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  1. Kuraudo.

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    FYI Suzaku: Adult Angeal's Portrait was updated. On another note: Some great concept arts from the Anniversary: The Cetra's Story: Birth of the Destroyer.
  2. Kuraudo.

    FFVII Rebirth at Tokyo Game Show '23 and media bonanza

    The colors are reminiscence of FF7 OG pre-release pictures. NVDUN3 (Mt. Nibel, Materia Fountain)
  3. Kuraudo.

    The FFVII Mobile Game Initiative (2004-2008 Era)

    A scene in Episode Legend from Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII. Credit to sousi.
  4. Kuraudo.

    What’s Next after FF7 Crisis Core Reunion

    EC will cover Before Crisis and make justice to it, if all goes well. Then we will have ACR=Advent Children R(choose title) with new English dub and revised Buster Sword. Then we will have DCR=Dirge of Cerberus Redemption a full remake for PS5, less cringe, including Lost Episode and Online...
  5. Kuraudo.

    Anybody up for a G-Bike archive?

    PM you for TFS and G-Bike. Agree for G-Bike, would be super cool to play it offline. FFVII G-Bike, the title was a racing game, hack and slash, with role-playing elements. It was released 30/10/2014 in Japan for iOS and Android, service ended 15/12/2015. Last version was 2.0.1. MINI...
  6. Kuraudo.

    Anybody up for a G-Bike archive?

    Did you hear about FFVII The First Soldier server shutdown in January? Would be great if to assist in preserving that game too
  7. Kuraudo.

    Before Crisis: Cissnei - Demo out

    Heya folks. For who tried the demo, any feedbacks?
  8. Kuraudo.

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    In which page is Elfe mentioned guys?
  9. Kuraudo.

    Before Crisis: Cissnei - Demo out

    This is a trailer I did to showcase the beta of "Before Crisis: Cissnei". ► DOWNLOAD: "An All-New Final Fantasy 7 Journey. 6 years before the crisis... On the edge of an uprising Shinra's special task force is deployed. The...
  10. Kuraudo.

    Cissnei - CC Ultimania

    Great addition jeangl... I'm wondering if that should be taken in consideration since in a few compilation books the birthplace was never reveled. Still a great addition. Interesting FYI from Crisis Core Complete Guide (Category 7-5: Orphans Escaping): "Orphanage An orphan housing facility run...
  11. Kuraudo.

    ► FFVII Before Crisis Archive ◄

    Here we go, solved: 持 ち 前 の 頭 脳 を 活 か し た 策 略 で 神 羅 を 苦 し め る 、 ア バ ラ ン チ 随 一 の 知 性 派 幹 部 。 生 物 科 学 に も 精 通 し て お り 、 ソ ル ジ ャ ー 研 究 を 独 自 に 発 展 さ せ て 生 み 出 し た 強 化 戦 士 「 レ イ ブ ン 」 を 、 自 分 直 属 の 部 隊 と し て 抱 え て い る 。 ア バ ラ ン チ を 結 成 し た 早 命 学 者 の 弟 子 で あ る と 同 時 に 、 フ ヒ ト 自 身 も 高 名 な 星 命 学 者 で 、...
  12. Kuraudo.

    ► FFVII Before Crisis Archive ◄

    Interesting question. BTW Elfe was raised by Avalanche & Fuhito and then she becomes leader. Leaders of BC Avalanche are Fuhito & Elfe, Shears more of a field commander. Founder of Avalanche BC: see below.
  13. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Added Episode: Yuffie I coudn't help but to notice that Reeve/Cait wasn't really taken much in consideration in this novel.
  14. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Thanks all! Thanks frosty, if you or anybody else want to add more tidbits, please do! Just updated Episode: Shinra
  15. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Lifestream Black Sephiroth had decided he would use his Mother’s power. With a fragment of Mother’s body, I too can get a body again, the man thought. And so firstly, he tried to manifest on the surface as just a spirit, but his attempt failed. He had already returned the memories of his own...
  16. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Episode: Shinra Pre-meteorfall: Reeve can control two robot cats at the same time. Even if it is a bit difficult for him. Cait Sith No.2 controlled by Reeve will save Tseng which is laying on the floor in very bad condition in the Ancient Ruins. Three men carried Tseng onto a boat. The men were...
  17. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Episode: Yuffie The Forgotten City. At a small lake where Aerith had lost her life and saw everyone off, Yuffie and the others had returned once again to let her know that the fight against Sephiroth was over. They all stood silently around the lake’s altar. None of them spoke but each of them...
  18. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Episode: Nanaki “The lifestream passed through here. That must have caused the boulder to fall. When I made my way back here, I noticed the geography had changed in many places. ” He looked around carefully again, and realized that parts of the canyon that had once protruded had been eroded...
  19. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Episode: Barret It had been several months since that day—the chosen day. After helping Tifa and Cloud build their home, Barret entrusted his best friend Dyne’s orphaned daughter Marlene to the two of them and embarked on a journey. It was a journey to settle the sins of his past. For half a...
  20. Kuraudo.

    Lore Summary of "On the Way to a Smile"

    Episode: Tifa Instability of the electricity supply in Tifa's new bar. Tifa introduce Marlene to the people as her daughter. The FF7 OG team decide to separate from each other. After promising to reunite one day, Tifa, Cloud and Barret separated from the others, leaving for Corel Village...
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