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  1. C

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    I can't wait for the next story. Red XIII/Nanaki is the next one, isn't it? Will be waiting.
  2. C

    So will Vincent age again?

    In FFVII, if Cloud's team visits Lucrecia in the cave, she will say something about wanting to die because of her past but the Jenova in her wouldn't let her die. Maybe that was the reason why she sealed herself inside the crystals in that cave.
  3. C

    So will Vincent age again?

    What about Lucrecia? She also didn't age from 30 years back. From the flashback in DoC until now, she's still as young as ever. Is it because of the Jenova cells? Hojo did inject the cells into Vincent's body. I could be wrong about this, though.
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