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  1. youffie

    Spoiler Free Questions Thread (All Spoilers Must Be Tagged!)

    I do have a question, sorry if it has already been posted in the spoiler tags: did they extract the cutscenes as well? Are they going to? … Did they post the entire game on youtube yet?
  2. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    As I was pondering the question about Vincent’s clothing, I was suddenly reminded of a doujinshi I read 15 years ago where Hojo just gave the clothes to Vincent and he was like “uh ok”. After a sweet session of passionate love-making of course :monster: The shit I've read, folks, the shit I've...
  3. youffie

    So, who’s on the no spoiler team here?

    Nojima posted another tweet, this time in English: "Thank you wonderful people. I was healed. good night." : (
  4. youffie

    So, who’s on the no spoiler team here?

    I'm pretty sure Nomura is also fuming somewhere, I remember he was pretty upset last year with KH3. I can't blame them. The problem with leaks today is that you're likely to stumble into them even if you don't want to. I understand why many people enjoy them and don't care about leaks and...
  5. youffie

    So, who’s on the no spoiler team here?

    I'm trying out a browser extension that should block any posts with the keywords I've listed and I'll probably do the same even on the phone. I'm testing it on these forums and it's trying to block even the countdown and a few people's usernames :awesome: I feel a bit dumb but whatever works
  6. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    I guess I understand that at first he was also just too traumatized to do anything, but yeah, what really irks me about Vincent is that he was literally there while Sephiroth was going mad and Cloud and Zack were being tortured by Hojo in the next room. Things might have been very different if...
  7. youffie

    So, who’s on the no spoiler team here?

    This is it. It’s happening. I have not read the details, but looks like the breach is substantial and lots of stuff is probably going to keep coming. I imagine many people are excited about this and I’m happy for them, but tbh I’m kinda bummed. The Remake is coming in two months and at this...
  8. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    I… need this to be canon It's not unreasonable to think that while they looked for dead Ancients they also looked for living Ancients. And if we assume that Ifalna lived in Icicle Inn it's not thaaaat much of a stretch that he'd meet her at some point, though the timing is really unfortunate...
  9. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    Yup, that seems to be the case :monster: I remembered most of that but never put together how wobbly the timeline really is concerning Gast. I wonder if they decided to create Gast not only as a contrast to Hojo, but also to add more interesting parallels between Aeris and Sephiroth, and then...
  10. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    Wh- for real? Hm. Well, he had to be very young since even in the original game Gast needed to get away, meet Ifalna and have Aeris, who's 22 in the game. I guess what strikes me as odd is that he doesn't just speak fondly of Gast as a person, it's implied he thinks he was a great scientist...
  11. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    Genuine question because I don’t remember all the lore details, was he really needed? Like, couldn’t she just research it all by herself, and have everyone else be all “Lucrecia, would you be a darling and put that inconclusive nonsense on hold to focus on this beautiful Ancient specimen that we...
  12. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    I love this forum because everyone always makes great points and I don't know where to start :awesomonster: I would have loved that :monster: And I mean like you said, they really just needed to be brave enough to commit to what they had already written, to the direction they had given to the...
  13. youffie

    A Good Reason Why Lucrecia In Dirge Of Cerberus Is Heavily Derided- Her Self-Pity

    Lucrecia didn’t have to be likable to be a good character, though. I think that's where they went wrong, that their attempt to make her more sympathetic despite her very questionable choices led to her being a weaker character than she could have been. Instead, she acts on very frail plot points...
  14. youffie


    Sorry if this is not the right thread for this or if this was already posted, but apparently an upcoming FFVII Remake book was added to the Japanese Square Enix Store, “Final Fantasy VII Remake World Preview”. It should come out on February 18th and it’s going to include an overview of the...
  15. youffie

    FFVIIR Official Concept Art & Twitter Whatnots

    Yes, that's a really creepy line, with a very distinct "quiet murderer" vibe. Reminded me of when he reveals his plan in the Temple of the Ancients, or of his little speech after murdering Aeris in cold blood. Deceivingly soothing. I can't explain it very well :wacky: but it made me remember all...
  16. youffie

    If Cloud thought he was Zack, why did he act the way he did?

    I’m all for Cloud considering Zack the perfect man that would always know the right thing to do – unlike him. I think it’s a nice parallel to Tifa and Aeris in a way, because Tifa is also probably convinced that Aeris would handle stuff better than she ever could. In fact, I always kinda thought...
  17. youffie

    If Cloud thought he was Zack, why did he act the way he did?

    I agree that CC Zack could pass as an extension of what little that we saw in the OG, but would it have killed them to give him a slightly more nuanced characterization? I mean, I guess it’s probably a consequence of the fact that for some reason they decided to go down the route of very literal...
  18. youffie


    Just thinking of when the game is going to strip it all away from him is making me salivate
  19. youffie

    The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle

    Since Laguna and Raine were brought up, ackchuyually… Before Raine, Laguna was in love with Julia, who at the very least liked him back. They didn't really know each other, but there definitely was something there. Unfortunately, their love never had a chance to fully develop because Laguna...
  20. youffie


    Uhhhh ok then … Am I the only one who thinks it'd be slightly concerning if Aeris knew she was going to die and that she was about to scar her mentally unstable crush forever without leaving any sort of explanation behind and in her last moments she was just like :) Also, I’d find it slightly...
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