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  1. MalletFace

    Total Crisis - Final Fantasy VII (Revised)

    I am dropping every chain telling me to lurk just to reiterate that this is really, really good stuff. I would have believed it if you told me the art was from a Japan exclusive mobile or online game. I would have been gunning for a translation!
  2. MalletFace

    (Poem) Why I Love Talking FF7 and What I Think We Miss Most When

    Do you remember the way we saw through her eyes in blues and butterflies as we clung to that golden shiny wire of hope, building a future of vibrant jades and joys? How the judges and arbiters arrived aloft, creators of the same things we've seen before a gust in calm skies and crowded...
  3. MalletFace

    Heya Folks

    Heya, I'm MalletFace! I've been playing Final Fantasy VII from a little bit before my birth, when my older brother let my mom borrow a new game for long hospital stays. I've worn a lot of hats and enjoyed as many things in the not-so-long since then, but Final Fantasy VII stands special...
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