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  1. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Okay, if Cloti is supposed to be canon then why did Nomura give Cloud small hands?
  2. KissTheRain

    Worth buying a PSP for?

    Well if you know how to program the PSP right, it has a lot of benefits. For one there are many excellent games on it outside the FF/SE section so you can play those or new ones are always coming out and one may spot your eye, but you won't be able to buy cause you are lacking a PSP. Even now...
  3. KissTheRain

    Chocobo, Moogle, Cactuar, Tomberry, Moombas

    First, not to be picky but it's tonberry not tomberry or I believe they were called dinglberries in V, yes? I picked cactaurs even though they are tied with moogles, because of you X-2, with the baby ones and the cactaur riding the chocobo I just squealed like a little fangirl. And the moogle...
  4. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Splintered, everyone knows if anyone is Tifa's "koibito" or if she is one to someone it would be Cloud, but as for the Clerith koibito arguement is more commonly Tifa is a sweetheart or a nice person rather than a lover of another and the difference between that and CoLW's koibito is that has...
  5. KissTheRain

    What are you listening to?

    Coin Operated Boy ~ Dresden Dolls
  6. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    I'm a conformist so I'll safely say I don't like her. (:
  7. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Haha, Mako sorry we can't all be supreme dictators admins..O: LOL I don't know why they insult hito, he is one of the nicest least biased person on this site, imo. Beloved, lover, sweetheart, fuck buddy, who cares really?
  8. KissTheRain

    Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

    Disney, really? Gawd no wonder I don't watch Naruto on the tv. Anyways the Japanese is better more swearing and violence. >D I prefer the manga actually and I just bought book 43 my favorite ever, how about you guys...favorite book? chapter? episode? season? :3
  9. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Oh I remember that thread now, but I ditched I just ignored it because I dislike miles of text and forums calling out members which is just playing rude and bashing imo. I don't think i'll post in it only because I don't wanna get lots of texts about blah and neh, idk i'm lazy. =.=;
  10. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Could I have a link to this thread please, I haven't seen it and it sounds juicy. :lol:
  11. KissTheRain

    I'm A Mac

    Both are huge billioinaire companies, even if one makes more it's only because it's better as a product or at marketing. Welcome to capitalism Alex.
  12. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    But what about bows? :lol:
  13. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    But pink is so pretty. :awesome:
  14. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    @Mako- No silly it's Barret! :lol: *typical Clerith candiate to eliminate Tifa* JK. No, I know it's pretty damn obvious it's Cloud, but isn't exactly.
  15. KissTheRain

    Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

    Oh my that baby is adorable. <33 After Lulu and Wakka's creepy ass Jamacian baby came around I've been wanting to see moar. :U Marlene was cute, but this kid is just pure win. O: Sahz was always awesome from what i've seen, but like Mako said he keeps going higher on the list. :3
  16. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    N/m yes I have, I thought you were talking about something else. XD Okay sorry, TO ME, it evens out because Tifa's doesn't refer to anyone while Aerith's does. You could interpret Tifa is Cloud's koibito and you can interpret that Aerith's feelings to Cloud are mutual, so I think neither are...
  17. KissTheRain

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    OMFG... I'd say Sirius.
  18. KissTheRain

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Maybe they are Liberals? :awesome: Sounds good, may I have a link? :3 Nice definition Mako and I agree. ^_^ Personally, I think beloved is the best word for the moment it sounds romantic and flowing like hito said, yes? Aerith loves Cloud and "could" be mutual (note the could not is guys)...
  19. KissTheRain

    The Elite Order of Cloud

    How about Night Under the Highwind? :P
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