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  1. Valerious


    I would agree with 27. In fact, when he doesn't act like a kid, meaning when he's serious, evil, or angry, he does suit the age of 27. I think so too.. otherwise he wouldn't LOL!! I totally love it when he does that. We just get to see the silly side of him.
  2. Valerious

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    tats exactly 10 days more. :awesomonster:
  3. Valerious


    Okie here it is... But i think the english subtitles is kinda different from what he speak in japanese. Anyone here has got the translation straight from the japanese version? Just those Reno's part will do :D!
  4. Valerious

    Another long-lost ACFer

    im from ACF too! don't know if u've seen me before.. heh! anyway! welcome aboard!
  5. Valerious

    Safe and Sound missing in US release?

    so erm... has anyone figure that out yet? wheres safe n sound in the US release of ACC?
  6. Valerious

    New Member

    welcome to the FA-MEE-LEEE!
  7. Valerious


    YEA! hes such a boy! i love those extra scenes of Reno in ACC. Are we suppose to discuss them here? anyone else didnt watch it?
  8. Valerious

    Any scenes you didn't like that changed or are new?

    why do they have to change the english dialogue ? i mean, shouldnt those words in english be as close to those in japanese? =( anyone got direct translations of the japanese dialogue for the whole ACC?
  9. Valerious


    im here im here! well im guessing Reno's real/logical age is 25 above. but because of his behavior, he just makes us think that hes below 20. and i think he cant live without Rude, hahaha!
  10. Valerious

    Safe and Sound missing in US release?

    i was still wondering if there is anything wrong with my bluray... because i dont hear safe n sound at all! not anywhere! not even a second! o.O?
  11. Valerious


    ok look, i know im mad, but i like reno sooo much! esp after watching ACC. he kinda gives me a feeling like hes still a "boy", you know.. may in his early 20s lol!! *faints + heart attack*
  12. Valerious


    Wow! U've got an unique topic to discuss! Goodie! And you sure notice Reno's graphic a lot! I didn't even notice that :lol: It does look like a "mistake" to me. Maybe because they don't even pay attention to which hand of his is holding the EMR. But I do assume that using right hand makes more...
  13. Valerious


    is there something wrong with my eyes? or is it that FF14 do look like FF11? or..... is that the whole point of it? lol
  14. Valerious


    yea LOADS of them ahahaha !! give us some sexay reno
  15. Valerious

    Advent Children in stores now.

    it's flying to me now, should be reaching in a day or two :D!!
  16. Valerious

    [Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

    hmm anyone know where to find case of denzel translation? :D
  17. Valerious


    sure sure please do! and im looking forward to your graphic novel if you're really gonna give "reno with goggles" a shot. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  18. Valerious

    Aerith and the Loveless Play...

    im sure shes glad that she died, so as to be with Zack heh heh! anyway, yea i also agree she's not intending to, but i bet she's prepared, because of the erm... greenish glow on her materia? she just wanna get it over and done with! hahaha lucky she made it in time.
  19. Valerious


    hey hey! so nice of you doing a set of sig/avatar for others! do some for the club when you're free and bored! heheheh anyway, anyone seen any fanart of how Reno looks like if he pulls down his goggles? HAHAHA i kinda imagine it and think it'll look like he wearing swimming goggles.
  20. Valerious


    His birthplace is Midgar? Wow, that's something new. (To me that is. :lol:) Wonder his house is located as which sector. I think a lot of people has been discussing the age of the Shinra peeps. My guess for him is between 25-28. Height, I use to think he's pretty small size. But it doesn't...
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