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  1. Limestone

    Let's say that you are put in charge of deciding how the remake story unfolds.

    I'd be boring and stick to what they've been doing so far: mostly follow the OG with fleshed out scenarios and content from the Compilation. Remake added major new elements, but they didn't have any bearing on most of the story. I'd have Rebirth be similar; you get times where it's the main...
  2. Limestone

    Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread

    Oh it's definitely convoluted. Perhaps complex wasn't the best word. I meant more in the sense that, by virtue of it being released in episodic segments, its story could more easily translate to another phone release. They could essentially keep the same general layouts and dialogue if they...
  3. Limestone

    Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread

    Wouldn't Ever Crisis be a decent alternative to remaking Before Crisis (+Lost Episode) as a standalone title? They could bundle a few BC episodes into one EC episode. I know EC isn't meant to replace any of the games, but there isn't even a way to play BC, and it's not like the game was complex...
  4. Limestone

    SPOILERS If Genesis does return, how would you like to see him handled?

    I think they probably had some plans for Genesis post-DoC. Who knows how far into planning they were, though. It's possible it never went much further than "Genesis will do something in the future." With the remaster of Crisis Core, I'm sure someone will ask about his fate in an interview. I...
  5. Limestone

    SPOILERS If Genesis does return, how would you like to see him handled?

    I think Genesis is one of the trickier characters to include in Remake outside of a digital copy or something. He's supposed to be sleeping under Midgar, so if a party member encountered him, would he just... go back to sleep? If he stays awake, then the story has to accommodate his presence the...
  6. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I somehow missed that Takeharu Ishimoto is returning to compose music. I wonder if they'll be updating all of the music or just adding a couple new tracks. I like a lot of CC's OST, but I find the rock-type tracks very unmemorable. And as much as I like the instrumental rendition of Why, I would...
  7. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I think some people are taking the "prequel to Remake" line and running with it. It's probably just meant to draw in players by using the recent, popular game as a hook. It's also not false; elements of CC (+BC and DoC) are referenced in the game itself and guide books. I didn't actually...
  8. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Gonna be looking for pictures of terrier Stamp scattered around Midgar now.
  9. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    While it'd be cool for them to use the updated Remake locations, I wont hold my breath, given that they don't even seem the be using the new design for Evergreen Park. Kind of a bummer but what can you do.
  10. Limestone

    So where do we stand on the big remake mystery now?

    I feel like they can write their way out of this. I figured that Biggs didn't actually die on the pillar but was wounded and fell unconscious. Then he was picked up by other Avalanche members and brought to the orphanage since it was the closest thing he had to a family. Normally he would have...
  11. Limestone


    I don't think I'd read too much into it. In Remake, Zack's uniform isn't covered in bullet holes and blood, and he still looks disheveled while walking to Midgar with Cloud. He probably just washed up before going to see Aerith. It's boring, but I think it's more likely the devs cleaned up his...
  12. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Yeah that was the minor point I was alluding to. In Remake, young Tseng uses present Tseng's model so we don't get ponytail Tseng. But even the unused younger design doesn't keep it, so I was wondering if they scrapped it. Maybe CC Reunion will also fix that scene near the end of the game where...
  13. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    Oh nice! I missed that. Always felt it was a weird choice not to keep it in Remake.
  14. Limestone

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I expect it to just be a being a very good remaster with a couple updated gameplay mechanics and more spoken lines. Maybe we'll get a little extra content, or an unlockable ending that ties into the Remake trilogy. If there is extra stuff it'll will probably be pretty simple, anyway. Maybe...
  15. Limestone

    What/who will Rebirth add?

    I think they said something of that sort, or at least about wanting to add them. Specifically for Rebirth, though, I don't know how likely it is. Regardless of where the game ends, Rebirth will already have a large number of towns and environments from the OG plus additional content. Banora...
  16. Limestone

    What/who will Rebirth add?

    From BC, we know Shalua joined Fuhito's Avalanche cell while searching for Shelke. If they want to further flesh out the different Avalanche groups, perhaps the party could meet her at one of the towns. Maybe give Yuffie a few lines about what she saw in Deepground. Chelsea was another Avalanche...
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