/Double Standards

    Yes, I guess what I’d like is a more nuanced depiction of Cid and Shera's relationship in general, since they're implied to get married eventually, and they live together (I think?)… Are they even together in the OG? I'd also like it if we could see Cid acknowledging Shera for her intelligence...
  4. youffie

    (Tagged Remake Spoilers) OG Frustration Thread/Double Standards

    - Character interactions that don't include Cloud are very limited in the OG (I'm mostly talking about the main gang here). The range of this cast is huge though, and there's plenty of room for meaningful expansion. I also feel like the Compilation failed to deliver on this ("didn’t even try"...
  5. youffie

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    Yes, that's why it's usually cheaper. If they wanted to find translators from Japanese to FIGS languages, for example, I can assure you they wouldn't have to look very far, but they would probably have to be willing to pay more for their services.
  6. youffie

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    I had the impression that they were all done from Japanese, which to me is yet another sign of the great importance and focus on quality from SE when they localize their main games now.
  7. youffie

    SPOILERS One month later. What are your thoughts? (*Open Spoilers*)

    Wow, lots of great and long posts here, I’m going to start slowly reading through all of them as I'm a bit late to the party. I'm going to throw my two cents first, though. I’ve stopped staring at the wall in a stupor and writing Strongly Worded Posts here for the rest of the time like I did in...
  8. youffie

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    So, slightly unrelated, but as I said a few times I’ve been working in videogame localization for two years now. Last year I worked on my first Japanese game; I do not know Japanese, our source text was the English translation, though there was a guy in our team who knew Japanese, which helped...
  9. youffie

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    While I love to pieces everything that they’ve done with Tifa and Aerith in Remake, I think the petty rivalry over Cloud in the OG is being a little overplayed when people discuss it today (not here, I mean in general). Sure, in the OG there were some juvenile comments here and there and the...
  10. youffie

    SPOILERS What does Sephiroth actually want from Cloud? (*Open Spoilers*)

    I didn't want to mention it because the ending is a sensitive topic, but. Yeah :awesome:
  11. youffie

    SPOILERS What does Sephiroth actually want from Cloud? (*Open Spoilers*)

    What @Mama Dragon said. Honestly, Crisis Core had some intriguing concepts but also some of the laziest writing in the Compilation, and it affects almost all of the characters to varying degrees. Sometimes it felt like a lot of the dialogue never left the conceptual stage, as if instead of...
  12. youffie

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    Possibly, yeah. But will they miss out on finally making FFVII:EC after AC, BC, CC and DoC? With EC standing for Edge of Creation End of the Crisis or something like that :mon:
  13. youffie

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    Zerith also never did it for me and I don’t get what the fuss about Zack is, either. I mean, I do get it and I do like him, I just don't share the fascination for the character that half the fandom seems to have. But hey, we'll see… I guess you could argue that Aerith was probably not over Zack...
  14. youffie

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 12 Spoiler Discussion

    But the point is, if you don't want to do that and you want to focus solely or mostly on the story, the sense of urgency is pretty well-done in the OG; some would even argue certain things happen too fast. I think a better analogy to what you're saying are all the added side-quests with Tifa and...
  15. youffie

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 12 Spoiler Discussion

    ^ But that’s more entirely optional gameplay content…? When shit happens in FFVII, it happens fast. You can choose to leave Cloud staring at the wall for hours instead of moving the plot forward, but that's on you rather than the game.
  16. youffie

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I actually think the scar might be something that has a better chance of making Tifa freak out internally rather than Cloud, if he mentions how and where she was hurt exactly. It’d basically be tangible, inescapable proof that Cloud knows stuff that only someone who was there might know, as...
  17. youffie

    [Nominations] 7 Best Moments From [Insert Character] In VII Remake

    I'll have to think about the rest, but for Barret: "They were supposed to return to us." My… my poor heart…
  18. youffie

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    Once again, very nice write up, @Shademp! I always felt that one of the purposes of Yuffie and Vincent was to provide much needed lore – Yuffie is our key to Wutai and the Wutai war, Vincent is our key to the Jenova project – but because they didn't have enough time, they were never developed as...
  19. youffie

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    So, I went to sleep and there were like five pages to this thread. Is this what an active LTD thread looks like? I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that YUFFIE KISSED CLOUD FIRST in 1997, and she also slapped his awkward ass five seconds later god bless her There you go...
  20. youffie

    SPOILERS Character Deaths in Future FF7:R (*Open Spoilers*)

    I’d be very disappointed in the remake if Aerith ended up living. A very important aspect to her death was that it was irreversible, it’s a loss that you can never get back, something that comes suddenly and doesn’t always gives you the luxury of closure. If she lives, well, I guess death is...
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