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  1. Fiz

    New Rebirth Trailer

    Well, wackery is a byproduct of what they've done anyway. But I think this is preferable to Zack being a side story isolated in his own universe. But I've discussed that to death already.
  2. Fiz

    New Rebirth Trailer

    LOL, basically.
  3. Fiz

    New Rebirth Trailer

    I'll rephrase: playing in one timeline (either with the main group switching into the new timeline, or a merger of timelines). By killing off the main group they allow the main group to exist in this timeline with Zack alive. This is how people moving between timelines or two timelines merging...
  4. Fiz

    New Rebirth Trailer

    I'm presuming it killed them. I always thought it would be weird to have two timelines, this gives us the one. Cloud however... erm... 2 Clouds potentially? The last part of the trailer,
  5. Fiz

    Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier

    Just saw news on this. Well, it doesnt surprise me. I always thought that if they wanted to tap into the Battle Royale market they should try to penetrate it with something like a Fortnite collab.
  6. Fiz

    So where do we stand on the big remake mystery now?

    While it would be slightly amusing, it would suck. As would playing Remake to OG. Fake outs are cheap writing and not really where I want this to be. If they're doing this then I expect them to have great new storytelling ideas they want to experiment with, not great new marketing ideas they...
  7. Fiz

    So where do we stand on the big remake mystery now?

    I think he is in the timeline with Cloud and Co. I don't think it makes sense to have Cloud and Co in one timeline and Zack in another. It just convolutes the story. We don't know what the structure of the FF7 universe is right now, and whether there are multiple timelines or not, we don't know...
  8. Fiz

    How will the new party members be included gameplay/story wise?

    A certain amount of ludo narrative dissonance is acceptable. As an action RPG, limiting the party formation possibilities and playstyle options is quite undesirable. I don't quite understand why character dialogues and events while exploring areas becomes a problem when other games deal with...
  9. Fiz

    How will the new party members be included gameplay/story wise?

    While I'm sure the party will be plot forced at points due to story logic and in some of the more cinematic battles, I expect we will use the PHS most of the time to swap party members in and out. That said, if they're changing how things play out, I really appreciated how FF6 utilised more of...
  10. Fiz

    Final Fantasy XVI

    It isn't, but when an IP goes from top dog to middle of the road, it's often indicative that it's failed to innovate adequately, or fallen into being too formulaic. Which I think FF generally has, and thats been to its detriment.
  11. Fiz

    Final Fantasy XVI

    Yes, thats exactly what I'm referring to. In fairness, maybe if you haven't played that game it might not be quite so obvious. But the visual ques are there. Anyway, thats Alphen from Tales of Arise. Obviously I wasn't referring to fidelity, Tales has a more cartoony aesthetic. But the concept...
  12. Fiz

    Final Fantasy XVI

    FF14, sure. But generally, SE isn't in the position it was with FF and other studios are outperforming them in a way I don't think they should be. For example, for studios pushing the industry to new heights, Naughty Dog are really where it's at - or at least, it feels like it. In terms of...
  13. Fiz

    Final Fantasy XVI

    I find myself agreeing with both of you here. FF6, 7, 9, 10 and if you like MMO's 14; are on a different level to most of the series. Which is fine, I don't expect a series as long-running as FF to hit the ball out of the park every time. That's just not realistic. However, I think as SE have...
  14. Fiz

    Final Fantasy XVI

    This gives me some faith. However, only Clive being playable is really disappointing.
  15. Fiz


    I do worry about this stuff, I want them to go whatever way they intended and be committed to what they planned. I don't want them to start changing stuff because fans have a tantrum, it's usually a loud minority who do and will only serve to make the end product bad.
  16. Fiz


    I think the feather might be alluding to both of them, or Angeal. Like, double meanings. I think Max was on to something.
  17. Fiz


    This is true. Sephiroth isn't technically the most powerful thing in OG FF7... the greatest threat and most powerful don't have to be mutually exclusive. Some of the optional weapon battles are much harder to defeat than Sephiroth, leading them to being technically more powerful than him. But...
  18. Fiz


    Well, I don't expect them to walk out of Midgar being all badass awesome with it being multipart. I expect a gameplay reset and it escalate again, which I can suspend my disbelief over because its multipart. My concern is where it goes; can they match or exceed that?
  19. Fiz


    I'm split on this because spectacle has its own quality and OG leaned into that itself. I enjoyed it for the sheer spectacle of it all, but yeah, it does disconnect from the rest of the story. I'm still holding out hope that it might be something other than multiple timelines, or if we do have...
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