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  1. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    And I'm atma farming. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be...
  2. Drax

    General TV thread

    Empire Galavant Gravity Falls Twin Peaks
  3. Drax

    Last Film You've Seen

    Bourne Legacy, well written like the trilogy, nothing new though.
  4. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Just finished Titan Hard without dying on first attempt. Received 2 commendations. :headbang:
  5. Drax

    Resident Evil Series

    Opening Cutscene AQs0uEhwbVM Gameplay rP6KNYnUQWc
  6. Drax

    General Anime Thread

    Closest I've seen is a Dungeon & Fighter/Arad Senki adaptation.
  7. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I think newly created characters don't show up on search for 12-24 hours. It was that way for a new guy that showed up in the FC.
  8. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I wonder how long this relic weapon quest thing really is Better than trying to get the weapons in Mor Dhona, that's why I'm just cutting to it. EDIT: *Waits an hour and a half for Chimera in Duty Finder*
  9. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I think the house can have retainers set up a shop, and something else that I'll have to look into. Both came with this update.
  10. Drax

    General Anime Thread

    Finished Hamatora. I see the X-Men angle. Now I am off to finish Baccano. Pretty spooky stuff. O_o That Rail Chaser.
  11. Drax

    Last Film You've Seen

    Almost finished with Assault on Arkham. Moi goodness that's a lotta violence. It's also kinda weird seeing an animated Batman movie plug a video game based on comicbook Batman. That's 3 levels of meta. Also during a Netflix marathon: High Anxiety Fargo Clue The Burbs (of which I had seen...
  12. Drax

    What games are you currently playing?

    I am about to play the Witcher 2. I've never played a Witcher game before.
  13. Drax

    Report Bugs

    Avatar upload is busted. :( Tried several old avys and they won't work. "Unable to save image" it says.
  14. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I've beaten regular Qarn, and Qarn Hard twice, using the duty finder, but the quest Rock-Solid Protection will not complete itself. There was another quest that required Qarn Hard to be completed, and that one resolved itself. Bug?
  15. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I'm also on ps4. It's $60 to buy the game, maybe 40 at this point, and $14.99 for a month to month subscription fee. You can get a discount, like $12 for a 3 month sub or something like that, but it locks you in for those 3 months, and you have to pay all 3 months at $36 up front. You do not...
  16. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Not sure if you can watch all cutscenes in the Inn though. Or maybe I can't navigate them properly. Praetorium has quite a few during gameplay, but I think the Inn book just shows the intro cutscene and the last cutscene, none of the juicy stuff in between.
  17. Drax

    Chrono Trigger community playthrough

    I think I'm going to have to postpone the video uploads if I'm to finish this. Those take an extra day of work to upload because my PC is not stream compatible.
  18. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Oh thank god I don't have to do Prae anymore. Yes, it gives 200 soldiery if you have newbies, but every time that happens, the new guy is actually allowed to sit through the cutscenes, and he's a slow reader. And I'm thinking "Gee must be nice, since I haven't been able to yet, everybody says...
  19. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I've been doing the praetorium for months getting nowhere. Per Lex' advice, I have been spamming boss fights instead. There's usually someone new every time, and the fights take 5 minutes. In minutes I have 120 soldiery what would have taken days. EDIT: But yay I'm lvl 83 now. Qarn me up!
  20. Drax

    Most pointless Final Fantasy character

    Ashe does a ridiculous amount of sighing in XII. I want to string a sigh compilation to prove my point.
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