Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode translations by Souya

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Hey guys,

Someone recently brought to my attention that I never finished uploading Souya's LE translations when I was a staff member here and apparently no one else has ever uploaded them to the web ever? Weird to imagine (and I feel like I alone have dropped the ball for the entire English-speaking fan community, lolllll) but I couldn't quickly find them on the site or through Google either.

It looks like I'm still able to log into Staff Admin but unable to post and/or cba to figure out how. Plus I no longer consider myself staff on this website regardless of my permission settings. So if someone else could kindly archive this, I'm gonna spam this thread with the separate documents that Souya gave me 4-5 years ago and that would be swell. :)

Edit: Better yet, if anyone would like the original .RTF files that preserve Souya's formatting, let me know—preferably through a deviantART note—because I only have time to copypasta before continuing on with my life here and apparently that doesn't even preserve line breaks.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Transcription/Novelization by: Shinra Employee #080729

The following script and storyline serves as a guide for those who are unable to play this game and wish to know the storyline behind it.

"The time has come to cleanse the world."

With this single rogue transmission, fear is instilled
Into the hearts of millions of
Souls across the planet…

The shadow of the Shin-Ra
Company –Deepground— has
Begun its ruthless onslaught.

To prevent this unknown
Terror from wreaking havoc
Across the land.

Reeve Tuesti and his World Regenesis
Organization enlist the aid of one of the commissioner's
Old companions –

A trusted ally whose body
Harbors a powerful beast
Capable of superhuman

Vincent Valentine

As Vincent battles the
Ever-persistent Deepground,
He soon becomes aware of a 
Hidden facet of his true 

And after putting together all
The lost pieces, Vincent
Realizes that the answers to
The questions about his past
Lie with his one true love—

Doctor Lucrecia Crescent

And so Vincent sets off for
Shinra Manor in search of a 
Truth he may be unable to

All the while,
Never fully realizing that
The beginning of the end
Is already upon them all.

Chopper Transport

A helicopter begins to gradually ascend as it passes Midgar. Sectors 8-5 reactors can be seen as the helicopter heads toward the mountains. Inside, Vincent sits as he listens to Reeve on a PHS. "Try to bring back anything that we could use to better understand the situation. Dr. Crescent may have left something important in Shin-Ra Manor. She was… researching something back then." Vincent replies as he recalls seeing Lucrecia’s back as she looks over something at a desk before turning to reveal the protomateria glowing. "What were you involved in? What was tormenting you?"

As memory fades, Vincent turns to the pilot and asks, "Where are we?" "We are currently over the vicinity of Junon, sir." the WRO pilot replies when a winged gargoyle burst through the helicopter's windshield killing the pilot before pulling and flinging the body into the air. Vincent pulls out Cerberus automatically and begins to fire as he attempts to defend the chopper.

Steppe Chopper

Using Cerberus, Vincent takes aim at the gargoyles through the opening made from the door being torn off of the helicopter as he attempts to defend it. Continuously trying to take aim at the flying gargoyles as they distract him by passing each other; he manages kill six of the Gargoyles before they begin to close in on the chopper.

Chopper Under Attack

Having defeated the gargoyles, Vincent backs away as they appear to have stopped attacking. Suddenly a gargoyle tears through the panelling of the chopper behind him. Grabbing him, it backs out as they fall out of the helicopter and begin to descend. While falling, Vincent changes into Galiant Beast and begins to beat them one after another. As both Galiant Beast and the chopper hit the ground, the chopper explodes as Vincent reverts back from his beast form and walks off throwing his cape to the side. Unknowingly, a figure clouded in darkness and bound watches from a distance.

"Vincent Valentine… come, show it to me… the darkness swelling inside of you..."

The Steppe - Section 1

Walking along a dirt path, Vincent answers his PHS to hear Reeve on the other end, "Vincent? … Vincent, its me, I've managed to establish a connection to your phone. It appears this area is safe for the time being, you should find some barrels nearby. Take this chance to brush up on you aiming. Press the OK key to ready the Cerberus; do not worry about running out of ammunition."

"Well done, while firing at targets you dodge attacks by double tapping left or right."

"Good to see the crash hasn't affected your aim, Time to head out."

Continuing down the path, Vincent comes to a wide-open area. Reeve explains, "there is a suitcase just ahead, it must have fallen from the chopper. Attempt to retrieve it, but keep an eye out for Deepground. Enemies will appear on the threat ring as yellow marks." Picking up the suitcase; Reeve continues, "Vincent, you’ve obtained a potion, potions recover lost HP. Search of other useful items in this area." Vincent encounters Guard hounds soon after which he makes quick work of.

Searching the area Vincent discovers ammunition for both the Griffon and Hydra. "The griffon is most affective at close range. Try to find more ammunition in this area. The Hydra is a powerful firearm but has limited ammunition. It is of the utmost importance that you reach Junon as soon as possible." Reeve says as Vincent enters into a cavern.

The Steppe - Section 2

Coming out of the cavern, Reeve comments to Vincent, "You’ve made it to the outskirts of Junon, you should reach the city soon. Stay alert and watch for any signs of danger." Stepping out into the open, Vincent spots two guard hounds and quickly dispatches them. Reeve notifies Vincent of another suitcase and that he should pick it up. Within it, Reeve explains that it is a special accessory known as the "Choco Feather" which increases your speed. Accessories will boost your attributes automatically it is not necessary to use them. Check your inventory to view the accessories you have collected.

Reaching a valley, Vincent encounters a pack of guard hounds and fights them off before being informed by Reeve the following information: "Although it is not far to Junon, the journey will not be an easy one. There is a beast point up ahead, step onto it to change into Galiant Beast." Stepping into it, Vincent changes into the Galiant Beast and fights hordes of guard hounds until reverting back and discovering a keycard and a ladder.

Ascending the ladder, Vincent finds a Crimson Hound guarding a beamed entryway, Vincent dodges and battles it until victorious. Vincent heads in the direction of a beamed cavern when Reeve states, "That door must lead to Junon, opening it will require a card key." Disengaging the beams, Vincent slowly and cautiously passes through the door.

Traveling to Junon

Having proceeded through the now un-beamed door, Vincent comes out to another valley as he gets a hold of Reeve on his PHS. "Reeve, I need new transport to Shin-Ra manor."

"I can arrange for another chopper in Costa del Sol." Reeve replies.

"Then I have to make it across the ocean first."

"There should be ships departing from Junon."

"Junon… I'll have to hurry." Vincent states as he continues to walk in the direction of Junon. 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Under Junon - Section 1

Entering the outskirts of the village under Junon, Vincent remarks "So this is where it all began…" before witnessing people running about screaming "Monster!"

"What’s going on?" One claims before seeing another villager shouting out, "Monster!"

During this time, Reeve relays to Vincent that this was a site of a mass disappearance. In a single night, 1200 people disappeared without a trace. Junon has become a ghost town; those left behind living in sorrow. As Vincent traverses through the village he encounters Deepground soldiers while trying to locate a card key for a security gate.

Under Junon - Section 2

Running through the door, Reeve explains that the next door is powered by three generators, and will need to locate them and cut the power supply to the door. While looking for the generators, Vincent finds a keycard along with some ammunition for Cerberus. After destroying the first Generator, Deepground soldiers appear. Using the keycard, Vincent unlocks a barrier shielding the second generator. Reeve calls to explain that last generator is protected by a strong case and must transform into Galiant Beast to destroy it. Upon doing so, the gate opens allowing a barrage of Deepground soldiers to enter and charge toward their oblivion. 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Junon Elevator Shaft

Through the gate, Vincent enters into the Junon elevator shaft. Stepping onto the platform, he activates the Elevator. Ascending to the first floor it suddenly stops. Deepground soldiers appear and are quickly killed. After searching the area, Vincent reactivates the elevator and continues his ascension toward Junon. Upon reaching the second level, the Elevator stops once more. Forcing Vincent to take the offensive, he operates a turret and kills wave after wave of soldiers. Finally reaching the third level, an explosion occurs blocking the path to Junon, changing into Galiant beast; Vincent eliminates the remaining Deepground soldiers before proceeding down the path.

The Street

Stepping out onto the street, a chopper flies over Vincent's head. "What? Deepground." A secondary chopper flies by as it as the first drops two squads of Deepground soldiers. They drop via zip-line before landing. The two squads surround a pair of civilians as they land.

"No, no…" one of the civilians calls out.

Once landed, the bay door of the helicopter slides open as the Tsviet known as Rosso steps out. "Who… who are you?" the second civilian asks. "Rosso, … but you darling, may call me… Rosso, the Crimson." The woman says smiling as she extends her bladed weapon out and vanishes. Reappearing behind the two civilians, they suddenly drop dead.

"The tainted will be hunted down and exterminated. The time has come to cleanse this world."

The helicopter lifts off as Rosso watches the two squads of Deepground soldiers spread out into the area. 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Lower Junon - Section 1

Entering the lower level of Junon, an area littered with street stands and support beams. A boy runs across the street and up to Vincent and asks, "Are you a monster? That took everyone away?"

"The disappearances?" Vincent replies.

"I saw everything! That night, the stars, they all went out; and then I saw it… the shadow. The claws… those… claws." the boy states before quickly running off. As Vincent runs through the various street market shop-like maze; he comes across a woman begging a Deepground soldier "P-Please don’t shoot!"

"Prepare to die." the soldier commands.

Vincent quickly draws Cerberus and shoots the Deepground soldier. The woman quickly runs off after thanking Vincent so much. Continuing through the maze of shops, Vincent manages to evade the attack of both snipers from the buildings and regular Deepground soldiers. Before leaving the area, a Deepground helicopter appears and attacks Vincent. Managing to operate a turret, Vincent opens fire on it until it the helicopter flies off. Having fended off the helicopter, Vincent proceeds to through the gate.

Lower Junon - Section 2

Walking through the streets, Vincent continues to dodge more attacks by Deepground Soldiers. Near the end of the area, Vincent finds a ladder to a lower area of Junon. Descending it, Vincent finds himself forced to operate a turret once again; as the Deepground helicopter returns using missiles along with its standard machine guns. Forcing the helicopter to retreat once more, Vincent finds another ladder descending even further into the bowels of Junon. The onslaught of Deepground soldiers continues as Vincent kills them one after another until he finds a passage to another area.

Lower Junon - Section 3

Entering a decrepit part of Junon, Vincent proceeds through the area watching for Deepground soldiers or snipers. Halfway through the section, he comes across a woman pleading to a Deepground solider because she has a family.

"They will soon join you." The Deepground soldier states as he takes aim.

Vincent quickly draws and shoots the guard. Thanking him, the mother runs off in search of safety as Vincent continues his journey. Nearing an open door, barriers suddenly appear as numerous Deepground soldiers spring into action and try to take on Vincent. While killing some of the Deepground soldiers, Vincent changes into Galiant Beast and makes quick work of them before proceeding through the now open door. 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Warehouse Basement

Inside the warehouse, Vincent watches as a child screams for help as a Crimson hound carries him off in his teeth through a gateway that locks. Searching for the key card, Vincent finds ammo and Deepground soldiers. After finding the card key, Vincent heads back for the locked gateway eliminating any Deepground soldiers along the way. Unlocking the barrier gate, Vincent slowly proceeds through.

Warehouse - Level 1

As Vincent reaches the first floor of the warehouse, the Crimson hound rushes by and through another closing gate as the child screams, "Help me." Beginning his search for yet another key card, Vincent finds a Hi-Potion before shots ring past him from oncoming Deepground soldiers. Quickly killing them, he finds the key card and rushes back to the locked gate and through it up to the next level.

Warehouse - Level 2

Vanishing through the yet another door, Vincent manages to catch a glimpse of the Crimson Hound's tail. Proceeding through a second corridor, Vincent finds the key card and prepares to head back to the gate as Deepground soldiers attack. Killing them with ease, Vincent uses the barrels about to his advantage. Back at the locked gate, Vincent unleashes the barriers and enters the gate not knowing what to expect. 

Warehouse - Level 3

Up on the third floor, Vincent finds a room filled with boxes, empty aside from a ladder. Climbing up the ladder, Vincent spots the Crimson hound as it escapes through a doorway. As he prepares to head in the direction of the door, a Deepground helicopter appears. Manning a turret, Vincent makes quick work of the helicopter as it explodes and watches the wreckage hit the ocean. Passing through the door, Vincent spots the boy. "Help, save me" he calls out, as the Crimson Hound rushes toward Vincent. Killing the beast, the boy runs up to Vincent.

"Thanks Mister, at first I thought you were the monster, who took everyone away. Sorry."

The child leaves as Rosso descends a stairway from the roof, and looks to Vincent.

"So, we meet again darling… and just as I was getting tired of toying with… these insects. I needed a little more excitement in my day. I’ll make you pay for what you did to me last time."

Smiling, Rosso turns and heads up the stairway she had just came from as Vincent chases after her.

Warehouse Roof

Upon reaching the top of the staircase, Vincent spots Rosso standing up on a container. Rosso asks if Vincent thinks he can defeat her guards. Vincent takes cover by dodge rolling and killing the various guards as they come out from behind objects. Using various items to keep up his health and or modifying Cerberus with items; Vincent manages to kill all of Rosso’s guards.


Vanishing from the container, Rosso appears before Vincent and punches him; causing him to go over the edge of the building. As Rosso walks toward the edge, she sees Vincent hanging on with one hand. Kneeling before him, Vincent pulls him self up and follows it with a back flip to the perpendicular building. Taking aim with Cerberus, he fires at a set of barrels behind Rosso. As they explode, he jumps down and through a hallway as the flames from the explosion follow until he arrives at a safe distance.

As the smoke clears, Rosso is kneeling and laughing a bit as she comments:

"You are just to much fun, my darling Vincent."

Meanwhile, Vincent calls Reeve. "I took care of Deepground." he says.

"Thank goodness, will you reach the ship in time?" Reeve asks.

"Yeah, I'm heading for the docks now."

Running through the various buildings toward the docks, Vincent jumps back as a pair of bladed weapons puncture the very ground where Vincent stood no less then a second before. Looking up, Vincent sees Rosso smiling as she stands upon a barrel.

"Where are you going? We've only just started playing. I must simply be the one… to kill you." 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Dock - Section 1

Shooting Rosso, Vincent watches as she leaps up and vanishes; continues through a maze of cargo and ship containers. Along the way, an announcement is made that the ship will leave in 80 seconds. Rushing, Vincent shoots the various Deepground soldiers and Shrikes he comes across as they place barriers up in an attempt to stop him. After killing the last Shrike, the final barrier drops allowing Vincent to enter the corridor.

Dock - Section 2

Outside of the corridor, Vincent witnesses that the ship has begun to leave and estimates he has about 270 seconds before he will have no chance at catching the ship. Killing various Deepground soldiers along the way, he encounters Rosso who taunts him before engaging in a brief fight.

"Maybe you can catch the next ship, darling."

As he fighters her, Vincent manages to force her into a retreat. However, before leaving she laughs at him before vanishing. Continuing through the maze of shipments on the dock, Vincent encounters more Deepground soldiers until meeting up with Rosso once more.

"It's been fun darling, but now you die."

Using the same method as before, Vincent manages to chase her away.

"You're running out of time running, Vincent." she comments as she flies off. Dashing, Vincent manages to make it to the end of the dock.

Catch the Ship

Dashing, Vincent leaps into the air as the ship moves further away from the dock. Landing on the deck of the ship, he turns to see Rosso chasing after him on the dock before stopping. Taking out a cell phone similar to Shelke's; she hesitates momentarily.

"Orders are Orders."

"Such a Pity." Rosso says as she closes her hand around the phone. Meanwhile, Nero floats above the dock where he can see both Rosso and the ship that Vincent is aboard.

"More… I must have more."

"I want to feel your Darkness deep inside me." Nero whispers as he vanishes into his void of darkness.

On the Ship

Passengers walk about the ship deck as Vincent descends a flight of stairs. Looking around, as he passes by a room in hallway where music can be heard. Stepping inside, Vincent recognizes the song:

"This music…" Vincent remarks has his mind fades white and recalls a time when as a Turk he and Lucrecia danced. "Vincent" Lucrecia says,

"Yes?" Vincent asks.

"Dance with me." Lucrecia asks as she turns a radio on. Shocked Vincent backs away replying: 

"W-What, no… no I can't dance."

"So you don't like me." she responds as she takes hold of his hand and begins to guide him as they begin dancing. "No, no that's not what I…" he begins to say before being interrupted by her response. "Then dance with me."

Continuing to dance as Lucrecia comments, "See, it isn't that bad is it."

As the memory fades and Vincent returns back to reality, he soon realizes that passengers have begun shouting for help as Sahagins appear and enter the room with Vincent. 


Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Ship Exterior

Killing the two Sahagin in the room, Vincent rushes out of the room and is met by a sailor that informs him of the ship's status of being invaded and sinking.

"The life rafts have jammed, and the security barriers are active; please help the passengers escape."

Vincent begins eliminating the invading Sahagin and Gargoyles on the ship as he searches the area to deactivate barriers and unlock the rafts full of passengers. After freeing the first raft and barrier, Vincent frees the second raft before manning a turret as hordes of Gargoyles appear. Remedying the problem, Vincent unlocks that last barrier and raft. As it descends, a woman jumps off the raft shouting "My Research!" and dashes by Vincent and into the ship. Vincent soon follows after her as he yells.

"Wait, get back on the raft! Its dangerous!"

Mystery Woman

Inside the ship Vincent catches up with the woman. "You can't go back." he says, "But my luggage?" the mysterious woman replies.

"Leave it."

"No… I cant, all of my research will go to waste."


Vincent recalls another moment with Lucrecia due to the remarkable resemblance this woman has to her. The two are dancing within the research lab as Vincent comments, "Yeah, this isn’t… too bad." Next to where they are dancing, the Protomateria is sitting on the desk as Vincent notices it.

"Huh… isn't that?" Vincent asks.

"That's your…oh never mind." Lucrecia begins to say before stopping herself.

"Is it important?" Vincent asks.

"Yes, very important." Lucrecia states as the memory fades to the current situation. Inside the ship, Vincent turns to the mysterious woman and asks if it's important. "Yes, very important." the mysterious woman replies. "Alright, but I'm coming too." Vincent commands.

Ship Interior

"Stay close." Vincent tells the woman as she acknowledges. Delving into the lower decks of the ship, Vincent leads the woman who resembles Lucrecia to find her luggage. Her appearance is uncanny if only that she wears her hair down and wears green pants and jacket with a black shirt underneath. Vincent and the woman come across Sahagins. Upon reaching the lowest level, the woman spots her luggage and speaks with Vincent.

"I found it."

"Come on, we have to get out of here." Vincent says as they turn to leave and head back for the deck of the ship. Racing up the various corridors of the ship as it slowly sinks and is filling up with water, they encounter more Sahagins forcing Vincent to change into Galiant Beast and eliminate the rest of them.

Protect the Woman

"Thank you so much." the woman says to Vincent outside the ship; "My research is safe. It means everything to me." As she leaves and Vincent watches her go, "thank you" she says once more as it brings back memories of the time he as a Turk danced with Lucrecia. "Sometimes… I get so involved with my research that I lose myself." Lucrecia says before continuing, "When ever that happens though, … you always come to my rescue… thank you Vincent."

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing… I just wanted to thank you." Lucrecia comments as the memory fades away to Vincent leaning over the rail as the raft carrying away the mysterious woman floats away. Pondering about these flashbacks, he attempts to understand what happened back then.

"Her research… wasn't it the Jenova project?"

"She… was in… pain. I…"


"Is it important?"

"Yes, very important." he recalls the mysterious woman claiming.

"Yes, very important." It was the same thing Lucrecia had said.

Final Obstacle

Continuing the debate of what Lucrecia could have been researching and furthermore what could have been tearing away at her. Nero appears high above the ship behind Vincent. "I want more… I want to know everything." he says.

"Perhaps this will prove affective."

Creating an orb of darkness, Nero sends it off toward both the ship and Vincent.

"Darkness lies stagnate in the depths of your soul. I shall assist you in releasing that terrible dark energy."

Turning, Vincent spots the black orb and draws Cerberus. Shooting it proves useless forcing him to leap over it and land behind various crates on the deck of the ship. As the orb floats about where Vincent had stood moments ago; a massive Black Widow steps out from within the void before it vanishing.

Ship Sub-Deck

The fight begins by Vincent firing consistently at the massive Black Widow. Suddenly, the Black Widow hops to another area. Running to the new area, Vincent finds a set of switches. Upon activating them, platforms rise with barrels on them. Using them to his advantage, Vincent explodes the barrels as the Black Widow nears them. After sustaining minimal damage, the Black Widow jumps to the upper deck of the ship with Vincent following close behind.

Black Widow Battle

Reaching an area where Cerberus will do the most damage, Vincent prepares to attack when the Black Widow leaps over Vincent's head and unleashes its' Beam Cannon knocking Vincent against a wall of the ship. Leaning against the ship, the Protomateria lies exposed from Vincent's chest causing Vincent to recall another moment of Lucrecia holding the protomateria.

"Were you in pain?"

"Back then… I couldn't…"

"I have to make it there…to Shin-Ra Manor."

Vincent stands up and steps forward as if filled with a newly found strength.

"To find out about her."

Ship Main Deck

Attacking the Black Widow with Cerberus while periodically changing into Galiant Beast; he eventually destroys the Black Widow and watches as it goes over the edge of the ship. The ship begins to capsize and Vincent ends up sinking below as crates and barrels float about him. "Not much longer now." Vincent thinks before he begins to hear Lucrecia’s voice.

"I’m… sorry, I… can't take it anymore."


A bubble floats up near Vincent's face when an image of Lucrecia sitting on the ground of the lab frustrated appears in his mind.


"Live… Vincent."

Surfacing Vincent floats about surrounded by the wreckage of the ship when he slowly starts to rise out of the water. Moments later, a submarine appears below him as it raises itself to the surface. Turning toward the hatch as he hears it open, Cait Sith pops out.

"Vincent, ya nae look'in good ged. I knew something was up. Glad I dropped in to see ya." said the little fur-ball in an outlandish Scottish accent.

"Cait Sith… hmf … Reeve." Vincent replies.

"Well done laddy, No.3 ready and at yer service."

Vincent Saved

As Vincent and the little cat known as Cait Sith walk toward the Sub's front railing; Cait Sith speaks his mind.

"I didn't feel right bout things."

"So I followed ye…er and came to help."

"Yeah, thanks." Vincent says.

"Donna mention it, anyway I still feel something's not right."

The ship continues it course; a darkness follows. Nero becomes visible within the darkness and says, "At last. I have borne witness to the darkness inside you." 

Meanwhile, Cait Sith continues, "Something got to be afoot, an round here too."

"Just as strong as I thought. Your darkness… that stagnate life; you are more like us then you know. But it seems I have other matters, which need attending."

"An intruder in my most precious… precious place."

"All who come close to him will be eliminated."

"Vincent Valentine, we shall meet soon enough." Nero says concluding before vanishing into his void of darkness and disappearing.

Meanwhile, Vincent thinks out loud of what he believes is about to unfold.

"Shin-Ra Manor."

"Everything, everything started there."

"All of my sins… call that place home."

"I might find something out about her… her research."


Images flood Vincent's mind as images of Lucrecia, Hojo, being in the tube, seeing the protomateria, Lucrecia within the crystal, and the Shin-Ra Manor entrance.

"I'm going back, again."

"To the place you were, to Shin-Ra Manor."

As Vincent and Cait Sith enter in the submarine, it continues its' course as two helicopters join it in a escort toward Costa del Sol.

TO BE CONTINUED IN… Dirge of Cerberus – Final Fantasy VII


S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Well, well, well...

If it isn't a blast from TLS past. Good to see you active again.

Thanks very much for bringing the script to people's attention once more. I always find it strange how few members are aware of its existence. I've had a copy of it for years but I can't remember if I got it from you or Souya directly.

Anyways, for anyone interested, the full script along with loads of in-game images has been hosted at FFVII Excavation for many moons. The only problem is that the admin there doesn't tend to do a good job of giving credit to others for translations, etc (including one from myself that was lifted direct from TLS). A very useful archive, nonetheless.
Last edited:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Vincent carries luggage?! I find that funny for some reason. :D

Anyhow, welcome back Ravynne. ^_^ Also, thank you!!!

EDIT: Read slower and more carefully, woman had the luggage. :P

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
the full script along with loads of in-game images has been hosted at FFVII Excavation for many moons.

Oh, my bad. Well, I couldn't find that and TLS rightfully has its own copy so get to posting it.

I'm not back. I'm just stopping by to drop off that script since someone asked me about it and it didn't seem to be on TLS or anywhere else easily googled. I do still exist, though.


That's sick:D
Seems I should take another month to study in this.
Here is just like a treasure bowl to explore LOL
As my first example of using forum modding powers, I moved this thread from the Pre-Crisis section to the Post-Crisis section, where it belongs. If any errors occurred as a result of my inexperience with these tools please let me know.
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