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  1. Charles Xavier


    Well, well. In light of some recent news, can I just humbly suggest; Ron Perlman as Cid Highwind please? :sweatsmile:
  2. Charles Xavier


    On the subject of voices, Nobuo Uematsu apparently envisioned the late Sean Connery voicing Red XIII back in the original game... and something which I could totally dig if voices were possible back then. :P I was kind of hoping Nomura would have gone for a Connery vibe with Red's voice in...
  3. Charles Xavier


    Has a voice actor been confirmed for Caith Sith in 'Rebirth'? You know, I get why he has a Scottish accent. But even so, I would have preferred someone in the likes of Nathan Lane or John Mulaney to voice him.
  4. Charles Xavier

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    After watching the movie in a full-house theater, I appreciate the 'stop Spider-Man' gag so much more. :monster: I never caught the fact until now that Miguel swore in Spanish. lol
  5. Charles Xavier


    Well, I don't see how THAT helps to progress game development. :shrug: Another note; I'm curious to see how the next game handles Godo and the status of Wutai, knowing that Godo is apparently locked up in jail, which of course wasn't the case in the original game.
  6. Charles Xavier


    My God, time flies. I still feel a little underwhelmed by the fact that Fox omitted a whole bunch of cool scenes from the third segment of the film, for the sake of time constraints. Ugh... I wonder if the English voice actors recorded their lines for the lost footage. I was expecting 'Take on...
  7. Charles Xavier

    Resident Evil Series

    In the words of Chris Redfield: "Barry, where's Barry?"
  8. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    I'm still gutted that we didn't see a lightsaber duel between Rey and Darth Sidious.
  9. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Well, well, well. Looks like Taika Waititi's coming on board for a new SW movie.
  10. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Hmmm... assuming this is legit, thoughts anyone? XXlUdO_Jgcc
  11. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Snoke's throne room, the Praetorian Guards, the movie poster, the title's color font...
  12. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Not sure if this has been pointed out before or not, but rewatching TLJ, has anyone noticed Rian Johnson's prevaiiing love for the color red? :desu:
  13. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Wow, that’s a hell of an insight there, X. I’ll have to read this later in better detail but it sounds like you’ve brought up a valid case. Much appreciate the time for writing up all this. It raises a question though, maybe a trivial one, but does anyone know what Colin Trevorrow had in plan...
  14. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Ouch, I’d respectfully disagree with you there. For me, this was nowhere as bad as ‘Attack of the Clones’. Not sure if you want to give ROS a second thought here?
  15. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Would love to hear X-Soldier's thoughts on ROS.
  16. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    If anything more, I'll add later. But... Verdict: 4/5.
  17. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Just got back home. I gotta sleep on this but to sum up in one sentence: "Yeah, I enjoyed it." More later.
  18. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    This was well done I gotta say. Had me convinced for a moment it was something legit.
  19. Charles Xavier

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    Sorry, I've been away for too long (again) and haven't had time to read every single comment. But from the trailers I can already guess:
  20. Charles Xavier

    Toy Story 4

    Well, you have keep inflation in mind here. But whatever the expectations, it's already made a huge profit. So good enough.
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