mkay, I set up the TLS podcast RSS feed for submission to Apple. I'm gonna need a few moar things:
* The cover image should be 1400x1400, PNG or JPG. I could upscale the one given.
* We'll need keywords / a description for the feed
* Location / Frequency (optional; I don't think location matters, and frequency is unstable atm - but it's a freeform field, so we can enter whatever)
* Talent name (post author will be used by default)
* iTunes email - I'll just use my own for this for now, let me know if you want to be the one that gets notified when Apple accepts a podcast.
Here's the feed link to the podcasts:
And here's another auto-generated feed for all posts with MP3's attached to it:
I'll goan try to submit it to apple now. You can already add it to iTunes by going File -> Subscribe to Podcasts and copy-pastaing the link. Works like a charm on my machine,
Edit: Submitted to Apple, I should get an email once it's accepted in the listing. Let me know about keywords and descriptions and shit.