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  1. C

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Yay, a casting thread! If I may, I'd like to propose Ando Masanobu for Reno, he's playing that evil kid in Battle Royale. I think he can look both cute and creepy and most of all, he has the attitude. But he may be a little old now. Tom Hiddleston seems a bit too well-educated and elegant IMO...
  2. C

    Hello people!

    As I said, I haven't finished VII yet (still have to beat Sephiroth) but it's my favourite by far. VI would be my second best.
  3. C

    Hello people!

    Thanks everyone! I've played the original Dissidia, and thanks for the advice, I definitely think about getting 012, and plan to play IX in the near future for I've heard very good things about it. I'm a big Turks fan as well. They're just cool :neo: I'm almost at the end now, and so far I...
  4. C

    Hello people!

    So I'm new here, but have been lurking for some time. I'm currently playing FFVII, have played FF3, 6 and 8, Dissidia and Crisis Core. Can't wait to share my Final Fantasy kind of obsession with some fellow fans! So there you go, have a nice day people :P
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