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  1. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 9 Spoiler Discussion

    One thing to note: I did only about half of these things and still got the Chocobo Sam quests, and am seeing many different sequences posted in different places online as well, so I'm not sure any of the existing guides can really be 100% trusted. More likely than not, it just requires doing...
  2. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 9 Spoiler Discussion

    That's right, I remember now. I just wish at that point, Cloud had gone back and been "hey we have a problem," leading to them seeking Andrea's approval (because Madame M and Sam have already recommended a candidate) and then to the adventure of the original in service of that. The events are in...
  3. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 9 Spoiler Discussion

    I'm glad so many people are so head-over-heels for this chapter, but it was another mixed bag for me. There were, again, plenty of things I liked, so I'll start with those: The highway was neat. Not as good as the sun lamp dungeon, mind. But it was fun, the high five thing was an adorable gag...
  4. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    A quick thought about The Great Stamp Debate: if meant to indicate an alternate timeline, why would a mascot change, of all things? Yes, yes, butterfly effect and all, but Zack surviving has no bearing on the already-existing design of his company’s propaganda. The crux of this timeline theory...
  5. Kratos


    I spoiled myself on the REALLY big stuff before release, which has actually helped me feel like I don't really need to rush it, since I can already join in on the Big Conversations (if a bit more passively). I am kinda feeling some time pressure because my planned gaming time of 6 hours per...
  6. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 8 Spoiler Discussion

    This chapter was okay. I found the quests a lot less well-presented than Chapter 3's - without a similar framing device, they felt more disjointed, and there wasn't really a mini-dungeon like the factory to explore either. Also - why the hell was Cloud such an asshole to that old dude who wanted...
  7. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    I dunno, I think that could work depending on how it's presented. I would certainly prefer it to Reality-Hopping AC Sephiroth.
  8. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 3 Spoiler Discussion

    The more I think back on this chapter, the more I remember how totally packed it was! I do really want to talk about the quests, though. I dug the quests. They weren't anything mind-blowing gameplay wise, but I appreciated a few things about them: The context was great. The idea that Cloud is...
  9. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 7 Spoiler Discussion

    Air Buster was rough. It took me two tries, but a good part of that was probably because I keep forgetting I have the more powerful version of spells. Like @Mayo Master , though, I had Elemental linked with Thunder (on Tifa), so that helped a lot. I found Cloud's fall to be a bit...sudden, I...
  10. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 4 Spoiler Discussion

    I loved this chapter, obviously. I'm working through these threads in reverse here, kind of, so a lot of my takeaways echo what I said in the Chapter 5 thread: the character moments are executed nearly-perfectly, and a lot of that has to do with the delivery of the English voice cast. The...
  11. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 6 Spoiler Discussion

    Aside from the expansive new dungeon added with all that wonderful sun lamp worldbuilding, I really appreciated some of the character moments here. The standout for me was Barrett earnestly giving advice that he took wholesale from one of Marlene's favourite storybooks, Tifa knowing exactly...
  12. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 5 Spoiler Discussion

    One neat detail I noticed: I couldn't confirm if this happened all the time, but it seemed like enemies groups were typically placed close to the branching doors that led to chests and such along the tunnel in this chapter. Not only does that make sense, but it also helps indicate the presence...
  13. Kratos

    Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread

    I really wish DualShockers would just publish the entire interview, rather than snippet summaries sandwiched into an opinion piece. It's like when you have to read paragraphs of pre-amble before getting to a recipe that you looked up online.
  14. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    In addition to what @Theozilla said... The semantics are only really noteworthy because the people crying "SeQuEl!" aren't simply trying to categorize - they're using semantics of terminology as a form of criticism themselves, I suspect because the game's defiance of expectations feels like a...
  15. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    This premise can only really serve as a sequel if it involves people from the "First" timeline actively altering things as a result of what came before. If it's simply a person within this story being able to see what will happen and acting to change it, then it has no (Watsonian) interaction...
  16. Kratos

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    Why not, though? Removing all spite from it (and @Saven's post certainly didn't seem spiteful), what isn't funny about Gilbert Gottfried voicing characters totally unsuited for his dulcet tones?
  17. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    I guess the issue I take with it is...more upfront how? The guy who called me a "shill" predicated his entire rant on the fact that it's a sequel and not a remake, but that's only one possible read of the ending which (like you said) may not even be true in the end. Also, whatever the case...
  18. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    They delivered exactly what they advertised they would: a remake of the Midgar chapter with its elements and story added to and expanded. The Whispers were openly a part of the game from some of the earliest trailers, so they aren't even a surprise - and it remains to be seen how much their...
  19. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    I got accused of being a morally-bankrupt Square shill because I told a guy that we weren't, in fact, lied to by the marketing when they said it was a Remake. What a wild time!
  20. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    I think it's more that they're asking us to be comfortable with potential change, while simultaneously trying to reassure that the narrative beats and character moments will still be represented with care. In that sense, it's not contradictory at all - those two elements complement each other...
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