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  1. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    I killed Caius. :3 Now I can actually get to completing the game. Granted, I did horribly. Not even one star for the 3 Bahamut fight. BUT I FUCKING SURVIVED THAT MASSACRE WITH A SEMI WEAK PARTY SO SHUTUP. I only have about 77 fragments right now. But that shall change. >D Still, I like the...
  2. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    I got that trigger :D. I'm really not surprised. Noel struck me as a dog person anyways. I think that's really interesting. It shows how much SE goes out on a limb to contrast his character from Snow's. Then again, these kinds of things fascinate me even if they're simple and stupid. I love...
  3. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    Guh. I got to the end. I'm not really super crazy leveled up. Well, Noel is like, my saving grace. He's so powerful it's ridiculous. But I kind of wanted to keep Serah open to a lot of the other roles and so, she's my weak link atm whereas Noel has mastered almost every role. I kind of wanted...
  4. Marle

    might be mia for a while

    tls just became a much less happy place :C
  5. Marle

    The Noerah Army

    I made a crappy playlist but YEAH. Have at it, folks :)
  6. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    A cloti song. From Cloud's POV. :monster: 69NQExPWIB0
  7. Marle

    The Noerah Army

    I JUST LOVE YOU GAIZ BECAUSE YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THESE COMPLICATED FEELINGS I'M HAVING. ;O; The Sunleth scenes were very, very interesting. I was really expecting Snow to tackle glomp her what with the way they reunited at the end of FF13. He was all: Lightning, stfu we're getting married, let's...
  8. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Considering I have a bad, bad habit of leaving a game alone for a long period of time sometimes, depending on how hellish life gets, I find this feature extremely useful. :monster:
  9. Marle

    The Noerah Army

    I don't see how anyone can miss the obvious stuff going on between these two. @_@ I mean, the game barely starts and Noel is all: HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME FIRST IF YOU WANT HER D< And at the same time, he's encouraging her to make her own decisions and everyone within five minutes of meeting him...
  10. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I am so surprised at how much I'm liking this game. Considering my initial thoughts were: oh fuck really SE? I haven't gotten through a lot of it but it's only because I'm such a perfectionist, I need to get everything and do everything as soon as I can so....:D Anywho. I was never a big fan...
  11. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    He's the reason I even bought FF13-2, tbh. Initially, I thought he was gonna be like a more annoying version of Sora or something. Just based off of looks. But, after gleaming hints of the storyline and the purpose of his character, I had a little hope that he would be a character who would...
  12. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Can I just say.... I love Noel? I think Noel is an improvement for SE in leading male protagonists. Like, they're going back to their roots of Cecil and Cloud, etc. Sure, it's not quite as good as that yet but hey, it's a step forward, imo. Anywho, I won't get into it much here because...
  13. Marle

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    On top of everything wonderful Tiff already said and Quex, who has been so civil during this debate it's admirable, I just want to know one thing. How does turning Cloud into a jerk to Tifa make clerith a possible 'interpretation'? Is the only way for Cloud to love Aerith possible when he...
  14. Marle


    I will meet this request :3 I find it so sad how much hate Zack gets and how often he's tossed aside. He's one of my fave male characters in any FF and I'm tired of the bashing. Especially when he has such amazing fanart *_*
  15. Marle

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    This OTP is flawless. Let's have some fanart so I can prove this.
  16. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    so much clerith fanart on pixiv lately, dear lawd! Figured you gaiz would enjoy :)
  17. Marle

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    Thought I'd share :)
  18. Marle

    The Noerah Army

    BUMPED FOR JUSTICE and because the game came out today Is it just my shipper goggles or do these two just look so fabulous together in their fanart? I think their colors are so suited and pretty. *O*
  19. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I don't get this pairing either? I can't see Lightning being all googly eyed for Hope just because he's older and hotter now. That would be awfully shallow of her and very, very OOC. I ignore this pairing whenever I see it. But I can't lie; a lot of the fanart is stunning. Which is sad because...
  20. Marle

    Most popular FFVII pairings?

    Clack and Cloti. I see so much fanart and fanfiction and love for these two pairings, they easily top all the others, imo. And I'm not complaining in the least bit. Then again, there are certain pairings I avoid like the plague in fanfiction so maybe I'm just biased. :awesome:
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