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  1. Geostigma

    My Hero Academia [WSJ]

    This show just has this strange endearing quality to make you feel like Deku, and by extension you, can do anything lol. When that theme song starts to swell up and you know Deku is about to go beyond his limits to get the job done it just becomes so hype. It really connects with you on a level...
  2. Geostigma

    My Hero Academia: One's Justice

    DETRROOIIIIIT SMAAAAAAAAAAAASH. I fucking love this show. I've only seen the first 30 episodes so far but think its been an incredible ride so far. I'm not a big Anime guy so dont have a huge pool outside of the Toonami classics to compare against but this is probably the best anime ive seen so...
  3. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    I have to agree with Fangu that 50px is far to large especially along side XF's minimalist aesthetic. They look great though. I'm curious what they would look like with someone who has to many roles etc. lol. Like Yopy pointed out its a bit concerning thinking about how funky a postbit would...
  4. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    These are so awesome!
  5. Geostigma

    The Great Purge

    OR WILL YOU?!?!?!???
  6. Geostigma


    They nailed it. Also love the phone charging bit. That seems like exactly something a kid would do who just got electrical powers and had no clue how electricity works lol.
  7. Geostigma

    Aquaman (DCEU)

    Reminds me of Black Panther. Except Aquabro is Killmonger. I'm calling him Fishmonger now. Seems like a fun movie I'm down.
  8. Geostigma

    Jen, The Sarah Saga, And Where She Went

    what in the actual fuck is this thread and how have I missed it for this long lmao
  9. Geostigma

    ATTN: Lex For Admin? VOTE NOW number 6 will shock you

    Time to make new accounts to vote again!
  10. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    I was just thinking different colored materia for the different roles :monster: Though I guess someone with a bunch of roles or something might have their postbit end up looking like the infinity gauntlet or something lol.
  11. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    Oh yeah absolutely. I think as long as you don't admin Tethar Atrum, SY's friend who had a kid named Kadaj or that one guy who ended up being worse than Tethar out of sheer spite and contempt for the community we might be on the right track still lol Good god, ACF wtf. @Ergo. It means Advent...
  12. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    @yopy. Holy moly I completely forget about podcasts. Sorry @podcast team :( lol. Having that in the open is so good too, just for the simple fact we can maybe try and get more people to join over time and also engage the community like for instance having a Pre-Podcast thread where people can...
  13. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    Double post. I hate to call this a "compromise" because I know it doesn't actually address the issue of transparency at all, but I do think it helps address the idea of community involvement, fun events and also limiting the effects of too many cooks in the kitchen. It's basically a fleshed...
  14. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    Yeah basically. For those of you not on the team etc. As far as I understand for all intents and purposes were "Staff" just like the people who write articles on the front page or do the design stuff are. The thing is since were so new we haven't had our section or titles handed out yet and...
  15. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    While that stops lurkers from lurking as a guest it doesn't really stop anyone from just signing up and eventually having access to the board and doing the stuff I and Claymore listed as issues. Furthermore with it being an open section thats clearly marked as our content/social media team ...
  16. Geostigma

    On Forum Titles and Roles - Important!

    I also believe Lex being admin is fgj and lettucebecereal, he's been a damn good admin already for a few years :monster: As i said in the other thread, I had my eyes totally opened when I joined the youtube to just how much Lex actually runs here. Maybe I'm just oblivious and it was always...
  17. Geostigma

    Video Essays on film and gaming

    This video will be heavily slanted towards League of Legends as the creator of it is actually a pro player , and probably one of the greatest players in his specific role to have ever played the game. However I do actually think the concepts he talks about briefly can also be applied to other...
  18. Geostigma

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    Well look at mr. fancy pants over here and their proper formatting :monster: This is so fucking cool, I'm totally down for something like that! Yup. That's why I made sure to specifically bring it up in that post. When looking for forum upgrade threads I also did a bit of drama thread...
  19. Geostigma

    Forum software upgrade (for real now)

    So just to kind of get our ducks in a row should we make like a quick list of "fix it nowww" stuff and "can be saved for future development" stuff? Fix asap User Title/Permissions thing - Possible solution , Flatten the thingy? Work on later Post bit information - I.e. Join date, user...
  20. Geostigma

    Split from forum software upgrade (closed)

    Good gosh leave the poor sea monster alone lol. Running this site is basically a hobby, a not free one at that. Imo Yops cba'ness is pretty justified when it comes to keeping this community alive post ACF era. I'm sure coming home from a long day of work to see a pm asking for likely 2-4 year...
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