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  1. Belmat

    What are you listening to?

    Disturbed - Meaning of Life
  2. Belmat

    Chit Chat Thread

    Agreed. I also think the directors needed to think through the actor's expressions... They seemed to be smiling a lot for people who were apparently unfeeling.
  3. Belmat

    Statistic thrad

    Thirded on the Vikings. And now that I have joined your ratings should increase by over 9000 percent.
  4. Belmat

    Chit Chat Thread

    I have to admit I've never seen any Sharpe episodes. I keep meaning to get around to it, however. Equilibrium itself smacks of a bad Orwellian ripoff with some so-so acting from Christian Bale and some okayish action sequences... Sean Bean did the best bit of acting in it and died in, like, the...
  5. Belmat

    Chit Chat Thread

    Did anybody else think the film Equilibrium was a severe waste of Boromir?
  6. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    Indeed. Ever since I moved back from Hawaii my colour vanished :(
  7. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    ya rly. Edit: I be bald and big, that's about as far as the likeness goes. I'm paler than a ghost in the arctic.
  8. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    I get a vauge impression that you're eyeing me warily.
  9. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    I think it's a distinct possibility, it has to be said.
  10. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    I don't know... Could you?
  11. Belmat

    ~This thread stinks of manc

    manc. You, me, Mage, threesome, Manchester. Yes?
  12. Belmat

    The Joker Blogs

    The one with Dr Strange in was excellent. "It's your wife and her waterbed..."
  13. Belmat

    The Joker Blogs

    #3 - "I'm in the wrong office." Good stuff :D
  14. Belmat


    Dammit Alex, you should have said something. I've not got anything planned with people from the 'nets until next November when a couple of US Marine buddies are coming over on leave from Iraq.
  15. Belmat


    I got rather wankered myself on Saturday night. Houseparty involving many embarassing photos and waking up with one of my best mate's sisters on top of me :-/ And the Big Mac early the next morning didn't do much to alleviate my internal trauma. Also, offer company again in around a year when...
  16. Belmat


    I knew you were Mumble, hence why I addressed you as such, foo'. Edit: Also, hello CelesChere, before I forget.
  17. Belmat


    Blast. Looking for some first-hand accounts of what the place is like.
  18. Belmat

    Chit Chat Thread

    Gonna be awfully gritty on entrance using cookies...
  19. Belmat


    Morbidly awesome is the best way to be. Stops you being boring and makes sure the whining bastards who say everything has to be politically correct stay the fuck away from you. Also, nights off FTW! Where's the sprog tonight then?
  20. Belmat

    Chit Chat Thread

    Most excellent. I'll bring lube and cookies.
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