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  1. B

    Things that piss you off

    Wanting someone to talk to me who WON'T.
  2. B

    Things that piss you off

  3. B

    Things that piss you off

    I hate it when people try their hardest to get my attention (Via Facebook status updates, blog posts, etc) then don't have the balls to say what they want to say to me after they have said attention. ASDFJKL;
  4. B

    Y halo thaaar!

    Thankkk you and shit. xD You all seem like a fairly friendly group of people.
  5. B

    Y halo thaaar!

    I love Final Fantasy and have played almost all of them, which is how I ended up here. That's pretty much all I can come up with. xD Heeello, hello~
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