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  1. M

    O hai.

    Welcome, Bex. :)
  2. M

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Woo, it got really active in here! Such serious discussion, too. :P I'm lazy so here's my contribution: Vincent SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1! <3 <3 <3 Oh, and I'll share some Vinnie avatars (not made by me; I dunno who the credit goes to :/) Yup...
  3. M

    My Humble Contribution to the Newb Thread Collection

    ^Everyone keeps saying that, but I was actually first. =P I was just less active.
  4. M

    My Humble Contribution to the Newb Thread Collection

    Thanks, guys! It's nice to see so many familiar faces around here. ^_^
  5. M

    What games are you currently playing?

    I just got a memory card converted for my PS3, so I think I'm gonna take some time to finish off some of the old games I left hanging like Okami and FFXII. I'm also playing LittleBigPlanet and I think I'm gonna start on Suikoden 4 soon.
  6. M

    Shin Megami Tensei series

    I've played 3 and 4 and am completely in love, particularly with 4. I just finished 4 two days ago and I thought the battle system was greatly improved from 3, plus the characters and story were great. Make sure to go for the perfect ending, though! There's this one part where Yosuke...
  7. M

    Omnia mutantur, nihil interit

    ^Haha, no biggie. So do you actually speak Cthulian? And...should I be jealous? XP I know Tolkien's fictional languages were actually speakable, but I dunno much about the Cthulhu books.
  8. M

    Omnia mutantur, nihil interit

    ^I said "Manti" cause I was talking to Manti. =P I figured yours was Cthulian or something of that sort.
  9. M

    Without further ado...

    I remember you. ^_^ I guess it was probably from FC. Hello again!
  10. M

    Omnia mutantur, nihil interit

    Manti! Good to see you again! Do you actually know Latin? I'm jealous. o_o
  11. M

    My Humble Contribution to the Newb Thread Collection

    Hiya! So...I was MakoEyes7 on ACF. I wasn't too active outside of FC, though. :/ I will try to maintain steady activity but with college n' stuff I tend to kind of come and go in spurts. New Year's resolution time, maybe?
  12. M

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    ^Yeah, I know. >_< I'm pretty sure I joined ACF before him, actually, but he was always more active than I was. Sorry for the confusion. :P
  13. M

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    The Chaosbringers Reborn, woot! And I was just thinking about you guys! Good to see you all again. ^_^ I was MakoEyes7 on ACF, for those who knew me back in the day. My love of Vincent, his shoe fetish, and the clone locked in my closet has not abated in the slightest with the passage of time. o_o
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