Dilly Dally, Shilly Shally alternative lines


The Pixie King
I was just looking up the meaning of ズルズルズルズル
I'm kinda unclear if it's a used to vocalize the sound of dragging, or the sound of sniffling

If it's dragging, an alternative could be

俺には誰も助けられないと思うんだ。家族だろうが、仲間だろうが・・・ 誰も
Cloud "I know I’m not fit to help anyone. Not my family, not my friends… No one."

ティファ ズルズルズルズル
Tifa "It just goes on and on..."

ティファ ズルズルズルズル!
Tifa "On and on, and on and on!"

レノ いつまで引きずってるんだ、と
Reno "How long ya gonna keep draggin' it on, yo? / Ya gotta stop bein' such a drag, yo."

If its the sound of sniffling, then something like "Boo-hoo, woe is me"

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So Tifa is either saying "you're boring me" or "qq, man up".


The Pixie King
No, it's that he's not moving on, and it's holding him back. It keeps coming back to him blaming himself


Double Growth
I always figured this was a simple enough solution,

"Dragging, dragging, always dragging."

"Why are you always dragging?!"

Any other two syllable word would work, but it should sttill be slightly cryptic so that it makes sense for Cloud to look confused and for Reno to explain that "she wants you to move on, man."


I'm still really confused about how Tifa saying the same Japanese word eight times can translate so many different ways, but I'm enjoying this exchange.


Double Growth
I always heard that it's the onomatopoeia from dragging something, though. And the "dragging" is referenced later when he says he feels lighter.


The Pixie King
Yeah, I can't remember how they translated it, something like "no more dilly dallying" This is just my shitty translation

クラウド 軽くなったきがする
Cloud "It feels like a weight's been lifted."

ティファ ん?
Tifa "Huh?"

クラウド 引きずりすぎて、すり減ったかな
Cloud "After all that dragging, it's been worn away."
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