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  1. kitty materia hime

    New in here~

    haha, sure sure~ ahaha, hope I do. :3 Thankies~! :awesome:
  2. kitty materia hime

    New in here~

    Aww, thankies~ :D
  3. kitty materia hime

    New in here~

    Ohh~ why not Yuffentine? :awesome: Thankies much. :lol:
  4. kitty materia hime

    New in here~

    Hello guys, new in here. :] I am Asuka Tsukahara, 15 years old and a Yuffentine crusader. LOL Well, I'm very much into Final Fantasy VII and the other series as well! Pleased to meet you and I hope we can be good friends. :aah:
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