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  1. raysa334

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    This is Nomura's world... we're all just living in it. :awesome:
  2. raysa334

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    So... sorry if this has been discussed already, but one thing that I was really confused about in the ending is this: Aerith, by being the last Cetra, hears the voices of the Planet and is a person who the Planet trusts with information from the future, right? That's why she seems to know more...
  3. raysa334

    Hi everyone! New FF7 fan here!

    I love shooters, but I've seen some gameplay of Dirge on YT and it's.... wonky, at best lol. Also, from some cutscenes I watched, the voice acting is..... yeah. So, no Dirge for now then! Thanks for the rec!
  4. raysa334

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    I guess I went too deep into the rabbit hole and ended up finding the worst parts of the fandom on Twitter lol. I took the time to read the "Anti-Tifa" user's threads to see what kind of criticisms they had on her character and if they were valid, but ended up just plain confused on how weird...
  5. raysa334

    Hi everyone! New FF7 fan here!

    Thank you for the welcoming, guys! I already know a few thing about the OG/Crisis Core because, well, they are both pretty old and there's spoilers everywhere, but I will definitely go and play them so I can have a full context and speculate with y'all! :) There's also a thing called Dirge of...
  6. raysa334

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    Hi everyone! I see you guys are on the topic of how newcomers perceive the story and the relationships, so I thought I might butt in and give my perspective! I'm really new to the fandom and knew almost nothing about FF7's story, I already played other FF games but never got into VII until I...
  7. raysa334

    Hi everyone! New FF7 fan here!

    Hi, I'm Ray! Recently I found this forum by going through some threads on TW and I thought 'why not!?' and decided to join! Not like I have many friends irl who are into FF, so I would like to join some discussions here! My favorite childhood game was Final Fantasy X (hence my avatar is of the...
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