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  1. X

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Re: Hope v 2.0 Haha, Ryu, why am I not surprised? (Actually, what's /really/ funny is that I had actually thought about tapping you and asking your opinion :P) Okay, so then we're arriving to the conclusion that Unsents are spirits, right? I mean, to say they're a manifestation...
  2. X

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Re: Hope v 2.0 Even though I do believe what was said in-game to be true, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. How come Lenne and Shuyin were able to have a conversation at the end - and be heard? Furthermore, what about Tidus leading Yuna out of the Farplane, or even existing at all...
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    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Re: Hope v 2.0 About the whole Lifestream thing... I consider it a semi-happy ending. The LS is current of thoughts, and so Aerith and Zack's would always be intertwined, with their deepest thoughts always exposed. Not to mention that chances are when LS "recycles" their lives...
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    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Re: Hope v 2.0 I only registered so I could join this club. Go Zerith! The feather thing is an interesting notion. I'd always wondered (subconsciously, though) why the feather was so forcibly blown to the side every time I saw it... hm... Oh... everyone's bringing up how everyone...
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