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  1. Jenova.exe


    It’s comforting to be back in a place where people feel free to nerd out tbh. It seems like all of the posts from the earliest years of me being a dumbass online have been scattered to the winds lost to time so maybe some of yours have faded away too ?
  2. Jenova.exe


    I haven’t had decent conversation about Final Fantasy in a long while and I’m down to write ship stuff if people wanna read it so I’m sure I’ll have people rounded up in no time LOL
  3. Jenova.exe

    Do you like the Compilation?

    Hell no! I hated it ever since Advent Children was screenshots on a Japanese website and my opinion hasn’t improved much since then despite that being like 18 years ago. I disliked it so much I didn’t even play Crisis Core until like 10+ years after it came out and even then it was after VIIR...
  4. Jenova.exe


    yesss I loved the Cookie Monster emoji honestly. it’s so versatile :monster:
  5. Jenova.exe


    Usually I don’t ramble on and on in intro topics, but I’ve been out of the FF community for a while so I’ll try to give y’all a ramble worth the read. I first played FFVII in 2001 as an 11 year old kid and it ended up being a part of me to this day. It was the first JRPG I played that I...
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