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  1. CameoAmalthea

    Before Crisis and Crisis Core

    Should this canon be referenced at all in the Remake? If so how? The great thing about BC is it doesn't really rewrite canon so much as fill in gaps - so it doesn't need to be referenced - but continuity nods. Crisis Core made up a lot of it's own canon - so maybe a reference to Genesis could be...
  2. CameoAmalthea

    Barret's Date With Cloud Attitudes towards being gay have changed a lot sense 1997 - maybe the date with Barret should reflect that. For example - when you come into the show and you're told you're the 100th couple - instead of the announcer saying, "oh never mind" have them...
  3. CameoAmalthea

    Should the Turks be more Sympathetic?

    In Advent Children the Turks ally with the main characters against the Remnants and the dynamic between everyone is much friendlier than in the OG where the Turks essentially the Team Rocket of FFVII. For example, when Reno calls Tifa in AC she laughs like she's talking to an old friend- which...
  4. CameoAmalthea

    Turn Based or Not?

    I know a lot of people who aren't into turn based games - and to be honest I'm not a fast reader so having to read options of moves isn't always fun. That said, I enjoyed FFVII and managed to play it well enough. At the same time - I really enjoy games where I can run around and attack...
  5. CameoAmalthea

    Midgar Appreciation Post

    Credit and thanks to Shademp for the visual breakdown of the trailer - images stolen from here The new trailer gives us the most detailed look at Midgar ever, fully realized as an actual...
  6. CameoAmalthea

    Changes in the Fandom

    We won't be seeing the effects of this anytime soon since the game won't be out for years - but how will this change the fandom? I imagine the new game will bring in a lot of new fans - possibly making this fandom more active. I suppose those of you who were here pre compilation have been...
  7. CameoAmalthea


    I have a Twitch Chanel now and I'll be streaming stuff starting with Kingdom Hearts everyday at 5 pm pacific - starting at 6 pm today because I can't get my system to work. You can come now and hang out in my Chat room.
  8. CameoAmalthea

    Cosplay Pageant

    I participated in a crossplay cosplay pageant I was so terrified to do this. It was my first time doing this character, my wig got lost in the mail so I had to cut another wig that morning, and so I was like 10 minutes late to the panel...and so...
  9. CameoAmalthea

    You Tube?

    So my husband likes watching video game streams (i.e. watching people play video games and talk about it). I was thinking about trying my hand at it, but doing youtube videos instead of live streams. The thing is, I'm not a gamer, the point would basically be watch a non-gamer attempt video...
  10. CameoAmalthea

    Tseng/Rufus Fan Club

    I love this pairing. It wasn't my original FFVII OTP. In fact, I really shipped Reno/Rufus (maybe I or someone else should also make a thread for that). I couldn't really see Rufus and Tseng as a couple because my head canon saw Tseng as more of an big brother figure to Rufus, a guardian who...
  11. CameoAmalthea

    My Cosplays Check them out on my fan page and tumblr
  12. CameoAmalthea

    Gun Shot Romance Gone?

    So for those of you who don't know, Gun Shot Romance contained the script for Before Crisis, Character Bios and other information. Basically the go to site for information about Before Crisis. It's apparently gone. When I tried to access the website I got a message saying it was frozen and...
  13. CameoAmalthea

    Sector 7: The President's Motives

    A few days ago, I made a post my blog, positing my view on President Shinra's rational for dropping the plate in light of the events of Before Crisis. A discussion spawned from that on tumblr through reblogs, but I think a form might be the best place for this debate (since reblogs can get...
  14. CameoAmalthea

    Kingdom Hearts Cosplay Video

    My friends and I made this parody video.
  15. CameoAmalthea

    Fandom Wiki?

    I think it would be interesting to create a fandom wiki for FFVII that includes facts about the canon, but also indexes the fanon. I think this would be particularly useful for the Before Crisis fandom, sense every fan has their own names for the BC Turks. It would be neat to have a sort of...
  16. CameoAmalthea

    The Ending of Before Crisis

    Obviously, contains spoilers for the ending of Before Crisis. Before Crisis has an ending followed by two epilogues. The ending and first epilogue neatly ties up everything. Tseng is forced to shoot Veld in order to get the Turks into good standing with Shinra, only for the majority of the...
  17. CameoAmalthea

    Reeve and the Turks

    What is Reeve's relationship with the Turks, and Veld in particular? This is a discussion of events primarily in FFVI: Before Crisis and On the Way to a Smile: The Case of Shinra. If you’re unfamiliar with those, relatively obscure pieces, of the compellation a lot of this discussion might be...
  18. CameoAmalthea

    Veld: Good or Bad

    Warning, this thread will contain spoilers for Before Crisis Licorice and I were having a discussion about Veld. She sees him as a bad man who has some good in him/done good things, while I see him more as a good man who has done bad things. To quote Licoriceallsorts I don’t think he’s...
  19. CameoAmalthea

    Profile Picture Help?

    I was trying to set a profile picture, but although the picture shows up on my profile it doesn't seem to show up on my forum posts. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. The image is 25 Kb, 300 by 290. I've tried linking to a Url and uploading the image, nothing seems to work. What should I do...
  20. CameoAmalthea

    Streaming Before Crisis

    Streaming: Next Sunday at 4 PM Arizona Time Now Streaming Live Hey all, hopefully I'm posting this in the right part of the forum. So I want more people to experience Before Crisis, but sitting through a play through can get a little boring. My solution is to...
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