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  1. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Fair points, man. Let me get back to you on that a little later. Something else I have in question. Did Kenny Baker reprise or not reprise his role as R2-D2? I'm getting conflicting reports on that, and also whether or not he attended the premiere of FA in LA last month?
  2. Charles Xavier

    Home Alone... 6?

    Thanks, man. ^_^
  3. Charles Xavier

    Home Alone... 6?

    Don't know if this really deserves its own thread, but I wasn't sure where to put this. Remember that short film Macaulay Culkin did recently where he basically took a jab at his own role as Kevin in 'Home Alone'? yh7-wAy_8ss Well, it looks like Daniel Stern decided to come back as Marv and...
  4. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Sorry, my bad. It almost WAS a spoiler though. :(
  5. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    It seems Disney Infinity might have revealed a big spoiler regarding Episode 8:
  6. Charles Xavier

    Wonderboy Reboot

    I was addicted to 'Wonder Boy 3: Monster's Lair' in the Arcade as a kid. Even owned the Genesis version and never realized until later it had some levels missing. Good memories. This game looks like a lot of fun. Will try to look out for it.
  7. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Fair point.
  8. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    A side note but...
  9. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    So anyone actually watched Rian Johson's movies ('Looper', 'Brother Bloom', 'Brick'?) I haven't. Any of them good? Reckon he'll do justice to the next movie?
  10. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    A cute response from the people behind 'Jurassic World'.
  11. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Any idea if Boba Fett might make a return in the future films? I know he was supposedly 'killed' by the Sarlac, but that's been left open to question. Also... Okay, so after taking time to digest the movie, I regard TFA a solid good watch (4/5). Definitely not my favorite in the series but...
  12. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Anyone noticed that in Lucas' prequels that during battles the characters tend to jump and leap high a lot, even the old dudes? There's none of that in FA (as far as I remember at least). EDIT: I just got off a flight from ANA and they had EVERY Star Wars movie on demand. I watched four of them...
  13. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Wouldn't it have been funny if... Holy Christ, I didn't think of that! Good going there, Tets, I'm beginning to lean towards that possibility. However, if that does turn out to be true, then...
  14. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Just came back from the movies. I can't really say anything more that's already been said but I'll say one thing...
  15. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    I've got my ticket for 18th. Gonna be seeing it at 11am (Pacific time).
  16. Charles Xavier

    Disney's The BFG

    Yes, I'm 95% sure the fart jokes were there. Whizz-popping they dub it.
  17. Charles Xavier

    Disney's The BFG

    Then you fellas have NO idea of the wonderful song about farting! 4qZfUSa63-Q
  18. Charles Xavier

    Last Film You've Seen

    So yeah, just came back from watching the latest Bond movie. On the whole, felt a little overlong, but still a fun roller coaster action ride. Christoph Waltz absolutely steals the show, despite his short screen time.
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