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  1. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    Ohh, koda, I thought you were saying Toriyama literally used the phrase "住む世界が違う" in his response... like, as if speaking from the perspective of the surviving characters. Big derp.
  2. TurquoiseHammer

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    Definitely. And on the flipside, I'd like to think that the English localization may be more explicit or revealing than the Japanese in certain scenarios. This isn't like the OG translation, where someone sat down and pounded out a script with no input from the original writers (at least that's...
  3. TurquoiseHammer

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    There's an interesting difference between the Japanese and English in the Chapter 1 scene where Heidegger is talking to President Shinra. Sorry if this has already been noted. English: These sewer rats appear to call themselves Avalanche, sir. We are currently investigating whether they belong...
  4. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    I think when Toriyama got this question, his first instinct was to reassure fans that characters aren't just going to be brought back from the brink of (or beyond) death on a whim—because to be fair, this does seem to happen to FIVE characters in the game! To me the emphasis seems to be on...
  5. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    I have to imagine Toriyama would have a strong incentive to equivocate when answering a question like this. "The worlds we each inhabit would be different" isn't quite what I imagined the Japanese to be; it's a little less explicit. I do agree with Mako that multiple/alternate timelines are...
  6. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    I wasn't so much talking about the specific phrase "different world" as the whole paragraph. It would be nice get a more idiomatic translation of the last sentence in particular. And thanks, me too! Might cancel and use a different service.
  7. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    I think we need another pair of eyes on the "different world" interview response, or better yet a scan of the Japanese. Audrey is a great asset to the fandom but she has made mistakes before, mainly because she's pressured to blaze through content so quickly. If I had to give my interpretation...
  8. TurquoiseHammer

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    Didn't even notice this! In a way this is the biggest piece of confirmed info we have to date about part 2. :lol:
  9. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    Holy moly, those are radically different translations of what should be a short and simple piece of text! Getting by the collapsed overpass would have put him right at the train station, though, and he wouldn't have met Aerith. I think the second option is more likely—Cloud would have found a...
  10. TurquoiseHammer

    [Spoilers] Material Ultimania Plus discussion

    That last part of Toriyama's response is interesting. As far as I know we've never had any evidence that Rufus resumed contact with AVALANCHE after he was found out by his father; but this seems to suggest he's once again in league with them. This, despite confirmation elsewhere in the Ultimania...
  11. TurquoiseHammer

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    Let's hope Part 2's presentation of the Junon ship ride doesn't differ from what's described in the novel, otherwise people will wonder if ToTP is set in a third timeline. (Mostly kidding, but I do wonder how much of that scene and the events leading up to it have been locked in...
  12. TurquoiseHammer

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    Hito, thanks for the excellent summary. Can't say how nice it is to read idiomatic English for a change. I promised myself I'd just wait for my copy to arrive but sure enough I've been prowling the internet looking for scans, not finding any, and settling for translations from non-native English...
  13. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    What a joy to come back to this thread and see a couple hours' worth of reading material :) Incredible work by everyone. Never expected to get as deep a dive as Shademp and JBedford are giving us. Laughed at the hiragana "he" error. I remember in old Japanese games like Pokemon RBY they would...
  14. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    It's on p. 166 of the UCC. Japanese: 左側のグリフォンを倒すとゼイオの実が&#12289...
  15. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Sorry that should say Magic Stone. Will I be able to edit soon? :doh:
  16. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Derp, there's a note right below in the CCU. It says destroying the two oil drums (in front of chest 2) will make the next Griffon fight (assuming it's immediately after) yield 2000 gil. Destroying the fence (in front of chest 3) will make the next Griffon fight yield a Magic Stone. So the ideal...
  17. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Did you point out the thing with the Gongaga reactor chests? I think if you do them in a certain order you get additional spoils. Should do them (going clockwise) 2 1 3 4. Neither Steve nor Kirbyarm mention this, so I'm wondering if it's a version difference (the extra rewards are 2,000 gil on...
  18. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Another update–maximum number of Coffin Keys is 5! Have three in your inventory, then kill a group of two Sahagins at the same time. Similar to the Goddess Keys. Note that groups of two Sahagins can only be encountered in Chapter 9, after you break out of the tubes.
  19. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Well, looks like you can only do 67 squats in chapter 5 but 68 in chapter 7. Maybe Zack's quads got stronger? Weird. Anyway, sorry to hear you're having trouble. Hope everything comes together for you!
  20. TurquoiseHammer

    Crisis Core Research Thread

    Shademp, did you notice a difference in the max number of squats in the mini game across versions? Steve's guide says 68, Kirbyarm's says 67, and player comments are split pretty much down the middle. I've done the mini-game around 15 times now and always gotten 67. Is everyone just lying? -_-
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