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  1. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I'm happy report I am making good progress on my First Soldier story. I do have a question though if anyone here with FS knowledge would be willing to indulge me. Is there a reason given for why Glenn and co change outfits after crashing on the island? Were they supposed to be disguises? Lucia...
  2. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    Thank you Cold Spirit! I really didn't expect it to get this far, but here we are :mon:
  3. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    Sorry for the long lapse without an update! Summer kinda kicked my butt this year with me working 4 jobs (because teachers really don't get summers off) but I did manage to get the script and outline done for the Rebirth novelization. It ended up being 328 pages, which is comparable to my Remake...
  4. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    With the renewed Advent Children hype surrounding its theatrical release, I’ve spent the last couple weeks revising my AC novelization. It will be uploaded to AO3 over the next couple of weeks.
  5. BioTeach

    SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke

    I take leaks like this with a grain of salt. I really can't see both dates being explicitly romantic. I feel like that would really paint Cloud in a bad light to show him getting romantic with both Tifa and Aerith. Whichever side you're on, that's a bad look. For the record, I see it the same...
  6. BioTeach


    Good to hear from you Octo! I was actually just thinking about you the other day (hope that doesn't sound too weird) I genuinely hope you are doing well inspite of the difficulties you mentioned and I hope you feel welcomed to hang out here as much as you like, even if you dont feel like posting...
  7. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    To celebrate the news of the recovery of a Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode mobile demo (as recently reported over in the FFVII Mobile Game Initiative thread), I am posting my Lost Episode chapters on AO3. There are two, one I just posted today and the other will go up next week. If you are...
  8. BioTeach

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome! It's always nice to have new faces and voices around. I hope you enjoy it here :joy:
  9. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I'm posting BC chapters again! My goal was to get it all up before Ever Crisis releases which is in about month now so I'll be speeding up my postings for anyone following along.
  10. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    Thank you ^_^ Keeping fingers crossed that AO3 revives, otherwise I guess I'll be looking for another place to post.
  11. BioTeach

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    The battles use their Remake models right? So does that mean we'll see Cid and Vincent's Remake versions soon too...
  12. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I've spent the past month working my way through TOTP. Since it's already in novel form, most of the work involved in adding it to my novelization is figuring out placement since my story is chronological. Technically, the entire book takes place in the present during Remake's/Rebirth's...
  13. BioTeach

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    One part from Aerith's story that I'm very interested in was this description of Clay's death: "Clay had perished, and in his moment of death, he stood in that precipice where his soul joined the planet, and was given the chance to glimpse the one place in the world he wished to be most." If...
  14. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I have begun posting BC chapters to AO3 for anyone interested.
  15. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    Thanks for posting the link! Don't know why mine isn't working... Anyway, I appreciate the Before Crisis enthusiasm! It was my favorite part to work on:D
  16. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I finally got my English copy of TOTP and am slowly making my way through it and figuring out how to incorporate it with the rest of my story. In the meantime, I've uploaded a couple of sample chapters to AO3 if any of you are interested (my username there is Chocobo Cowgirl). One chapter is...
  17. BioTeach

    Trace of Two Pasts novel discussion

    I've been working my way through the book as well and I am truly enjoying it. I read the fan translations early on so I'm not going into it blind, but even so I'm finding it a good read. Tifa's part is definitely everything I would have expected it to be (her past in Nibelheim and her early...
  18. BioTeach

    Tifa's role in Remake

    I think the whole illusion of choice in the OG was a very poor idea and not well thought out for the long haul. In their defense though, I doubt they had any idea that the game would continue to thrive for anther 25 years. With no plans for a compilation in mind, the future of the characters and...
  19. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    I finished going through CC Reunion and adjusted some of the dialog to match the new script as well as some minor improvements to a few scenes because I am never satisfied! It made a slight change to the word count but overall not much changed. Now I eagerly await the English release of TOTP :lol:
  20. BioTeach

    BioTeach’s Entire FFVII Compilation Novelization

    Welcome! I have been debating for a long time whether to share this project of mine, but finally decided why not? Maybe someone would find it interesting. Plus, I thought putting it out here might help keep me motivated. So here it is, my novelization of the entire FFVII Compilation. You are...
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