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  1. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Ohey, LTD. I has something. :monster: I found this somewhere: Where is this from, if you don't mind my asking? :B And is it official, or am I just quoting a fanfic? I just felt like it's heavily connected to Cloud's story in Dissidia. In 013, Cloud is looking for a reason to fight. He finds...
  2. I Am Not Me

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    This dilemma of buying demos, I don't understand it. Hi, torrents. :monster: /banhammer'd
  3. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    A bit of LTD lurkin' to cheer myself up. This literally made me 'PFFT' IRL, so I thought I'd share. I just realized that I'm actually pretty addicted to this LTD thing. I wish we had more cleriths arguing stuff in here. I've also been stalking Quexi's forums. BD Just sayin'.
  4. I Am Not Me

    A Compilation of Complaints

    I asked this myself. WTF would I want with Prishe, even if she is voiced by Aya Hirano? And I kinda figured they chose Vaan over Balthier or Ashe because 1) Vaan is the supposed "main character" of FF12 2) Ashe - they can't afford any other important heroine being alongside Lightning, plus the...
  5. I Am Not Me

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I have a question. :monster: In one of those reports, did ? I was breezing through the reports just now (on my PSP, not youtube--I cba to find which report it is) and I wasn't really paying attention. Halp? :awesomonster:
  6. I Am Not Me

    Final Fantasy VIII

    Rinoa ruined everything about this game. That's all I have to say. PS: I love FFVIII. :monster:
  7. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Arianna

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :reptar: If you get an extra PS3 I can has it right? :monster:
  8. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    She was mixing drinks. I remember. :monster: I thought it was adorable.
  9. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    I kinda like how they seem to think that all characters are one-dimensional. :monster: If Aerith is cheerful and bright, then Tifa must be dark and brooding! IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING! :reptar: No such thing as other dimensions to a character! That's just bad writing! :awesome:
  10. I Am Not Me

    "Is Making Final Fantasy A Nightmare?" - Kotaku article

    Wow... A real cursed game. D:
  11. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Sorry for double posting but... >.> Okay, so, I was browsing youtube, looking at Duodecim vids and whatnot, and this one video with Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth in it came up and I watched it. I was like "d'awwwwwwe kuraudo u silly lil And then I found the comments in question. Saying that Tifa...
  12. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    I didn't think she was OOC. :monster: That's just all kinds of illogical right there. And what, claiming that she acts like Aerith? Uhh... what? What? Wat. :reptar: ♬♬ WAT~ ♫♫ /soprano Is EVERYTHING about Aerith now? Or is it only because whatever in Dissidia is so...
  13. I Am Not Me

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    I post here. :monster:
  14. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    On topic... :monster: AerTi proofz.
  15. I Am Not Me

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    :monster: If I could just read Kanji. But some of these are hilarious. :awesome: Butts.
  16. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    This is the only thing remotely close to the truth on this page. :monster: It's blue, and it has the words "Zack" "affection" "in" "Cloud's heart" in it. :awesome: It was intended for Cloud to be with Zack. Sure, he's dead, but that's what the lifestream and necrophilia are for. Plus, Zack...
  17. I Am Not Me

    What games are you currently playing? This. :monster:
  18. I Am Not Me

    Quite possibly the most important discussion TLS will ever play host to.

    1. Typhlosion (my favorite fire starter, mostly because he stay PURELY fire) 2. Tyrannitar (why is everyone stealing my favorite dark pkmnz ._.) 3. Dragonite (Mhmm~) 4. Venusaur (Vine Whip! :awesome:) 5. Arceus (GOD!) 6. Snorlax (<3) I like the old Pokemon a lot. They're less complicated...
  19. I Am Not Me

    What games are you currently playing?

    Persona 3 Portable! :awesome: My heroine is a whoar. :monster: I love it. I'm lovers with 2 guys and 1 boy...and they'll never know. :awesome:
  20. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Thai/Sophia!

    D8 I hope give you happiness with this belated greeting :awesome: (belated) Happy Birthday! :reptar:
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