TLS Vs Binding Coil Preparation Thread

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

This is just a quick one-stop reference guide for the group in Stormblood preparing to tackle the Binding Coil (then Second and Final Coils) of Bahamut. A collection of video guides and if experienced raiders want to add any additional tips (Lex mentioned as much) then feel free to do so here.

Turns 2 and 5 have some particularly nasty mechanics to watch out for so if you watch nothing else (you should watch them all except Turn 3 which is a total joke) watch those two.

Turn 9 is notoriously difficult and remains even to this day one of the most insane fights in the game (of course Turn 9 Savage is actually still considered the hardest fight in the game as of Heavensward iirc).

General Guidelines:

Joe, who masterminded this, has said we're gonna take it slow so people can enjoy the story so don't feel the need to rush through cutscenes. Also note a few things.

1. We're going in synced, so prepare for a serious fight - no cheesing here (not that some of these turns can be cheesed).

2. Know the fight (by preparing above) but also remember that video guides can only do so much. We're a party of people with mixed experience levels of this raid, so expect wipes and be patient.

3. If you need a time out or something, let us know before we pull. :monster:

4. Communication is key. I'm going to do something unheard of for me and, assuming I'm in the group will be getting on the Discord voice chat. To make things easiers I'd recommend doing this if you can. If not, definitely keep text chat up and pay attention to it.


Pro Adventurer
Uh, is it okay if I don't watch any guides? :P If it's not okay then I'll drop out and let someone else take my place.


Joe, Arcana
Cheers for making the thread :monster:

I'm really looking forward to giving this a good go while staying synced. Also excited to be doing it (mostly) with others who have not yet cleared the series of raids.

I'm in no rush to complete it all. I just want to dig into this content proper. It's been long enough :wacky: As of right now I know a lot of us are preparing to dive in tomorrow at some point. I'm hoping we'll be able the following week too but I know scheduling is a bitch.

Edit: @Flint: I don't think it should be a requirement to watch a guide for any fight unless you've failed it a couple times already. I won't be requesting anybody watch anything until we get stuck. Feel free to watch or not watch what you like before that point. A lot of us are gonna be enjoying this blind.


Double Growth
Because Binding Coil is a side thing and pretty old, I wouldn't mind it, but for story or otherwise epic stuff, I hate the expectation that you have to spoil everything for yourself before playing it. I understand why, but it's still a drag. That's one nice thing about Stormblood being new, it's still acceptable to not know the mechanics to things :monster:


Joe, Arcana
The only thing I watch guides for are the extreme versions of fights I've already played and seen. Would never otherwise spoil myself.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah I want to go in blind, especially if I'm doing it with a nice TLS group and not random peoples who talk like Flint's latest post :awesome: I mean I'll be on Discord too likely, so I'll have real time advice and commentary going to help out, but I don't mind some wipes personally, especially if people's learning and figuring things out.

I think one of the more fun dungeon bosses was when I did Cutter's Cry with Flint and we didn't know the mechanics of the last boss, so it took a few tries to get it right :D


Pro Adventurer
I knew the mechanics, I had just forgotten them. <_< It was probably my second time doing it ever. There are still a few dungeons I've only done once. Just waiting for the day when I get them in Duty Roulette and make a fool of myself...


I went in blind to the latter half of the Alexander ones, Lex did a quick explanation and they were fine. I'll watch the guides if I cba but :monster:.

I never did much of Bahamut, really struggled with just the first one and was just not motivated to continue.

When will this be?


Joe, Arcana
We're giving it a shot tomorrow. I dunno how many open slots there will be but we'll go with whoever we have on hand (priority to the first people listed)

Doubt we'll struggle to fill a party with the 13 or so people interested. :closedmonster:


The Sublimely Magnificent One
Be aware that these aren't fights that you can go in unprepared for. Mechanics are one thing, but make sure you have decent gear. If you have any gear under i90, at the lowest, that needs to be rectified fast, especially if you're a tank.

For the latter half of Second Coil and Final Coil, you need Ironworks/World of Darkness gear.


I don't think I've done these with my BLM at all, I've only ever healed, so I'll watch the videos in preparation if I get the chance. I like going in with an idea of what I'm up against.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Be aware that these aren't fights that you can go in unprepared for. Mechanics are one thing, but make sure you have decent gear. If you have any gear under i90, at the lowest, that needs to be rectified fast, especially if you're a tank.

For the latter half of Second Coil and Final Coil, you need Ironworks/World of Darkness gear.

Or if you're flush with gear and CBA, you can just buy the ilvl 115 HW Gear which should suffice for Binding and Second Coil at least. I actually think it won't let you into the later raids without ilvl 90 anyways.

Also materia wouldn't go amiss. You can get NPCs to meld it for you these days.


Pro Adventurer
I believe all my gear is iLvl 100+ now... should check my weapon though to be sure! I got some sweet stuff from Lex and Sic but it's only equippable at lvl 60 so :monster:


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I believe all my gear is iLvl 100+ now... should check my weapon though to be sure! I got some sweet stuff from Lex and Sic but it's only equippable at lvl 60 so :monster:

You've got a bunch of level 50 content you haven't done yet, which means that if you power through the MSQ, you'll get a ton of poetics from bonuses and dungeon drops. Easily enough to get a 120 weapon after a few hours :)


Pro Adventurer
^When I get home and start playing, I'm going to finish unlocking Coil first. Then continue with MSQ ^_^ Make sure my stuff is geared up more before tomorrow, if possible.


We have come to terms
skip soar or disband

Also, I'm down for this as well, once I move (if you'll have me, obv). I've done the first nine (synced, during 2.X), but don't mind redoing them at all. T9 is my favorite fight in the game, after all :oscar:


Pro Adventurer
I didn't go anywhere this morning after all, so by all accounts I'm tentatively free all day.


Welp, my connection to Cerberus is listed as "poor" and there are currently 1,115 players in the queue to get in, so....imma have to try again later, I guess.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
If you are in queue, do not try again later. Just let it sit and go do something else and check back every 10 minutes or so (or more if the queue is really long).

If you hit "cancel" and try to log in a gain, it will stick you at the back of the queue and you'll have to do the whole wait all over again.


Be aware that these aren't fights that you can go in unprepared for. Mechanics are one thing, but make sure you have decent gear. If you have any gear under i90, at the lowest, that needs to be rectified fast, especially if you're a tank.

For the latter half of Second Coil and Final Coil, you need Ironworks/World of Darkness gear.

If I had written this post, no one would have thanked it. So thanks for telling them this :desu:


We have come to terms
If you're in Heavensward, you *should* be okay with whatever you have. But you're generally going to want i130 at least. (that's what drops from final coil, see)

ALSO, if anyone is desirous of the gear that drops (mostly unlikely because it's mostly hideous), I can make any of the replica allagan/high allagan/dreadwyrm gear no problem. just bring me the crafting drops and I gotchu (the high allagan stuff from second coil looks best imo, esp the healer and tank chests)
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