Search results

  1. Marle

    Bounciest Boobies

    I want to motorboat you. :wacky:
  2. Marle

    Hottest Male

    MMF. SCARS. <3 It just makes you sound badass. :L The sexiness in these threads tonight...omg.
  3. Marle

    Bounciest Boobies

    I'd show boobies but I'm not a nom, so no boobies. :awesomonster: besides, I can't compete with tenny and aki omfg those things are delicious looking!
  4. Marle

    Bounciest Boobies

    I just saw Aki's boobies in a bikini. I am still fapping. Voting is over. :L
  5. Marle

    Hottest Male

    I'm so turned on right now. *O* Dacon, stop with excuses. GET WITH THE SHIRTLESS. ;D
  6. Marle

    Hottest Male

  7. Marle

    Hottest Male

    NOW THINGS ARE GETTING STEAMY. :D Dacon, topless photo, now. You too, Omega. ;D
  8. Marle

    Hottest Male

    :O I DO NOT LIE. YOU ARE THE LIAR. STOP DENYING WHAT IS TRUE. Or don't you wanna be the horse no more? :(
  9. Marle

    Hottest Male

    Dacon, I thought I told you that you could be the horse to my cowgirl any day. Now stop complaining. :monster:
  10. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    There really isn't any other pairing in this game. There isn't even a hint of an LT unless you REALLY wanna argue that clerk chick having the hots for Link and always accusing him of flirting. WOMAN I JUST WANT MY SHIT DAMNIT Ahem. I like how you described them, Rishi. :) Normally, I'm...
  11. Marle

    Things that piss you off

  12. Marle

    Best Signature

  13. Marle

    Best ship

    Don't lie bb, you voted for us. It's okay, go on and admit it. :awesome:
  14. Marle

    Hottest Female?

    The fact that I'm even on this list next to such beautiful and awesome ladies has made my day. ;-; Thanks guys! but i refuse to vote because I can't decide between all the lovely ladies URGH
  15. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    OCTO HAS JOINED US. >D Skyward Sword is converting everyone. and whoever doesn't convert does not understand our interpretation Welcome to the cult club. :monster: Obligatory fanart, pls. :awesome:
  16. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    Best Rivalry/ Love-hate ship? I think it should be a category. :monster:
  17. Marle

    What makes your day

    I just... I just finished every last freaking major assignment that was due this semester... minus my portfolio and some lame reflection thing but I can bullshit those easy :joy: I NEED A SHOT. OR MAYBE THREE.
  18. Marle

    Secret Santa 2011

    I would but I think I'd butcher anything people liked here. D: Especially since I'm unfamiliar with some of the fandoms everyone loves.
  19. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    Every thread turns into Homestuck. The only thing I know about that fandom is that Zee reblogs some awesome fanart on tumblr all the time. :monster:
  20. Marle

    What makes your day

    Nothin' like coffee and instant noodles for essay fodder. :awesome:
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