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  1. I Am Not Me

    i love small children

  2. I Am Not Me

    FFVII: The Earth's Cries? (for real this time)

    I didn't see it because I read and type too slow. :monster:
  3. I Am Not Me

    FFVII: The Earth's Cries? (for real this time)

    NO. He looks weird. :sadpanda: DS FFVII? Bad idea. Real or not, I will not accept this. Besides, after all that work making Cloud look bad ass (in a sense), a PS3 demo with awesome graphics, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children Complete... they're just going to release the remake...
  4. I Am Not Me

    Hello Everybody!

    I hope you don't mean me. :awesome: I have that tendency whenever I'm hungry. Or when FF yaoi is involved. Anyhow, welcome to the forums! :reptar: We're nice people here, so don't worry about it. Some of us pretend to be asshoals for the lulz, but don't be bothered by it. Squall does it too...
  5. I Am Not Me

    What are you listening to?

    Song of Prayer - Inori no Uta - Hymn of the Fayth (FFX, all versions) Because I feel like listening to them on loop. FOREVER.
  6. I Am Not Me

    Let's all welcome Tennyo to staff

    The n00dz the Tennyo provided finally paid off? :awesome: ILU TENNY CONGRATS :reptar:
  7. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Celes <3

    Wait, wait, I suck. I haven't posted here yet?? :O Happy Birthday! It's so sudden that I wasn't able to prepare my strip dancing birthday video for you. sadface You'd have to rely on your imagination. :awesome: Shouldn't be too hard. ILU HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH :reptar: naked
  8. I Am Not Me

    HeartGold and SoulSilver

    Agh... I wish I'd have joined this thread sooner when I still had my DS. Like... a few hours ago. And I just beat the Elite Four for the fifth time this morning! (for the monies) Aw, gawd. And I was gonna ask for a Bulbasaur Egg or something. I ONLY HAVE MY POKEWALKER LEFT WHAT AM I...
  9. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    But the beginning isn't true Cloud. :( Or maybe that doesn't count for CxA? o.o
  10. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Or he could be neither and he could just be Cloud. :monster: I'm sorry, I would have to abort my blue mission. I'm getting headaches. DDD:
  11. I Am Not Me

    I may be slowpoking here

    I wouldn't have found out if I didn't read this thread just now.
  12. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Okay... this bothers me... It says Cloud is similar to Zidane and Squall at the same time? What? WHAT? *facedesk*
  13. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    I found some. I find it very hard to believe how the site can fake all these images just for their ship, when all of its so-called "canon proof images of merchandise" are actually Clack! D; LOOK! Fake pic: The site's logic: Squall and Rinhoa shown together = Canon Proof of the Obvious...
  14. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    Sure! Should I start gathering Clack evidence from the linked site? :monster: No one can call us biased Clotis with that, since we're clearly doing it for Clack. :awesome:
  15. I Am Not Me

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    That site. IT BURNS MY EYES!!! Are you trying to kill me?! :@ Just kidding. T'was much amusing, very yes. :awesome: They didn't use the monkey thing as canon proof. They just thought it was an allusion to CxA... just how I randomly thought the relationship between Squall, Cloud, and Tidus in...
  16. I Am Not Me


    Happy Birthday! :monster: Congrats on turning 61 today! :reptar: ...wait.
  17. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Tenny!!!! &#9829;&#9829;&#9829;

  18. I Am Not Me

    What games are you currently playing?

    I do not. :awesome: Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal will probably be my favoritestestestest games on the Gameboy Color. So the remake on my awesome, renewed DS Lite? I love. Plus, the Pokewalker is awesome. I'm also playing Project Diva Hatsune Miku on my PSP. I didn't think I'd ever enjoy...
  19. I Am Not Me

    What games are you currently playing?

    Pokemon HeartGold. :awesome:
  20. I Am Not Me

    (FFVIII)This shit blew my mind...

    Hmm... to be honest, I actually like that interpretation of FFVIII. It gives me a vague sense of hope that somehow, someway, Rinoa could have died at the end of disc 1 as well. :monster: Hate who so much? :O I think FF8 is a great game, Rinhoa aside. It does have some of its unfortunate...
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