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  1. Rydeen

    My unbiased ranking of Final Fantasy games drop yours down below.

    CC is definitely bad :monster:
  2. Rydeen

    What are you listening to?

    Dua Lipa really fell flat this year imho
  3. Rydeen

    Where will this fandom be 10 years from now ?

    Oh I know it's on all the social media platforms, I'm just saying that it will continue to be there, whereas the forum will likely continue to die. I did try to contribute to keeping it alive, but people really don't seem to like long-form content anymore, and events are much easier to host on...
  4. Rydeen

    Toxic Sexuality Speculation Thread

    Cloud - Baby bi but doesn't know it. Romantically attracted to Sephiroth on some level. :monster: Sephiroth - The gayest gay to ever gay Aerith - Adventurous Tifa - The demi-est demi to ever demi Cid - Straight Barrett - Demi straight and vanilla Zack - Grey-ace Vincent - Demi straight Yuffie -...
  5. Rydeen

    Where will this fandom be 10 years from now ?

    I don't think it's really attracting many new fans, unfortunately, especially not younger people. I would also sadly be surprised if this forum is still alive by then, but the fandom is so big that it will still exist on whatever major social media platforms, much in the same way that other even...
  6. Rydeen

    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete SCENE CHANGES COMPILATION. *SPOILERS*

    Oh wow, I originally thought the author intent was that humanity was probably extinct by then.
  7. Rydeen

    Tomb Raider 2012

    I just found it a bit boring, but of course people are too busy arguing over her cup size again as opposed to making valid criticism. :monster: I do like the sensitivity they brought to her character, but apparently relatable character depth makes a character a crybaby. Basically I liked Lara in...
  8. Rydeen

    What games are you currently playing?

    I decided to buy a couple games during the Steam sale. One of them was Persona 4 Golden, as I had only played the original one, almost 10 years ago, and I'd like to experience it again. Another was Flower, mostly because it was 2$ and looks relaxing. I also bought The Caligula Effect 2 and...
  9. Rydeen

    What games are you currently playing?

    I started playing My Time At Sandrock again. I had a 250 hour save file back from when the game was in Alpha/Beta, and figured it would be cool to start fresh to see the changes that have been made since then. I haven't played the game in maybe a year and a half? The My Time series basically has...
  10. Rydeen

    Catch-all R.I.P. thrad

    oh shit! I honestly didn't know he was still alive.
  11. Rydeen

    Shin Megami Tensei series

    It's kind of weird - all of that is definitely true about the narrative, yet I still loved the experience of the game. I think it was of course the setting, aesthetics, and world building, but also the fact that the characters have so much optional dialog throughout the game. The way Lisa's...
  12. Rydeen

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    holy shit that is gorgeous
  13. Rydeen

    Queen's Blood Thread

    Joined :monster: May have time to play later this week.
  14. Rydeen

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    I'm really interested in the Sephiroth childhood stuff that's coming out. I am going to have to check out the gameplay videos. :awesome:
  15. Rydeen

    Y halo thar

    Nah, we have an ACF thread that gets revived sometimes :monster:
  16. Rydeen

    What are you listening to?

    Holy shit, I loved that AMV like 10 years ago.
  17. Rydeen

    "Final Fantasy VII Lateral Biography: TURKS - The Kids Are Alright"

    I interpreted this as Rufus rejecting the nihilistic attitude and religion brought about by Sephiroth, that there is no point in rebuilding again if humanity has such self-destructive tendencies. Especially in the context of Rufus later stating that Sephiroth can come back all he wants and that...
  18. Rydeen

    "Final Fantasy VII Lateral Biography: TURKS - The Kids Are Alright"

    There is definitely some genuine redemption there, albeit incomplete. The characters, especially Reno and Rufus, express regret and disgust for their past, but I will agree that Nojima has maintained a dash of ambiguity and mystery, between the Shinra monument and the Turks still sometimes using...
  19. Rydeen

    Meaning of character's name

    There's also Barrett Firearms Manufacturing. His first name seems to have some layers. Bullet transliterated. Apparently there is indeed a coal mine in the middle of nowhere in Indiana called Barrett. It seems weird for them to know that, but if intentional it wouldn't be the first time they...
  20. Rydeen

    All the weird stuff Cloud is good at?

    Cloud's self loathing is making less and less sense. What a talented young man. :monster:
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