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  1. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Look out, guys. Unless I'm wrong, the trailer will be out some time day I think. :awesome:
  2. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    So according to Carrie Fisher's brother, she's going to appear in Epsiode IX, via CGI no doubt, like what they did with Tarkin in 'Rogue One'. Usually, I hold mixed feelings about reviving deceased actors this way, but since Carrie's passing was so untimely, especially when Disney had pretty...
  3. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Lookie lookie new still.
  4. Charles Xavier

    Hellboy… 3

    Ah you're right. :wtfmonster:
  5. Charles Xavier

    Hellboy… 3

    They better damn make it.
  6. Charles Xavier

    The Wolverine / Logan

    I won't lie,
  7. Charles Xavier

    The Wolverine / Logan

    Wait a minute...
  8. Charles Xavier

    The Wolverine / Logan

    I should probably mention that
  9. Charles Xavier

    The Wolverine / Logan

    Okay, just came back from the theater. All in all, a movie well worth watching. Technically the best out of the Wolverine films, considering the first being just okay (yes, I'm very generous), second being slightly better. Verdict: 4/5 Extremely tired right now. I'll shed more thoughts later...
  10. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Just wondering, but does the title of Episode VIII seem typical of Rian Johnson in keeping his movies very cryptic and mysterious? Still haven't seen his movies BTW.
  11. Charles Xavier

    Catch-all R.I.P. thrad

    Jesus Christ, what are the odds of that ever happening? :(
  12. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars Anthology Films (Rogue One, Han Solo, etc.)

    Watched it last night. A good solid SW film, loved the space battles, some of the best since 'Return of the Jedi'. Found the ending a tad abrupt but makes sense. Pretty dark film overall and not quite for the squeamish. Verdict: solid 4/5.
  13. Charles Xavier

    Catch-all R.I.P. thrad

    Rest in peace, Your Highness: Dafkr4Q5sgk
  14. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    So it's been confirmed that Warwick Davis will be returning in VIII, perhaps as Wicket Warrick the Ewok I presume?
  15. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Rest in peace, Kenny Baker. Ah. but I see that's already been mentioned.
  16. Charles Xavier

    Death of X/Inhumans vs. X-Men [Marvel]

    Now I feel bad... :scared:
  17. Charles Xavier

    New Hey Arnold Movie

    Okay, I'm late with this I know. But for any of those who used to watch 'Hey Arnold' and were looking forward to that Jungle movie a while back, it looks like it's FINALLY going to happen:
  18. Charles Xavier

    Sadako vs Kayako (The Ring vs Grudge)

    Ah, sorry, My mistake. Just haven't been around the forums like I used to.
  19. Charles Xavier

    Sadako vs Kayako (The Ring vs Grudge)

    Sadako vs. Kayako (The Ring vs. The Grudge) Yep, believe it. It's real: :headbang: uyLA6nfPvRo
  20. Charles Xavier

    Vincent x Yuffie - A Laborous Love

    Well, I hope you fellas don't mind me reviving his thread but regarding Sink to the Bottom With You, I recently recovered an old email from Catalina dating back to 2002, which contains some spoilers about how the story would have ended. If there's anyone here still holding interest, I can gladly...
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