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  1. zackfairthepuppy

    Poor little Remnants...

    My favorite's yaz. I don't like Loz cuz he looks too manly ^_^ and i dislike Kadaj's "haircut."
  2. zackfairthepuppy

    Fair Weather Zack/Cloud Club.

    BEST pairing ever! My veins are starting to squeal from the adorableness ^_^ BTW, do any of you guys know a good Doujin that's in english? I've yet to have found one...
  3. zackfairthepuppy

    Zack and Sephiroth... Amour?

    I'm definitely not making this up. I could have just said something like "OHHH, Sephiroth's staring at Zack's ass. He's GAY." I gave 5 other reasons, backed up by solid proof. Think of it this way - why would the creators even want to include this cutscene in the game in the first place, ulness...
  4. zackfairthepuppy

    Zack and Sephiroth... Amour?

    Take a look at this cutscene, people. Here's the scene broken down, line by line: S: Mission failed. This goes on your permanent record. Z: Huh...? Sephiroth?! Long time no see! S: Let the Turks take care of the rest. I was on my way...
  5. zackfairthepuppy

    Best FF song overall?

    It was hard to pick between the Bombing Mission and JENOVA :doh:
  6. zackfairthepuppy

    What are you listening to?

    Coldplay - Paradise.
  7. zackfairthepuppy

    why do people want manly men in final fantasy

    I agree with you a 100%. Bishies are awesome :D
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