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  1. Ashen

    All the weird stuff Cloud is good at?

    Hair styler? That 'spikey head' needs some good daily maintenance :mon:
  2. Ashen

    Catch-all R.I.P. thrad

    Yesterday was announced that Yoshitaka Murayama, the creator of Suikoden series, passed away on the 6th at age 55 due to complications with an ongoing illness. I'm devastated. Suikoden in one...
  3. Ashen


    Ahhh, I'm exhausted out of all the excitement. And a bit dizzy, haha. So Wutai will be left for part 3 in the end? A pity, since I love that sidequest. At least I guess they'll expand the story around there. My hopes. And sounds like they put a lot of effort in the Rufus parade part. I'm...
  4. Ashen

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    I wasn't going to download EC right away, but I did, and so far I'm perfectly happy with it. It doesn't seems like I'll really have to pay, unless I'd want some of the fancy stuff, which I don't. The short chapters allow me to play casually, which I guess is the point of this game, and I didn't...
  5. Ashen

    New Rebirth Trailer

    Oh, I was kinda disconnected and wasn't expecting this at all, and now I'm really excited. I was really looking forward to seeing Elena in the new graphics. And yeah, seeing Rude speaking Reno style was so cute (if "cute" can be applied to them, but yeah.... haha)
  6. Ashen

    Hi guys( and gals.)

    Be welcome. And happy to heard you enjoyed the OG too ^^
  7. Ashen

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I'm kind of late, but I finished this just yesterday. I never played the original and always had my doubts about it, but I want to say I liked this much, much more than I ever though. And though I knew how things would end from playing the OG, the ending really hit me hard.
  8. Ashen

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    I hope the playable characters you can unlock include the antagonists, cos I'd love to play with the Turks. And I love the portrait art too. I wonder who the artist is. Doesn't looks like Nomura's style. I though it could be Ferrari's, but on closer look I'm not so sure.
  9. Ashen

    How much time in Rebirth do you think we'll get Vincent and Cid gameplay?

    That's a lot of questions, haha.... Well, for playable characters, since they already said some of the events order may change, I've though we may get them earlier. How they'd make it work without messing the story too much, I don't know. As for development, they'll be reusing some stuff from...
  10. Ashen

    Hey y'all.

    Welcome! I hope you have fun.
  11. Ashen

    Love the og or the remake part 1?

    I prefer the OG. I replay it a lot and Midgar is one of my fave parts, but I think some of the reasons I like it are missing in Remake. In the OG, that part is short, fast-paced, and works as a prologue to the rest. Not only that, but I think the way they introduced Sephiroth in the OG was...
  12. Ashen


    I have a friend who wants to wait for the trilogy to be complete too, but I wonder if she'll manage... In any case I'm sure we'll see lots of re-releases, remasters, ports, side-projects, spin-offs, even spin-offs of spin-offs for years to come. I just hope to be alive and not too senile to...
  13. Ashen

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Hahaha.... I don't hate her, but not on my favorites list either. I'm a Turks' girl all the way. I loved Jessie's chapter though. The best from the new content in Remake IMO.
  14. Ashen

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    I wonder about the timing to. It's very essence is a big spoiler of the key point in the OG plot. I wonder if they're going for some kind of different approach on the subject, though I can't guess what. They sure seem to be planning something for Zack, it's been the center of discussion around...
  15. Ashen

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Ohh, I remember that. But I though it was just a memento back then..... But who knows. Not that I care about her that much (sorry).
  16. Ashen

    Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion

    It'll be my first play of CC too and I'm quite excited about it. Not a big fan of Zack though, but maybe that'll change, who knows. My view of him come almost exclusively from the OG.
  17. Ashen

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    I suddenly feel so blessed for being away from SNs for years..... I though Jessie died for good in Remake? (I think I need to replay it.....)
  18. Ashen

    Did Vincent and Yuffie ever meet Aerith?

    In my latest gameplay of the OG I took Yuffie to the Forgotten Capital, and when Aerith dies, she approaches her, and touches her face, or something. That's definitely meeting IMO. So within the game, it depends if you recruited them or not. But since both optional characters are considered...
  19. Ashen


    Wow, took me ages to catch up with all this lol So, any chances that they actually leave (a heavily expanded) Wutai in 2, and start 3 either in the Temple of the Ancients or Forgotten Capital? If they remove the huge materia quest, that'd leave a pretty strong final entry in the project and...
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